Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

Correct, edward. Trump publicly solicited the Marxist running Wikileaks to help him.

How quickly his Chumps forget.

Lying again Guno?

We ALL wish that Russia would find the 33,000 emails Mafia Boss Hillary destroyed.

Has nothing to do with "helping Trump" in the election, Nazi boi.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.
Correct, edward. Trump publicly solicited the Marxist running Wikileaks to help him.

How quickly his Chumps forget.

Lying again Guno?

We ALL wish that Russia would find the 33,000 emails Mafia Boss Hillary destroyed.

Has nothing to do with "helping Trump" in the election, Nazi boi.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559
Yup the socialist Nazis demanded that all churches be stamped with the Nazi logo, and that all church leadership wear the Nazi symbol on their sacred garments. They also were required to pledge loyalty to the nazi party before their church or god.

If they didn't, they were imprisoned or killed. Thank you for bringing that up.
Lying again Guno?

We ALL wish that Russia would find the 33,000 emails Mafia Boss Hillary destroyed.

Has nothing to do with "helping Trump" in the election, Nazi boi.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559
Yup the socialist Nazis demanded that all churches be stamped with the Nazi logo, and that all church leadership wear the Nazi symbol on their sacred garments. They also were required to pledge loyalty to the nazi party before their church or god.

If they didn't, they were imprisoned or killed. Thank you for bringing that up.
For the sake of argument let's skip the the facts but say this much - those who went along weren't (and neither are you) Christians.
"Although socialism was traditionally an internationalist creed, the radical wing of National Socialism knew that a mass base existed for policies that were simultaneously anticapitalist and nationalist. "

"Despite its economic and political success, National Socialism maintained its power by coercion and mass manipulation. The Nazi regime disseminated a continual outpouring of propaganda through all cultural and informational media. Its rallies—especially its elaborately staged Nürnberg rallies—its insignia, and its uniformed cadres were designed to impart an aura of omnipotence. The underside of its propaganda machine was its apparatus of terror, with its ubiquitous secret police and concentration camps. It fanned and focused German anti-Semitism to make the Jews a symbol of all that was hated and feared. By means of deceptive rhetoric, the party portrayed the Jews as the enemy of all classes of society."

Sound familiar? It sure does to me.

National Socialism | political movement, Germany

"After Adolf Hitler’s accession to power in 1933, the Nazis set out to reconstruct German society. To do that, the totalitarian government attempted to exert complete control over the populace. Every institution was infused with National Socialist ideology and infiltrated by Nazi personnel in chief positions. Schools were no exception. Even before coming to power, Hitler in Mein Kampf (1925–27; “My Struggle”) had hinted at his plans for broad educational exploitation. The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda exercised control over virtually every form of expression—radio, theatre, cinema, the fine arts, the press, churches, and schools.".

education - Nazi Germany
Correct, edward. Trump publicly solicited the Marxist running Wikileaks to help him.

How quickly his Chumps forget.

Lying again Guno?

We ALL wish that Russia would find the 33,000 emails Mafia Boss Hillary destroyed.

Has nothing to do with "helping Trump" in the election, Nazi boi.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559

Authoritarian Totalitarianism can come from both the Left and Right. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history. Both sides are more than capable of oppressing the People. Both ideologies promote absolute Government control of the People. So folks should be very wary of both Left & Right extremists. They'll take you to the same place in the end.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559
Yup the socialist Nazis demanded that all churches be stamped with the Nazi logo, and that all church leadership wear the Nazi symbol on their sacred garments. They also were required to pledge loyalty to the nazi party before their church or god.

If they didn't, they were imprisoned or killed. Thank you for bringing that up.
For the sake of argument let's skip the the facts but say this much - those who went along weren't (and neither are you) Christians.

"Let's skip the facts" should be tattooed upon your ass. Until then, I'll just snag that for my siggy.

