Real Progressives Vote Jill Stein

That's the nice way of viewing it. The reality is Hillary has been shown to be an outright felon:

to rightwingnut pondscum only.

I'm pretty sure dumb Donald is guilty of criminal fraud which is why he paid off the prosecutors in texas and florida.

not to mention what looks to be some type of anti-US agenda with Russia.

but you can keep pretending.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

it's so cute how rightwingnuts encouraged dems to vote for Bernie and now want dems to vote for jill stein.

adorable. now be a good boy and go vote for your fascist bigot who looks to be on his way to a trouncing.

btw, jill stein is a nutty anti-vaxer....

thanks anyway. :cuckoo:

Is Green Party Candidate Jill Stein 'Anti-Vaccine'?
CLAIM: Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein has stated that she opposes the use of vaccines.


I don't know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn't allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn't be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-industrial complex.

Vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health. Reducing or eliminating devastating diseases like smallpox and polio. In Canada, where I happen to have some numbers, hundreds of annual death from measles and whooping cough were eliminated after vaccines were introduced. Still, vaccines should be treated like any medical procedure — each one needs to be tested and regulated by parties that do not have a financial interest in them. In an age when industry lobbyists and CEOs are routinely appointed to key regulatory positions through the notorious revolving door, its no wonder many Americans don’t trust the FDA to be an unbiased source of sound advice. Monsanto lobbyists and CEOs like Michael Taylor, former high-ranking DEA official, should not decide what food is safe for you to eat. Same goes for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. We need to take the corporate influence out of government so people will trust our health authorities, and the rest of the government for that matter. End the revolving door. Appoint qualified professionals without a financial interest in the product being regulated. Create public funding of elections to stop the buying of elections by corporations and the super-rich.
it's so cute how rightwingnuts encouraged dems to vote for Bernie and now want dems to vote for jill stein.

adorable. now be a good boy and go vote for your fascist bigot who looks to be on his way to a trouncing.

btw, jill stein is a nutty anti-vaxer....

thanks anyway. :cuckoo:

Why would anyone advocate for a felon? That's insanity; I won't contribute to it.
Trump, Clinton ‘Have Not Earned Our Vote,' says Jill Stein

Stephanopoulos pressed Stein: “What do you to say to those voters who would worry that, by voting for you, that are progressives, that are liberals, that are Democrats, that by voting for you they would actually help elect Donald Trump?”

Stein called such concerns “the politics of fear."

People are told to "vote against who you're scared of, rather than for the candidate who represents your values," she said. "What we have seen over the years is that this politics of fear actually delivered everything that we were afraid of.”

"All the reasons people were told to vote for the lesser evil, because you didn't want the offshoring of our jobs, you didn't want the massive bailouts for Wall Street. You didn't want the endless expanding wars, the attack on immigrants. That's actually what we've gotten," she said.
The Green Party isn't a real party. It's a club for disgruntled democrats.

I should know, I'm a Green .. who will be voting for Clinton.
The Green Party isn't a real party. It's a club for disgruntled democrats.

I should know, I'm a Green .. who will be voting for Clinton.
Which are you, neocon, neoliberal or both?

I'm Black and socialist.

Laissez-faire economics is a libertarian wet dream .. but exists nowhere on planet earth outside of that dream.

Neocons are racist.
Then why on earth would you be voting for Hillary Clinton? You realize that she is both right?
The Green Party isn't a real party. It's a club for disgruntled democrats.

I should know, I'm a Green .. who will be voting for Clinton.
Which are you, neocon, neoliberal or both?

I'm Black and socialist.

Laissez-faire economics is a libertarian wet dream .. but exists nowhere on planet earth outside of that dream.

Neocons are racist.
Then why on earth would you be voting for Hillary Clinton? You realize that she is both right?

Voting is about PURPOSE. Clinton serves the purpose of doing something serious about police terrorism .. my number one issue above all else.

You can vote for whomever you want .. I'll do the same.
The Green Party isn't a real party. It's a club for disgruntled democrats.

I should know, I'm a Green .. who will be voting for Clinton.
Which are you, neocon, neoliberal or both?

I'm Black and socialist.

Laissez-faire economics is a libertarian wet dream .. but exists nowhere on planet earth outside of that dream.

Neocons are racist.
Then why on earth would you be voting for Hillary Clinton? You realize that she is both right?

Voting is about PURPOSE. Clinton serves the purpose of doing something serious about police terrorism .. my number one issue above all else.

You can vote for whomever you want .. I'll do the same.
Good luck with that

Looks like another closet gay Trump supporter is spamming Jill Stein.

This is what they've resorted to.

Using homophobic slurs? Well, isn't that progressive of you. And making one solitary thread as a concerned citizen to rationally discuss the best and only progressive presidential candidate is spamming? I think you should ask yourself what your m.o. is / what you've "resorted to."
Like you insinuating that voters are crazy, do you need to re-evaluate you use of a slur?
The Green Party isn't a real party. It's a club for disgruntled democrats.

