Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

You are another example of the true Trump Derangement Syndrom are those MAGA whackos.
They cannot handle the truth about Trump activities. They lie in an attempt to interfere with a legitimate investigation.
They want no guardrails on what can do.
Translation into English please?
Open borders ? They’re oNLY open because the US corporations and business need their labor. They are migrating from countries that are unstable. The only way Trump could mitigate the immigration was to,have a recession, covid crisis and make America less stable.
Trump had remain in Mexico that had nothing to do with Covid. Stop lying . The open borders are designed and permitted because they want the country destroyed. I guess you do too.
You can't decide what you want or what you are.
You pick capitalism that works for you and support it. You pick liberlism whan it fits your needs.
What makes it disgusting is you think what ever you think is the only way it should be.
And you call yourself a conservati9ve.
You are a lying opportunist.
When FDR started the socialism after the then globalists got the Federal Reserve Act, the 16th Amendment, the 17th Amendment and the 19th Amendment through. Social Security is good. However, the average employee paid less than 1 per cent when started and now pays 15% including employer matching 6.2% of the employee which is his/hers and not really told out loud. That in itself prepared us for getting used to government largesse. We kept a somewhat balanced budget with the Fiat currency except for World War 2 and crisis until the last tie with gold was broken in 1971 because all of the social agendas enacted in the 1960's and social security retirements were rising. Deficits soon enough increased as the social programs and women entered the workforce stagnating wages with higher inflation. The 1970's sucked.
Oddly when you let your religion rule your politics you end up with the likes of Trump

Funny that..

As far as Marx and Soros… I care little about either
They have a lot to do with Ukraine and the Globalists. Joe was treated with kids gloves on every interview he did with Prog shills. They even made statements for him that he could not make. And Jimmy Kimmel even finished sentences for him. Anyone that is a Republican voter will never trust those shills again.
Trump had remain in Mexico that had nothing to do with Covid. Stop lying . The open borders are designed and permitted because they want the country destroyed. I guess you do too.
What a scared little minion. For most in Central America you can read the research or listen to fix News. . You’re obviously FOS.
When FDR started the socialism after the then globalists got the Federal Reserve Act, the 16th Amendment, the 17th Amendment and the 19th Amendment through. Social Security is good. However, the average employee paid less than 1 per cent when started and now pays 15% including employer matching 6.2% of the employee which is his/hers and not really told out loud. That in itself prepared us for getting used to government largesse. We kept a somewhat balanced budget with the Fiat currency except for World War 2 and crisis until the last tie with gold was broken in 1971 because all of the social agendas enacted in the 1960's and social security retirements were rising. Deficits soon enough increased as the social programs and women entered the workforce stagnating wages with higher inflation. The 1970's sucked.
You are an ideological bitch. You pick and choose from both left and right ideologies, that work for you. You have no loyalty to conservatism, so don't call yourself a conservative and criticize liberals.
No one else has had a problem understanding the post. What is your problem? You need to do something, not me.
Ah - you're a Russian troll.

And you're having some communication issues.

If you want to earn your rubles, you need to learn better English so you can troll better & divide us more. :)

This thread is a bit obvious as trollbait goes; maybe work on being a bit more subtle. Concern trolling might be your forte.

And yeah, the USG DeepSwamp is definitely trying to destroy Trump; the witch hunt to end all witch hunts, and the most dangerous of all forms of TDS.
What a scared little minion. For most in Central America you can read the research or listen to fix News. . You’re obviously FOS.
I am not scared. I am disgusted by the sheer volume of traitors on this board.
The ONLY thing crazy is anything you Leftists force on us.
MAGA is neither conservative or liberal. They define MAGA and Trump as conservative. They are not. They define everyone who does not support Trump as liberal. That is not the case.
Trump provides them with this simple description of the world that is false. It is easier to understand the Trump fake world than to understand the real world.
MAGA is a group who cannot handle the real world. Most cults are that way.
Ah - you're a Russian troll.

And you're having some communication issues.

If you want to earn your rubles, you need to learn better English so you can troll better & divide us more. :)

This thread is a bit obvious as trollbait goes; maybe work on being a bit more subtle. Concern trolling might be your forte.

And yeah, the USG DeepSwamp is definitely trying to destroy Trump; the witch hunt to end all witch hunts, and the most dangerous of all forms of TDS.
I try to dumb down my posts so people like you may understand them. They are still to complex for your limited brain to comprehend.
I try to dumb down my posts so people like you may understand them. They are still to complex for your limited brain to comprehend.
Trolling your own thread - an insult to God.

At least the US shitlibs here are sincere in their TDS.

Your deflecting now. You are obviously rattled. Putin is one of Trump's heros.
Still too obvious.

Troll better, komrade. :)

But yeah, Trump supporters are disgusting, but the only thing that will save you from being cannon fodder for Russia in WW3 is Trump.


Still too obvious.

Troll better, komrade. :)

But yeah, Trump supporters are disgusting, but the only thing that will save you from being cannon fodder for Russia in WW3 is Trump.


You feel Russian trolls criticize Trump?

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