“Reality has taught us that multi-culti is dead” …


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
(Deutsche-Welle) — Fresh fuel was added to Germany’s ongoing integration debate over the weekend when Horst Seehofer, premier of the state of Bavaria, said Germany should not accept any more Muslim or Arab immigrants.
On the heels of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, in which the German leader reiterated that negotiations for EU membership for Turkey remained “open-ended with no guarantees,” Seehofer called for excluding some groups of immigrants from Germany.
“It is clear that immigrants from other cultural circles, like Turkey or Arabic countries, have a hard time,” he told the weekly news magazine Focus. “That leads me to the conclusion that we do not need any more migrants from other cultural circles.”
At a regional party conference, Seehofer also declared that the Green party’s concept of multiculturalism had failed. “Reality has taught us multi-culti is dead,” he said.
Since August, a debate has been raging in Germany after Thilo Sarrazin, a prominent central banker, who later resigned, said the country was being made “dumber” by poorly educated and unproductive Muslim immigrants and their children.
German President Christian Wulff further fanned the flames on October 3 by saying at celebrations marking 20 years of German reunification that Islam had become “a part of Germany,” earning him sharp rebukes from conservatives.
The state premier of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, rejected Wulff’s assessment saying, “Islam did not belong to the foundations of our republic,” and that Germany did not need to change, but rather the Islamic immigrants.
Multi culti is by no means dead.

It has been going on for many thousands of years and continues to do so at a vastly accelerating rate becuase of increased transportation opportunities. And with the world economy?

We always have multi culti bunps, remember desegreg? womem voting? the hated Irish immigrants? Now that is real funny as many of those opposing immigraton and such are descendents of thoes hated drunken Irish. Check back on US views on irish immigrants.
"Multi culti" doesn't really mean "a mixture of several different races and cultures."

It means "whites get the fuck out".
Yes, you have to live with the n*ggers, your ancestors brought here.

Poor you the oppressed white man exploited by the evil multi-cultural jew liberal media.

Fucking idiots. I'm a libertarian. I fell like if you don't like living in a "multi-cultural society" move. Problem solved.

I'm sure the n*ggers won't miss you.
The "Multi" part is fine (up to a point) as long as the Multi's are white people and they leave their freeking culturalism back in the old country.

America has enough mud-people to last us into the next millennium.

Multi culti is by no means dead.

It has been going on for many thousands of years and continues to do so at a vastly accelerating rate becuase of increased transportation opportunities. And with the world economy?

We always have multi culti bunps, remember desegreg? womem voting? the hated Irish immigrants? Now that is real funny as many of those opposing immigraton and such are descendents of thoes hated drunken Irish. Check back on US views on irish immigrants.

The article is from Germany. And while they have people from other cultures..they aren't really multi-cultural. One never becomes "German" by living in Germany.

It's entirely different in America.
Multi culti is by no means dead.

It has been going on for many thousands of years and continues to do so at a vastly accelerating rate becuase of increased transportation opportunities. And with the world economy?

We always have multi culti bunps, remember desegreg? womem voting? the hated Irish immigrants? Now that is real funny as many of those opposing immigraton and such are descendents of thoes hated drunken Irish. Check back on US views on irish immigrants.

Not sure what Irish immigration has to do with multiculturalism. There was never any question about their desire to assimilate into American culture and embrace its values. Muslims, on the other hand, reject the culture they immigrate to and seem more interested in imposing their way of life even if it means conflict with the native population. Curtailing immigration is the only hope Germans have of preserving their enviable way of life from the Islamic juggernaut.
Multi culturism is a lie. When all the multi cultures do arrive, they are all subjected to an intense program of brainwashing propoganda, and taught how to act and behave in a Eurocentric, American environment. They are told, if you do not conform, you will not be employed , and will not be able to survive in the west.
Multi culti is by no means dead.

It has been going on for many thousands of years and continues to do so at a vastly accelerating rate becuase of increased transportation opportunities. And with the world economy?

We always have multi culti bunps, remember desegreg? womem voting? the hated Irish immigrants? Now that is real funny as many of those opposing immigraton and such are descendents of thoes hated drunken Irish. Check back on US views on irish immigrants.

The article is from Germany. And while they have people from other cultures..they aren't really multi-cultural. One never becomes "German" by living in Germany.

It's entirely different in America.

I'd like to think that that is still true, but it is not certain...

"After the Civil War, this secularized version of the Protestant ethic served as a lodestar for millions of poor immigrants, many from countries with little experience of free markets and democracy. Their assimilation into a culture that they recognized not as Protestant but as American reinvigorated the country, helping to set late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century America on a distinctly different path from much of Europe.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the Irish had largely shaken off poverty and joined the American mainstream. Waves of Southern and Eastern European Catholics followed them, as well as Eastern European Jews—some 20 million immigrants between 1890 and 1925—who quickly replicated the success of the Irish in a country whose institutions emphasized and rewarded hard work, thrift, and self-improvement. Within a single generation, one study shows, the average early-twentieth-century immigrant family had achieved income and educational parity with American-born families, so that the children of these immigrants were just as likely to be accountants, engineers, or lawyers as the children of families rooted here for generations.

Could the schools do what they once did—create educated citizens inculcated with the ethical foundations of capitalism? That would require rededicating the schools to “making Americans,” as Hirsch proposes in his forthcoming book. ...Hirsch’s “Core Knowledge” curriculum, for instance, introduces kindergartners to the Pilgrims, Independence Day, and George Washington; first-graders to Ben Franklin and the concept of law in society; and second-graders to the Constitution as the foundation of our democracy. Other school reformers, according to David Whitman in 'Sweating the Small Stuff,' have raised the achievement of low-income kids by using a “no excuses” model that teaches bourgeois “virtues like diligence, politeness, cleanliness, and thrift.” But these examples amount only to a tiny handful, swimming against the educational mainstream."
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2009

Sadly, too many schools bend in the political winds.

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