Real Progressives Vote Jill Stein

I was trying to use language you would understand. You people used to see socialism in everything that wasn't free market idealism before you adopted Bernie's platform.

Trump has adopted Bernie's platform? No, that's the Dems. They basically adopted much of his platform to try and retain Bernie voters. The Bernie voters Trump attempts to get are the ones who believe the system is rigged. But they're not doing it through adopting some sort of socialist platform.

I'll give you this. You're not completely wrong. Repubs in large part have accepted socialism to a significant degree. They're not talking about banning Social Security and welfare and medicare. So, it's a mixed bag. But this election isn't really about these definitions you present. It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.
It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.

You are being played the fool. More like it's about handing Hillary the keys to the white house.

That's a nice bottom line if that's how you see it. But you make no case for it; so, I would be delving into conjecture to even argue your conclusion. If you believe the conspiracy bla bla bla, then fine. But it's readily apparent, the corruption just in our voting system. That has been on display. That's no conspiracy. This has been the case on both sides. Maybe, you're cynical and think it won't be changed all the same; but my point is that Trump/Sanders supporters are being a voice to that end.
Yeah I'm cynical. It's difficult for me to believe a bunch of Johnny come lately's parading behind an orange colored cartoon character that have all flipped flopped on their historic positions can be the answer to our problems. I think we are all being played, call it a hunch.
I was trying to use language you would understand. You people used to see socialism in everything that wasn't free market idealism before you adopted Bernie's platform.

Trump has adopted Bernie's platform? No, that's the Dems. They basically adopted much of his platform to try and retain Bernie voters. The Bernie voters Trump attempts to get are the ones who believe the system is rigged. But they're not doing it through adopting some sort of socialist platform.

I'll give you this. You're not completely wrong. Repubs in large part have accepted socialism to a significant degree. They're not talking about banning Social Security and welfare and medicare. So, it's a mixed bag. But this election isn't really about these definitions you present. It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.
It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.

You are being played the fool. More like it's about handing Hillary the keys to the white house.

That's a nice bottom line if that's how you see it. But you make no case for it; so, I would be delving into conjecture to even argue your conclusion. If you believe the conspiracy bla bla bla, then fine. But it's readily apparent, the corruption just in our voting system. That has been on display. That's no conspiracy. This has been the case on both sides. Maybe, you're cynical and think it won't be changed all the same; but my point is that Trump/Sanders supporters are being a voice to that end.
Yeah I'm cynical. It's difficult for me to believe a bunch of Johnny come lately's parading behind an orange colored cartoon character that have all flipped flopped on their historic positions can be the answer to our problems. I think we are all being played, call it a hunch.

We are being played. It's a plutocracy.
I was trying to use language you would understand. You people used to see socialism in everything that wasn't free market idealism before you adopted Bernie's platform.

Trump has adopted Bernie's platform? No, that's the Dems. They basically adopted much of his platform to try and retain Bernie voters. The Bernie voters Trump attempts to get are the ones who believe the system is rigged. But they're not doing it through adopting some sort of socialist platform.

I'll give you this. You're not completely wrong. Repubs in large part have accepted socialism to a significant degree. They're not talking about banning Social Security and welfare and medicare. So, it's a mixed bag. But this election isn't really about these definitions you present. It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.
It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.

You are being played the fool. More like it's about handing Hillary the keys to the white house.

That's a nice bottom line if that's how you see it. But you make no case for it; so, I would be delving into conjecture to even argue your conclusion. If you believe the conspiracy bla bla bla, then fine. But it's readily apparent, the corruption just in our voting system. That has been on display. That's no conspiracy. This has been the case on both sides. Maybe, you're cynical and think it won't be changed all the same; but my point is that Trump/Sanders supporters are being a voice to that end.
Yeah I'm cynical. It's difficult for me to believe a bunch of Johnny come lately's parading behind an orange colored cartoon character that have all flipped flopped on their historic positions can be the answer to our problems. I think we are all being played, call it a hunch.

But you'll vote for an airhead who actually thinks she can provide millions of jobs and fund a safety net and free college n stuff by running around babbling a cognitively dissonant collection of slogans? Throwing open our borders and then trying to fund all that wonderful stuff is just insanity and too many days and nights sitting around a bong staring at lava lamps and watching Billy Jack movies in an affluent suburb somewhere. Jill Stein is the candidate for hippies and trust fund radicals, but she isn't Presidential material and would be disaster when the sharks start circling and American isolationism starts a big free for all around the planet among the Animal Kingdoms as they start to pick each other apart. I'm sure your ilk will always have some sort of handwave and excuse for the failures and slaughter your inane 'policies' will generate, though, in your case probably 'Da JOOOOS!!!' or some variation thereof.
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Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

With all this Marxist nonsense, I suspect someone already pointed out reality of such collectivist tyranny, but just in case...

I was trying to use language you would understand. You people used to see socialism in everything that wasn't free market idealism before you adopted Bernie's platform.

