Reason Harvey Weinstein was made a sacrificial lamb

Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.
Who knows why Weinstein was made a "sacrificial lamb"......may be it was just to try to cover up for even bigger crimes in Hollyweird, crimes like pedophilia, may be?
well that is about to go down as well.

Kevin Spacey is client one.
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well good for you. why do you think I care? I care, so what? why are you so obsessed with backing this evil shit?
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well how about we do a special counsel? I'm good with that. let's find out who knew and complicit.
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well good for you. why do you think I care? I care, so what? why are you so obsessed with backing this evil shit?

Go fuck with the OP. He's the one trying to make Weinstein a victim, not me.
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well how about we do a special counsel? I'm good with that. let's find out who knew and complicit.

Ok, but let's start with Trump's groping, etc., afterall, we heard about that first, lol.
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.
Hmm I wouldn't put the ideas in this thread out of the realm of possibility too quickly...

The underground has been a buzz about pedo rings since the election; more than usual, I mean. There were many, many claims of a Police and FBI "rebellion" of sorts - those who refused to ignore it anymore, and those who wanted to stick with the "status quo." Who knows?

Anyway, back to hollywood and "adult" sexual abuse. When it's a politician it is easier to write all these kinds of accusations off as like opposition propaganda, but most of these people are not politicians, they're just actors, producers, and directors so I'm not so sure the propaganda theory really covers the accusations - like what's the motive for the accusers here? Plus it's not like it's outsiders accusing them, they're accusing themselves; aka this isn't really an outside influence trying to discredit them, it's coming from within - and a lot of it...

While I do discount some of whats being accused as "not really" sexual assault or harassment (in that the definitions have changed a lot in recent years, and what in the past was seen as flirting, hitting on, or men being men in the past is now labeled assault and harassment) I'm not entirely sure these folks were intentionally assaulting, I just think they were just making moves on pretty people; they're all egotistical whores maybe, but are they "dangerous" or even "morally wrong"? Not so sure about that.

Bush making a joke and patting a woman on the ass would /not/ be considered assault in the past, that's just the modern interpretation. Not to say necessarily that we as a society cannot shift so that such jokes become "unsavory" and are dropped by the wayside, but rather that we have to look at intent when we're flinging accusations out as "criminal." IDK I don't consider it assault if some guy hits on me, even if they go so far as to wrap their arms around me and grab my ass, it's a move, not assault - I think the assault/harassment that we need to be protected from comes in what happens /after/ that initial move; if I tell the guy not interested and he backs off, then I see it as no harm, no foul. If he were to continue pushing, not let me go, or re-initiate such a move after being rejected, then it'd be assault/harassment in my mind. (admittedly I'm a "stronger" woman than most)

Plus too we have this idea from the ladies that they just let it happen; they didn't reject it and if that's the case, then how the hell is the guy supposed to know it was unwanted? Admittedly, yes, there is this invasive "thought it was necessary" element (abuse of power,) but it's hard to get away from the reality that almost all of these women made the choice of their career over their ... "virtue" so to speak.
Sacrificial lamb! Not hardly. James Toback has now 310 women claiming he assaulted them. Kevin Spacey, Andy Dick went around licking people and exposing himself (for fun). Weinstein is not out of the ordinary, but painfully ordinary. Next to these powerhouses, Trump is a choirboy. Heck, Cosby with his 30 women is an amateur. Dustin Hoffman, Jeremy Piven. The whole Hollywood democrat cabal is coming down.

GOP campaign ad gold, anytime these Hollywood hypocrites dare open their mouths we'll answer with a list of Hollywood predators, enablers, and their victims. :eusa_clap:
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

You're accusing me of what, exactly?
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well good for you. why do you think I care? I care, so what? why are you so obsessed with backing this evil shit?

Go fuck with the OP. He's the one trying to make Weinstein a victim, not me.
how? cause he was exposed for who he is? you think people think him the victim? LOL, dude, again, not sure your humanity but you have screws loose.
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

You're accusing me of what, exactly?
for me, you support it. it's easy to answer. you back the slime that kept that covered up.
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

Are you aware that practically every Trump supporter on this forum rejected outright all of the sexual harassment/rape claims against Trump?

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