Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

MAGA is neither conservative or liberal. They define MAGA and Trump as conservative. They are not. They define everyone who does not support Trump as liberal. That is not the case.
Trump provides them with this simple description of the world that is false. It is easier to understand the Trump fake world than to understand the real world.
MAGA is a group who cannot handle the real world. Most cults are that way.
No. So-called conservatives acquiesce and surrender to the enemy, which are DemocRATs. REAL Americans like myself will not compromise our principles for anyone.
the ones defending him, are as nuts as the ones attacking him.

The people who attack him?
Who the fuck is that?
The people who care about America?
The people who want to keep America a republic?
The people who think the law applies to all?
The people the UNDERSTAND the dangers that Trump’s policies are to world peace and prosperity at home?
Just who are the people who attack him?
You misspelled Revolutionaries. This is a war against Liberals and liberalism.
You are talking about a war against America.
You are talking about a minority group, MAGA., trying to impose their ways on all Americans without compromise.
That has happened in many countries through history.
Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Cuba.

This will not happen in the USA. Our system was built to prevent what Trump is trying to do.. Trump is trying to fight the system. The very system built for a democratic republic that will not have a king or a dictator.

There is an energized, loud group supporting Trump, MAGA. they are a substantial minority in the US. They will be defeated.

They were not defeated in Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Cuba in time to prevent an authoritarian rule. Germany and Italy fought back and won. Not so in Russia, China or Cuba.
You are talking about a war against America.
You are talking about a minority group, MAGA., trying to impose their ways on all Americans without compromise.
That has happened in many countries through history.
Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Cuba.

This will not happen in the USA. Our system was built to prevent what Trump is trying to do.. Trump is trying to fight the system. The very system built for a democratic republic that will not have a king or a dictator.

There is an energized, loud group supporting Trump, MAGA. they are a substantial minority in the US. They will be defeated.

They were not defeated in Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Cuba in time to prevent an authoritarian rule. Germany and Italy fought back and won. Not so in Russia, China or Cuba.
See, unlike you, Trump supports freedom. You support Communism and a totalitarian far Left nannystate.
See, unlike you, Trump supports freedom. You support Communism and a totalitarian far Left nannystate.
Freedom is not a President that ignores the seperation of powers that restricts his power.
Freedo9m is not being treated equal because of race, religion or sex..

There is a reason neo-Nazis, white supremacist and KKK support MAHA. Trump wants to restrict freedom of the people the hate groups hate.

Your freedom cannot trample on the rights of another.
Freedom is not a President that ignores the seperation of powers that restricts his power.
Freedo9m is not being treated equal because of race, religion or sex..

There is a reason neo-Nazis, white supremacist and KKK support MAHA. Trump wants to restrict freedom of the people the hate groups hate.

Your freedom cannot trample on the rights of another.
Sure as hell can. See, Faggots, dykes, kidfuckers, whom you and the rest of your diseased far Left piles of dogshit support, don't deserve ANY rights whatsoever, especially when they come for the children.
Sure as hell can. See, Faggots, dykes, kidfuckers, whom you and the rest of your diseased far Left piles of dogshit support, don't deserve ANY rights whatsoever, especially when they come for the children.
Your posts say exactly what type of person you are. Disgusting.
You are as bad as many of the people you allude to.
People like you are the problem.
Truth in your world. You create your world. I am glad I don't live in your world. I create a more pleasant world for my family and me. I associate with people who create a world similar to mine.
You can't live in a false socialist world and feel good about yourself having wat you need while others may get a little more and have and still suffer. True socialism is we all live the same. Whether we work or we do not. And no matter the employment...the same. That is not going to happen. And the ones who have a lot ain't giving it up as we see. They have for decades spouting the glorious ways of socialist living. There are fractures and cracks in the equity employment as there are underlings many times better than their management people and are stuck or just leave. So, we have many more bullshot artists than we have problem solvers as one crumb. Living off the past and printing fiat currency and people not privileged the ones suffering domestically and in foreign lands. The legislation of mindless trillions printed has consequences for those not privileged and did not receive any of the fiat money printed.
You can't live in a false socialist world and feel good about yourself having wat you need while others may get a little more and have and still suffer. True socialism is we all live the same. Whether we work or we do not. And no matter the employment...the same. That is not going to happen. And the ones who have a lot ain't giving it up as we see. They have for decades spouting the glorious ways of socialist living. There are fractures and cracks in the equity employment as there are underlings many times better than their management people and are stuck or just leave. So, we have many more bullshot artists than we have problem solvers as one crumb. Living off the past and printing fiat currency and people not privileged the ones suffering domestically and in foreign lands. The legislation of mindless trillions printed has consequences for those not privileged and did not receive any of the fiat money printed.
You are not living in reality.
I am not a socialist. A pure socialist government is a disaster.
I am a capitalist but do not believe in an unregulated free economy. I believe in a global economy.
I am a business owner who has provided many people good jobs and have paid my fair share in taxes. Because I have been fortunate in our US economy I give back through charities in many areas.
Where do you come up with your description.
I am guessing you define anyone who does not agree with you in the same terms.

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