Trump has adopted Bernie's platform? No, that's the Dems. They basically adopted much of his platform to try and retain Bernie voters. The Bernie voters Trump attempts to get are the ones who believe the system is rigged. But they're not doing it through adopting some sort of socialist platform.

I'll give you this. You're not completely wrong. Repubs in large part have accepted socialism to a significant degree. They're not talking about banning Social Security and welfare and medicare. So, it's a mixed bag. But this election isn't really about these definitions you present. It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.
It's about taking back democracy, which has clearly been hijacked.

You are being played the fool. More like it's about handing Hillary the keys to the white house.

That's a nice bottom line if that's how you see it. But you make no case for it; so, I would be delving into conjecture to even argue your conclusion. If you believe the conspiracy bla bla bla, then fine. But it's readily apparent, the corruption just in our voting system. That has been on display. That's no conspiracy. This has been the case on both sides. Maybe, you're cynical and think it won't be changed all the same; but my point is that Trump/Sanders supporters are being a voice to that end.
Yeah I'm cynical. It's difficult for me to believe a bunch of Johnny come lately's parading behind an orange colored cartoon character that have all flipped flopped on their historic positions can be the answer to our problems. I think we are all being played, call it a hunch.

But you'll vote for an airhead who actually thinks she can provide millions of jobs and fund a safety net and free college n stuff by running around babbling a cognitively dissonant collection of slogans? Throwing open our borders and then trying to fund all that wonderful stuff is just insanity and too many days and nights sitting around a bong staring at lava lamps and watching Billy Jack movies in an affluent suburb somewhere. Jill Stein is the candidate for hippies and trust fund radicals, but she isn't Presidential material and would be disaster when the sharks start circling and American isolationism starts a big free for all around the planet among the Animal Kingdoms as they start to pick each other apart. I'm sure your ilk will always have some sort of handwave and excuse for the failures and slaughter your inane 'policies' will generate, though, in your case probably 'Da JOOOOS!!!' or some variation thereof.
Yes, I will vote for her. I share the moral values that she espouses, values that this country would benefit from adopting. Why, are you concerned that my vote will propel her to the oval office?

Judge Rejects Third-Party Bid to Share Stage

A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by the Green and Libertarian parties seeking a space on the debate stage alongside the Democrat/Republican “duopoly.”

The complaint, launched last fall, presented an anti-trust argument against the Commission on Presidential Debates, saying that a “cognizable political campaign market” is being corrupted by the commission’s rules, which bar a candidate from debating unless they are polling at 15 percent or higher.

“Plaintiffs in this case have not alleged a non-speculative injury traceable to the Commission,” wrote (pdf) U.S District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer, an appointee of former President George W. Bush.

“Plaintiffs’ alleged injuries are wholly speculative and are dependent entirely on media coverage decisions,” Collyer continued. “The alleged injuries—failure to receive media coverage and to garner votes, federal matching funds, and campaign contributions—were caused by the lack of popular support of the candidates and their parties sufficient to attract media attention.”
Debunking the media’s smear campaign against Green presidential candidate Jill Stein

The New York Times wrote, “Third parties have become little more than attention-seeking mechanisms that pop up every four years, then settle back into obscurity.”

The New Republic published an article called, 'The Green Party Has No Shame', which referred to the apparent cheek of the party in appealing to Sanders supporters who don’t want to fall in line behind Clinton.

“The difference between Stein and Hillary Clinton is striking, and leaves little doubt as to the former’s lack of preparedness for the office,” it read. “Her performance more closely resembles the debacle of a Trump presser, especially when Stein bumbles her way through an explanation of her muddled position on vaccinations, which skirts dangerously close to anti-vax territory.”

The Huffington Post, founded by long-time Democratic Party operative Arianna Huffington, published a number of anti-Stein articles including ‘The Progressive case against the Green Party’s Jill Stein,’ which paints her as a peddler of fear and paranoia and a panderer to the fringe.

‘Jill Stein’s dangerous anti-science campaign’describes her as “shrewd” and Trump-like.

Didn't know how to post the tweet.....Someone tweeted that Morn J had not had JS on once. But then they put this ass clown on, posthaste:

NYT, TNR etc.... they are ALL for Hillary because...

1. Hillary will start fresh new wars in the Middle East to help ISRAEL, the only country NYT and TNR care about
2. Hillary will prevent any re-opening of the 911 investigation, the #1 cause of Zionism this election
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

And no more vaccinations and maybe an end to floridated water!
NYT, TNR etc.... they are ALL for Hillary because...

1. Hillary will start fresh new wars in the Middle East to help ISRAEL, the only country NYT and TNR care about
2. Hillary will prevent any re-opening of the 911 investigation, the #1 cause of Zionism this election
wait wait wait, didn't the VERY right tell us Hillary was pro-Iran?
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

it's so cute how rightwingnuts encouraged dems to vote for Bernie and now want dems to vote for jill stein.

adorable. now be a good boy and go vote for your fascist bigot who looks to be on his way to a trouncing.

btw, jill stein is a nutty anti-vaxer....

thanks anyway. :cuckoo:

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