Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser


HEIL MULTICULTURALISM! Weeeewww heeeewwwwww!

That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try.

Nor is it a Nazi symbol, unlike the one you see in the photo I provided.


Are we betting on this, you windbag?????

Speak up.
Why was he whispering it?
He was whispering " Please don't leave me alone with chic again"
You hitting the bars early tomorrow? heard they'll all be open early for folks to watch dump get it up his fat wazzooo

1. I don't' "hit the bars," eddie.

2. What's to watch?
Comey already testified:

Remember when you had you hope on Yates????


Get ready for the same thing again.

Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you
He was whispering " Please don't leave me alone with chic again"
You hitting the bars early tomorrow? heard they'll all be open early for folks to watch dump get it up his fat wazzooo

1. I don't' "hit the bars," eddie.

2. What's to watch?
Comey already testified:

Remember when you had you hope on Yates????


Get ready for the same thing again.

Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you


Now I'm jealous!!!
You hitting the bars early tomorrow? heard they'll all be open early for folks to watch dump get it up his fat wazzooo

1. I don't' "hit the bars," eddie.

2. What's to watch?
Comey already testified:

Remember when you had you hope on Yates????


Get ready for the same thing again.

Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you


Now I'm jealous!!!

As long as I have your loyalty lol,,,,,,,,you still in bklyn? My son is there Eastern pkway
1. I don't' "hit the bars," eddie.

2. What's to watch?
Comey already testified:

Remember when you had you hope on Yates????


Get ready for the same thing again.

Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you


Now I'm jealous!!!

As long as I have your loyalty lol,,,,,,,,you still in bklyn? My son is there Eastern pkway

South Brooklyn.....can't miss my place:


Maybe you can see me to the left....
Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you


Now I'm jealous!!!
As long as I have your loyalty lol,,,,,,,,you still in bklyn? My son is there Eastern pkway

South Brooklyn.....can't miss my place:

View attachment 131588

Maybe you can see me to the left....
You're a Queen and that's your castle?

I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you


Now I'm jealous!!!
As long as I have your loyalty lol,,,,,,,,you still in bklyn? My son is there Eastern pkway

South Brooklyn.....can't miss my place:

View attachment 131588

Maybe you can see me to the left....
You're a Queen and that's your castle?

So true.

The castle has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
What's funny is - leaking, hacking - that stuff is a crime. You would think.

But if it's the DNC hacked, and stuff on Hillary leaked - it's "don't you think the public has a right to know"?
When it's Trump it's - TREASON

That said. The girl started off on the wrong foot when her parents named her Reality Winner. I'd have ended up committing parenticide.

Guess what dog,, the dnc and the shitbitch are not part of the US duly elected government, TRUMP IS THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Who was elected exactly like all before him including your shit in a suit idol !!! So hacking and disseminating information about a government investigation, or any evidence or process IS TREASON. just like all of the shit your idol has and is doing to collapse the peoples government.

Like I thought - it's a double standard :lol:

The DNC is a top secret government site? :eek:

I know you fascists hold party above all, but really.....
I am a federalist; the federal doctrine is my, "bible".
The tards were okay with a flaming marxist leaking DNC emails. Not just okay, they were overjoyed. Gloating.

Now the schizos are upset a left winger released proof the Russians attacked our election system and gave Trump a leg up.

The stench of hypocrisy just drips off them in big gobs.

Just political, "tit for tat"?

Free the boobies!

HEIL MULTICULTURALISM! Weeeewww heeeewwwwww!

That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try.

Nor is it a Nazi symbol, unlike the one you see in the photo I provided.


Time to bury you.......again:

Democrats & Slavery, Like Carrots and Peas

That's the history, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party.
It is now, and has always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

So...yesterday when I reminded of the Confederate Flag pins of the Clinton campaign, this was the response:

"That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try."
Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

Whenever the famous Clinton/Gore Confederate Flag campaign pin comes to light....anger and fury ensues!

Because it is the truth.

1. The denials gain momentum due to the Democrats/Liberals control and ownership of the media and academia. These, while pointed to as arbiters of facts, are actually contractors of the Left, owned by Liberalism, inc.




2. Here is a specific case: in order to hide the truth, that the Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, there is a full-court press (no pun intended) to deny the authenticity of this campaign pin:


Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

3. Snopes claims that the pin had been distributed by the ClintonGore campaign is 'probably false.'

4. Let's see if we can prove it was exactly what the Democrat campaign would choose....
Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life. Why would there be any doubt that he would favor the Confederate flag???

  1. b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

More to follow.

