Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

Your sources are 2 far riight sources and the Huffingtonn Ppost. I know of no one who declared Obama was divinely sent and most certainly nobody would be callliing him that after 30,,000 lies, 2 impeachments,, an insurrection and indictments for 91 felonies. So just stop trying whataboutisms and false equivalences. There is nothing similar about these 2 presidents..



You really don't understand left and right wing ideology. A typical Trump MAGA member who think they are a conservative but have no idea of conservative ideology or liberal philosophy.
It is way beyond your mental capabilities to understand there are degrees of conservatism and liberalism. Don't even try to comprehend that. Crawl before you walk.
Just cleaning up the endless Prog agendas without eliminating them is considered conservative from the Prog Socialists. The resources we waste. Oy Vey.
The WEF is wants ww3 and that is why they make democrats they control oppose peace deals.

Many Ukrainians are dead today because of democrats.
I have no idea what the “WEF” is supposed to be but many Ukrainians are dead because of a RUSSIAN invasion
When you remove Jesus from your life, you create a void that guys like Marx and Soros will fill.
Oddly when you let your religion rule your politics you end up with the likes of Trump

Funny that..

As far as Marx and Soros… I care little about either
Nothing says capitalism like private live stock bans and vaccine passports.

You're a tard.

Democrats = WEF
You can't decide what you want or what you are.
You pick capitalism that works for you and support it. You pick liberlism whan it fits your needs.
What makes it disgusting is you think what ever you think is the only way it should be.
And you call yourself a conservati9ve.
You are a lying opportunist.
Oddly when you let your religion rule your politics you end up with the likes of Trump

Funny that..

As far as Marx and Soros… I care little about either
Soros is your master. You just don't know it.

You will help bring his great reset to Americans. You either know this, or you're just another "useful idiot".

Democrats = WEF
Soros is your master. You just don't know it.

You will help bring his great reset to Americans. You either know this, or you're just another "useful idiot".

Democrats = WEF
Soros is my master but I don’t know it?

What an asinine claim. I barely know who he is
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
Many Christians feel they cannot support Trump because they feel he is unChristian.

They don't realize how crazy that is.
Our sovereignty is threatened by our open borders. Ukraine can go fuck themselves.
Open borders ? They’re oNLY open because the US corporations and business need their labor. They are migrating from countries that are unstable. The only way Trump could mitigate the immigration was to,have a recession, covid crisis and make America less stable.
No, that is not a fact. Not even close.
Sorry to learn of your love for witch hunts.

When you don't approve of the alleged witch that is - you'd be shrieking were it one of your pets.

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