I should know, I'm a Green .. who will be voting for Clinton.
Which are you, neocon, neoliberal or both?

I'm Black and socialist.

Laissez-faire economics is a libertarian wet dream .. but exists nowhere on planet earth outside of that dream.

Neocons are racist.
Then why on earth would you be voting for Hillary Clinton? You realize that she is both right?

Voting is about PURPOSE. Clinton serves the purpose of doing something serious about police terrorism .. my number one issue above all else.

You can vote for whomever you want .. I'll do the same.
Good luck with that

Luck has nothing to do with it brother.

Clinton NEEDS energized black voters to win this election. .. and she will need the same energized black voters to get re-elected. She knows that if she doesn't produce, those voters will sit on their hands.

This isn't about luck .. it's about demand.

I'm guessing that you're a libertarian.

... good luck with that.
Which are you, neocon, neoliberal or both?

I'm Black and socialist.

Laissez-faire economics is a libertarian wet dream .. but exists nowhere on planet earth outside of that dream.

Neocons are racist.
Then why on earth would you be voting for Hillary Clinton? You realize that she is both right?

Voting is about PURPOSE. Clinton serves the purpose of doing something serious about police terrorism .. my number one issue above all else.

You can vote for whomever you want .. I'll do the same.
Good luck with that

Luck has nothing to do with it brother.

Clinton NEEDS energized black voters to win this election. .. and she will need the same energized black voters to get re-elected. She knows that if she doesn't produce, those voters will sit on their hands.

This isn't about luck .. it's about demand.

I'm guessing that you're a libertarian.

... good luck with that.

No need to guess, I am a socially conscious liberal.
Have you checked out Stein's VP pick, Ajamu Baraka? He proudly refers to Obama as an "Uncle Tom".

Jill Stein's VP doubles down on calling Obama "Uncle Tom" in truly wild town hall

The Wild Beliefs of Ajamu Baraka, Jill Stein’s Green Party Running Mate

Just the kind of guy we want as VP. Spends his days hating Israel, and claiming that international efforts against Boko Haram are just a plot to steal Nigeria's oil. And he's said how Bernie Sanders was committed to white supremacy. Yeah, way to pull in the Sanders voters.

And Stein? She goes to Moscow as Putin's guest and gives a public speech badmouthing the USA. Such a good Putin-patsie. No wonder the Trump fans love her too. Two Putin-patsies in a pod, Trump and Stein.

Stein also wants to ban all pesticides and GMO crops, which would lead to mass starvation. She'd get even more people killed than Trump.
Have you checked out Stein's VP pick, Ajamu Baraka? He proudly refers to Obama as an "Uncle Tom".

Jill Stein's VP doubles down on calling Obama "Uncle Tom" in truly wild town hall

The Wild Beliefs of Ajamu Baraka, Jill Stein’s Green Party Running Mate

Just the kind of guy we want as VP. Spends his days hating Israel, and claiming that international efforts against Boko Haram are just a plot to steal Nigeria's oil. And he's said how Bernie Sanders was committed to white supremacy. Yeah, way to pull in the Sanders voters.

And Stein? She goes to Moscow as Putin's guest and gives a public speech badmouthing the USA. Such a good Putin-patsie. No wonder the Trump fans love her too. Two Putin-patsies in a pod, Trump and Stein.
Stein also wants to ban all pesticides and GMO crops, which would lead to mass starvation. She'd get even more people killed than Trump.
She'd get even more people killed than Trump.

But not as many as Hillary I'm guessing.

Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

You forgot:

* hug tree

* kiss tree

* have sex with tree

* have tree children that will absorb more CO2 emissions.
Have you checked out Stein's VP pick, Ajamu Baraka? He proudly refers to Obama as an "Uncle Tom".

Jill Stein's VP doubles down on calling Obama "Uncle Tom" in truly wild town hall

The Wild Beliefs of Ajamu Baraka, Jill Stein’s Green Party Running Mate

Just the kind of guy we want as VP. Spends his days hating Israel, and claiming that international efforts against Boko Haram are just a plot to steal Nigeria's oil. And he's said how Bernie Sanders was committed to white supremacy. Yeah, way to pull in the Sanders voters.

And Stein? She goes to Moscow as Putin's guest and gives a public speech badmouthing the USA. Such a good Putin-patsie. No wonder the Trump fans love her too. Two Putin-patsies in a pod, Trump and Stein.
Stein also wants to ban all pesticides and GMO crops, which would lead to mass starvation. She'd get even more people killed than Trump.
She'd get even more people killed than Trump.

But not as many as Hillary I'm guessing.


Hillary would basically be FDR terms 3 and 4. We all know how that went.

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