Really 500 million straws a day? And if your waiter offers a straw he is fined $1,000!

More fake headlines from the Trump brigade!

Wrong again sports fan....but thanks for playing

Actually, it IS a fake headline. The bill according to the OP's link was modified so that there were no fines. And, to say that there is a 1,000 fine for a single straw when there isn't makes the headline fake. It's at the bottom of the OP's link that there are no fines for giving out straws.
Isn’t the bigger point that these left wing nut bags are actually passing straw laws?
Not really. In fact, in our grandchildren's grandchildren's time, the ideas to limit our use of plastics will be seen as being on the correct side of history. They're the ones who will get to dig out of the pile of plastic.

Good throw out your phone, computer, car, clothes shoes......right now.
It’s incredible that someone had to tell these legislators that maybe a $1000 fine for handing out a straw is fucking retarded.

“Ok we will change the $1000 fine....but Straws are the new Hitler.”

I bet Trump uses Straws....fucking racist.
Isn’t the bigger point that these left wing nut bags are actually passing straw laws?
Not really. In fact, in our grandchildren's grandchildren's time, the ideas to limit our use of plastics will be seen as being on the correct side of history. They're the ones who will get to dig out of the pile of plastic.

Good throw out your phone, computer, car, clothes shoes......right now.
Don't forget crayons. :)
Would California lock up an illegal immigrant that hands out a straw?

That is a Moonbeam Sophie’s choice.
California is determined to make Venezuela look rational and successful.

I live here and the ruling Junta of Kim Jong Brown is literally imploding. The state is dead broke and the Communists have done everything short of armed hold ups to rob the productive members of society.

The vile pile of shit Kevin McCarty has introduced legislation to have the CHP start robbing motorists at gun point to fill the massive greedy maw of the ruling party.

Okay, he hasn't actually introduced the bill - yet.

Brown and his entire criminal gang in the Assembly and Senate need to be dragged into the public square, flogged, tarred and feathered, and ridden out of the state on a rail.

Out elections are entirely rigged, there is no legitimacy to the ruling Communists.

From what I hear from family members who live are 100% correct.
They also totally ignore referendums when THE PEOPLE clearly vote on matters and instead, no matter the vote of the people, ignore it and do what THEY want anyway....time and time again.
The point I was making though is forgotten I guess!
This piece of legislation was proposed based on a false premise...i.e. 500,000,000 straws a day consumed by 230 million Americans!
And the source of this statistic was a 9 year old kid who called manufacturers in 2011! And almost all news sources use that number and no one questions it!
Even wikileaks...Drinking straw - Wikipedia
It is estimated that about 500 million straws (close to 3 million pounds (1.4 kt)) are used daily in the United States alone - an average 1.6 straws per capita per day.[3][4][5]
But they didn't even calculate what 3 million pounds of straws really is!
I simply doing some google searches:

How much does a plastic straw weigh
straw weighs about an ounce and a half.
So assuming 1.5 oz per straw... divided into 3 million pounds is ONLY 32 million straws!
So right there you have further common sense lacking on the part of people who JUMP at straws!

Really it seems so dumb for people nowadays to write legislation based on a truly lack of common sense! Didn't any one question that figure?
Actually, it IS a fake headline. The bill according to the OP's link was modified so that there were no fines. And, to say that there is a 1,000 fine for a single straw when there isn't makes the headline fake. It's at the bottom of the OP's link that there are no fines for giving out straws.

IT WAS TRUE AT ONE TIME...ALL THAT MATTERS from a philosophical standpoint.
That this was ever even considered validates the purpose of using the headline as is.
I'm not wasting my time playing tit for tat tag with imbeciles.
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The point I was making though is forgotten I guess!
This piece of legislation was proposed based on a false premise...i.e. 500,000,000 straws a day consumed by 230 million Americans!
And the source of this statistic was a 9 year old kid who called manufacturers in 2011! And almost all news sources use that number and no one questions it!
Even wikileaks...Drinking straw - Wikipedia
It is estimated that about 500 million straws (close to 3 million pounds (1.4 kt)) are used daily in the United States alone - an average 1.6 straws per capita per day.[3][4][5]
But they didn't even calculate what 3 million pounds of straws really is!
I simply doing some google searches:

How much does a plastic straw weigh
straw weighs about an ounce and a half.
So assuming 1.5 oz per straw... divided into 3 million pounds is ONLY 32 million straws!
So right there you have further common sense lacking on the part of people who JUMP at straws!