HEIL MULTICULTURALISM! Weeeewww heeeewwwwww!

That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try.

Nor is it a Nazi symbol, unlike the one you see in the photo I provided.


Now....would it be out of 'character' for racist Bill Clinton to have a Confederate Flag pin for his campaign??

5. Bill Clinton would see no problem in advertising his love of the confederacy, and tacit endorsement of slavery and segregation.

This was his statement in 2008:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

Still think it would have been either shocking or unbelievable that Clinton/Gore would have a Confederate Flag Pin for their campaign?

Nope.....just a slight embarrassment when it is exposed.


HEIL MULTICULTURALISM! Weeeewww heeeewwwwww!

That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try.

Nor is it a Nazi symbol, unlike the one you see in the photo I provided.


Imagine, the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship, the Democrats, trying to deny that they are wedded to the confederacy!!!!

6. "In 1987, when her husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.”

When the Confederate flag issue arose in the 2000 election, Matt Drudge reportedthat then-President Bill Clinton’s spokesman Joe Lockhart was asked about the issue. Lockhart told reporters, “I’ve just never heard any discussion or any objections that the president has raised.”
Flashback: As Governor, Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag


As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag | HuffPost

Soooooo......any still doubt that Clinton-Gore Confederate Flag pin????

How about it, you moron?????
Our Commerce Clause must apply if there is no exigency which requires wartime powers and wartime Tax rates.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

HEIL MULTICULTURALISM! Weeeewww heeeewwwwww!

That's not an official Clinton/Gore button, tard. Nice try.

Nor is it a Nazi symbol, unlike the one you see in the photo I provided.


8. And, when asked directly about the authenticity of the Confederate Flag Clinton-Gore pin.....this is what we get from the career criminal:

"Hillary Clinton camp won’t say if Confederate flag button was official part of '92 presidential campaign
· Pin badges featuring distinctive Confederate symbol being sold on Ebay Clinton team have so-far refused to comment on whether it was endorsed

· Follows calls to scrap 'symbol of hate' from Capitol building

Hillary Clinton is refusing to say whether a Clinton-Gore pin featuring a Confederate flag was part of her husband's official campaign merchandise.

Examples of the distinctive red and blue badge, from the 1992 election, are now being sold on Ebay.



.....the former Arkansas first lady has not responded to questions by The Blaze over whether she knew if the pin was part of the official campaign. She has also failed to respond to requests over whether she is opposed now, or opposed then, to an act signed by her husband honoring the Confederate flag, the website said. "
Hillary Clinton won’t say if Confederate flag button was part of '92 presidential campaign | Daily Mail Online

Soooo......have we heard the last of the screeching from the indoctrinated, that "NOSirrrrreeeee.....Clinton would neverrrrrrrr have campaigned with a Confederate Flagggggggg!!!!!"

Yeah....he did.

No reason not to, as the Democrats have always.......ALWAYS......been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

He was whispering " Please don't leave me alone with chic again"
You hitting the bars early tomorrow? heard they'll all be open early for folks to watch dump get it up his fat wazzooo

1. I don't' "hit the bars," eddie.

2. What's to watch?
Comey already testified:

Remember when you had you hope on Yates????


Get ready for the same thing again.

Chic I'm asking for your loyality


I was afraid you were asking for a date!
You're only 1 of 2 republicans I'd buy a drink for
lol lol With all your **** I gotta like you

eddie, ol' pal.....I believe you suggested that I get back to you after Comey's testimony today....

Well....let's light this candle: bet you need some consoling about now.

Comey testimony:
Three things asked by President Trump

1.Will you be loyal

2. Can you please let the Flynn thing go...he's a good guy, and he's been treated unfairly (just what Trump told the press the next day)


3. Will you please tell the public what you've told me three times...that I'm not the subject of any investigation.

"You ever wonder why, of those three things, the only one that has never been leaked is the fact that the President was never under personal investeigation?"

I feel soooo bad for all of you Trump-haters....again, your hopes and dreams smashed like so many Faberge eggs.

Every time, 'You wait and's gonna be exposed, charged, impeached...."
Now, Comey leaves you jilted again.

You guys are like the ugly guy who keeps getting turned down by the girls you ask to the prom.

I like you, I'm gonna try to hide the schadenfreude.

There is no such thing as an ex KGB man.


Russia, please help me win this election and hack Hillary's emails and release them!



I love the marxist people at Wikileaks who are helping me!



Here's evidence Russia is trying to spoof our voter registration system.


Commie bitch!

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