Reason Harvey Weinstein was made a sacrificial lamb

Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

Are you aware that practically every Trump supporter on this forum rejected outright all of the sexual harassment/rape claims against Trump?
because there was absolutely no evidence. so what we like is evidence. we live by innocent until proven guilty. anyone can say anything at any time.
I love how so many of these self righteous Hollywood liberals have been outed as sexual predators and enablers.

LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well how about we do a special counsel? I'm good with that. let's find out who knew and complicit.

Ok, but let's start with Trump's groping, etc., afterall, we heard about that first, lol.
Compared to Harvey Weinstein's penchant for red wings, groping is downright pedestrian.
To claim this is a 'liberal' problem is pretty silly.
How many prominent conservatives have been outed as sex pests?
The Orange Idiot
Bill O'Reilly
Roger aisles
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

Are you aware that practically every Trump supporter on this forum rejected outright all of the sexual harassment/rape claims against Trump?

Face it you libs have major egg on your face now that your decades of sexual predation have spilled out into the open.
BIll O'Reilly called a woman hot chocolate and that woman was later arrested for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Roger Ailes made a whole lot of offcolor comments. Like Dustin Hoffman saying Clitoris to a woman.

This is moving into the area of hysteria. A lot of people will be burned before this is done.
You call that monster a freaking "sacrificial lamb"? Not only is it insulting but it doesn't make sense on many levels. Rather than being over, the investigation into Hollywood rapists seems to be expanding as more women come forward without fear of recrimination by rich, powerful and liberal men who have long standing friendships with democrat politicians.
Dem's can't catch a break lately, they try to make a major deal out of Trump's locker room talk then hundreds of examples of Dem groping, coerced sex acts, and rape erupt into the daylight.
I'm just going to add this additional thought before it slips my mind, it's semi-related.

So back in the 70s, 80s, and especially going into the 90s there was this prevailing thought that women were strong, confident, and able to take care of themselves - essentially that they didn't need protection (ie that they could handle being exposed to all the realities of the "male dominated world")

Now we see that is /not/ the case; tons of women coming out saying they couldn't stand up for their convictions and wishes, saying they felt "abused" and that they "didn't have a choice" despite the arguments of feminism.

Pathological altruism...

Fair disclosure, I'm a bit anti-feminist; the idea that women can work and vote is acceptable to me in the scheme of "human equality," even if I disagree with what its done to this nation and our society (kids not being raised and shit) - but I have to disagree that women are as... uhm... "emotionally capable" as men and I think this wellspring incident proves my point.
We need to compile a list of liberal sexual predators and their victims for use in GOP campaign ads. Women in America meet the real Democratic party, they are not your defenders.
LOLOL, it is always a knee slapper when a Trumptard fanatic makes a statement like that.
so you don't care the abuse by the hollywood elitists? hmmmm now we know who you are. like that sexual harassment stuff eh?

I don't consider Weinstein a sacrificial lamb.

and btw I also haven't heard any credible evidence that Michelle Obama was aware of his behavior. Feel free to provide that.
well good for you. why do you think I care? I care, so what? why are you so obsessed with backing this evil shit?

Go fuck with the OP. He's the one trying to make Weinstein a victim, not me.
how? cause he was exposed for who he is? you think people think him the victim? LOL, dude, again, not sure your humanity but you have screws loose.

Goddam you're retarded. THE OP CALLS HIM A VICTIM.
Strange echoes of the Catholic Church, with years (no, centuries) of concealing child rape, even helping the guilty to new pastures when the locals woke up to their abuse.
Male hierarchies more interested in maintaining the status quo than protecting the victims.

It's a far cry too from when conservatives were railing against what they called in one way or another the anti-rape hysteria on college campuses.

First of all, it was hysteria. Second, while you guys were running all over the country accusing Republicans of engaging in a war on women, we now see you were out there enthusiastically waging one yourselves.

Are you aware that practically every Trump supporter on this forum rejected outright all of the sexual harassment/rape claims against Trump?

Face it you libs have major egg on your face now that your decades of sexual predation have spilled out into the open.

Why are you accusing me of being a sexual predator?

It's kind of sad. I read an article saying that women are going to miss out on a lot of career opportunities because powerful men will be too paranoid to mentor them. It's a good point. As I progress in my career, I'm going to have to be EXTREMELY careful to always make sure I'm never alone with any woman; young women in particular. The caution is always going to be lurking in the back of my mind, preventing me from building close relationships with female coworkers.

Personally, I think a little flirting in the workplace is fine, as long as it doesn't turn into full-fledged harassment. But that is probably going to become a thing of the past. It's not worth getting fired over some stupid shit.

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