Really it seems so dumb for people nowadays to write legislation based on a truly lack of common sense! Didn't any one question that figure?

Californiastan doesn’t let facts get in the way of saving the planet!
Would California lock up an illegal immigrant that hands out a straw?

That is a Moonbeam Sophie’s choice.
An illegal can already have an illegal gun and kill a citizen with no repercussions so yeah, once straws are considered dangerous only illegals can have them.
Any one curious as to ask how does these straws get in the ocean from the dump?
Calderon, the Democratic majority leader in California's lower house, has introduced a bill to stop sit-down restaurants from offering customers straws with their beverages unless they specifically request one. Under Calderon's law, a waiter who serves a drink with an unrequested straw in it would face up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

"We need to create awareness around the issue of one-time use plastic straws and its detrimental effects on our landfills, waterways, and oceans," Calderon explained in a press release.

Democrats saving the world from soppy straws

More fake headlines from the Trump brigade!

What is "fake" about it, Comrade shit fer brains?
Calderon, the Democratic majority leader in California's lower house, has introduced a bill to stop sit-down restaurants from offering customers straws with their beverages unless they specifically request one. Under Calderon's law, a waiter who serves a drink with an unrequested straw in it would face up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

"We need to create awareness around the issue of one-time use plastic straws and its detrimental effects on our landfills, waterways, and oceans," Calderon explained in a press release.

Democrats saving the world from soppy straws

More fake headlines from the Trump brigade!

Bill Text - AB-1884 Food facilities: single-use plastic straws.

Yep, and the headline was that Cali was going to fine waiters. Which is a fake headline since the law has not even been debated yet, let alone passed and signed into law.

You're stupid as a fucking brick, Comrade.

A food facility where food may be consumed on the premises shall not provide single-use plastic straws to consumers unless requested by the consumer. For purposes of this section, a food facility shall not include the facilities listed in subdivision (b) of Section 113789.

SEC. 2.
No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution for certain costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district because, in that regard, this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.}

Yep, and the headline was that Cali was going to fine waiters. Which is a fake headline since the law has not even been debated yet, let alone passed and signed into law.

Who serves customers in a restaurant? Surely, you can do simple deductive reasoning.

Let me break this down really slowly for you.

Since this bill has not even been debated on, let alone voted on or signed into law, NOBODY is getting fined for giving someone a straw.

Maybe eventually the headline will be accurate, but as of today it is fake news.

This is the kind of shit that people bitch and moan about the MSN doing all the time.

The question is why some lunatic would even introduce such a travesty of a bill.

The Maoist rulers in California are literally insane. The rulers are dead broke and melting down at the prospect of not being able to steal enough to continue to the vile idiocy they have engaged in for the last decade.

Like the more responsible and solvent Venezuela that California is modeled after, the socialist dictatorship is collapsing before our eyes.
California is determined to make Venezuela look rational and successful.

I live here and the ruling Junta of Kim Jong Brown is literally imploding. The state is dead broke and the Communists have done everything short of armed hold ups to rob the productive members of society.

The vile pile of shit Kevin McCarty has introduced legislation to have the CHP start robbing motorists at gun point to fill the massive greedy maw of the ruling party.

Okay, he hasn't actually introduced the bill - yet.

Brown and his entire criminal gang in the Assembly and Senate need to be dragged into the public square, flogged, tarred and feathered, and ridden out of the state on a rail.

Out elections are entirely rigged, there is no legitimacy to the ruling Communists.

From what I hear from family members who live are 100% correct.
They also totally ignore referendums when THE PEOPLE clearly vote on matters and instead, no matter the vote of the people, ignore it and do what THEY want anyway....time and time again.

In the last election there was a referendum on grocery bags. I literally have met ONE person who voted for it, out of several hundred. Yet it "passed" by a margin of 70%. California elections are a farce, the ruling Maoists simply declare the results they want. We need federal observers at the polls and particularly as votes are counted.

North Korea has more legitimate elections than California does.

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