Some tried to go along because to do otherwise was not only death and imprisonment for them...but it required their abandonment of their congregations, and the replacement of church leaders with Nazis.
Lying again Guno?

We ALL wish that Russia would find the 33,000 emails Mafia Boss Hillary destroyed.

Has nothing to do with "helping Trump" in the election, Nazi boi.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559

Authoritarian Totalitarianism can come from both the Left and Right. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history. Both sides are more than capable of oppressing the People. Both ideologies promote absolute Government control of the People. So folks should be very wary of both Left & Right extremists. They'll take you to the same place in the end.
I know right now both parties are standing in the way of the peoples elected president from doing what they wanted done in the country. sad shit these asshats.
create chaos, it is exactly what the nazis did. The dems are truly nazis.
Nope. Dems lean toward marxism, you psuedocons lean toward nazism.

Get your shit straight.

Nazis were socialists, or at least pretended to be in order to get idiots like you to support them.

Authoritarian craphats. And idiots like you who think the state rules over all are the useful idiots.
Fascism is (mostly) right-wing. You'd like it.View attachment 131559

Authoritarian Totalitarianism can come from both the Left and Right. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history. Both sides are more than capable of oppressing the People. Both ideologies promote absolute Government control of the People. So folks should be very wary of both Left & Right extremists. They'll take you to the same place in the end.
I know right now both parties are standing in the way of the peoples elected president from doing what they wanted done in the country. sad shit these asshats.
BTW, the only person in washington there because the country voted for him. not a district or a county. Nope the US, so those fkers should shut the fk up, and do what the people wanted done.
You have to be seriously retarded to bleev Nazis were left wing. Seriously retarded.

As if Nazis were all about multiculturalism, negroes on food stamps, amnesty for illegals, and gay marraige. You know, all the stuff the Nazis on this board whine about every damned day.

That's why the modern day pseudocons delude themselves so vigorously about which end of the spectrum the old Nazis were on. Because as they begin to sound more and more like those old Nazis, they need to bleev they aren't.
You have to be seriously retarded to bleev Nazis were left wing. Seriously retarded.

As if Nazis were all about multiculturalism, negroes on food stamps, amnesty for illegals, and gay marraige. You know, all the stuff the Nazis on this board whine about every damned day.

they were. history tells us that. and the behavior today of the left is consistent with the chaos created in the 40s in Germany. so, you can cry and whine all you want, but history isn't your friend.
Nazis: Right Wing

Marxists: Left Wing

Keep your shit straight, or sound like a tard. Your call.
Nazis: Right Wing

Marxists: Left Wing

Keep your shit straight, or sound like a tard. Your call.
history says other wise chief. oh and let's don't forget silencing religion. hmmmmm more left shit from today.
The dumb tards are unaware the Marxist authoritarianism fits even better with their narrative about the Left than their seriously retarded attempts to place square Nazis in a round Marxist hole bullshit.
The dumb tards are unaware the Marxist authoritarianism fits even better with their narrative about the Left than their seriously retarded square Nazis in a round Marxist hole bullshit.
ahhh look at you little nazi squirming. want to take away more of our freedoms? like 2nd amendment? oh yeah more shit from the left like nazis.
Nazis: Right Wing

Marxists: Left Wing

Keep your shit straight, or sound like a tard. Your call.
history says other wise chief. oh and let's don't forget silencing religion. hmmmmm more left shit from today.
History says you are a retard.

Have you even read Mein Kampf? Of course not. If you had, you would't be making such an amazing fool of yourself in public. You are just parroting manufactured bullshit that was fed to you. You tards don't have an original thought in your heads. Ever.
The dumb tards are unaware the Marxist authoritarianism fits even better with their narrative about the Left than their seriously retarded square Nazis in a round Marxist hole bullshit.
ahhh look at you little nazi squirming. want to take away more of our freedoms? like 2nd amendment? oh yeah more shit from the left like nazis.
I'm a pro-gun conservative. Just keep on making a fool of yourself in public, tard.

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