Reason Number 10,378 why Trump will Win in 2020


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

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ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes. He puts his tennis shoes on and goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.
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ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes. He puts his tennis shoes on and goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.

But just think of every horrible thing and every horrible policy that comes out from them every day. If they win, then one must be forced to admit that the majority of Americans are idiots and imbeciles, and they therefore DESERVE to have their country be destroyed by socialism. Its just real fucked up for the rest of us..
I remember that debate where ALL the Democrat candidates were asked if they approved of free health care for illegals and they all raised their hands. They summarily alienated probably more than half of the American people.
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ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

I think its all a con and the dems are just acting,,\I got two reasons,,
first is nobody can be that dumb, stupid and ignorant,,,I have more faith in humanity for that to be true,

and the other is that trump is getting a big governmnet progressive agenda done with no kick back, more so since he bribed people with a non existent tax cut that got wiped out by the tariffs,,,
so the dems are just faking it to keeping to fight alive to maintain the divide in the country while it burns in debt and more government control of our personal lives,,,
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes. He puts his tennis shoes on and goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

I am not as confident in a 2020 Trump victory. If the socialist core of the modern Democratic Party intended to honor the long established election processes as prescribed by our laws then without doubt the President would landslide win a second term. But, the socialists have fought dirty since 2008 and before; so dirty many congressional races in question went hands-down to the Democrats in 2018. For the 2020 elections the Democrats will use all tools at their disposal to cheat their way into the White House or postpone election results for ages. They will use social media colossi such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to swing or create millions of votes, and they will suppress every Republican or Independent vote they can get away with. They'll allow their constituents to phone in votes and they'll register or count millions of illegal immigrant votes. What ever lengths they must go to in order to take the Oval Office, they will do and then some. I have no doubt the Democrats will use our courts and election laws against the democratic process wherever possible.

But just think of every horrible thing and every horrible policy that comes out from them every day. If they win, then one must be forced to admit that the majority of Americans are idiots and imbeciles, and they therefore DESERVE to have their country be destroyed by socialism. Its just real fucked up for the rest of us..

Simply from the personal experience of knowing more than a few modern Democrats, I do not believe the majority of American Democrats truly approve of or subscribe to the insane Cultural Marxism preached by the ideologues who run that party. Rather, it seems like hatred for Donald Trump alone is what keeps so many Americans with the Democratic Party. Further, I do not believe hatred for Trump alone will be enough to "fairly" carry any Democrat Candidate into the White House. Nor do I share the "it's our fault" if the socialists win sentiment. The only way the socialists can win is by subverting our election processes. If they get their revolution every last American will pay one hell of a price.
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"...... nobody can be that dumb, stupid and ignorant....."

I beg to differ. A quick glance through this forum would indicate otherwise.
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Simply from the personal experience of knowing more than a few modern Democrats, I do not believe the majority of American Democrats truly approve of or subscribe to the insane Cultural Marxism preached by the ideologues who run that party. Rather, it seems like hatred for Donald Trump alone is what keeps so many Americans with the Democratic Party. Further, I do not believe hatred for Trump alone will be enough to "fairly" carry any Democrat Candidate into the White House. Nor do I share the "it's our fault" if the socialists win sentiment. The only way the socialists can win is by subverting our election processes. If they get their revolution every last American will pay one hell of a price.

So.... ......maybe they will mostly all just stay home in 2020? Low turn-out?
Only half of the USA pay any taxes, so of course they want free shit from taxpayers. They have no skin in the game.
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

Bush 41 could not lose-remember? Things happen.
Terri4Trump, are you election troll or a Russian? Just curious, I won't tell.

"It is a conclusion that even Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has appeared to confirm, saying in 2008—after the Trump Organization was prospering again—that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”"

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

CDZ - Russian Troll Talks

Veterans for Trump

Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth calls Trump. "What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
Terri4Trump, are you election troll or a Russian? Just curious, I won't tell.

"It is a conclusion that even Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has appeared to confirm, saying in 2008—after the Trump Organization was prospering again—that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”"

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

CDZ - Russian Troll Talks

Veterans for Trump

Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth calls Trump. "What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
Russia is OVER!
Terri4Trump, are you election troll or a Russian? Just curious, I won't tell.

I am an Army vet, a Texan, and a proud American who adheres to traditional American Judeo-Christian values.

You are a snotty punkass bitch, probably too much of a coward to ever pick up a weapon and defend a position, and your post proves that you are a sorry, dickless ignorant fuck.

Any more stupid questions? Now shut your dicksucker, loser.

And now, back to the actual subject:

ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

LUNTZ: "The language that I heard in the last 48 hours is language I’ve never heard from my mainstream Democrat. This is about changing the structure of the economy in the United States, and they are determined to turn it upside down. And I gotta tell you, I’ve been following this since 1992. I’ve never heard candidates this extreme. I’ve never heard candidates this hostile to economic freedom and they’ve got the base of the Democratic Party absolutely behind them."

ME: That doesn’t contain Luntz going on to tell everybody that he’s telling the CEO's he consults that these Democrats are going to hurt them. They’re coming for companies and corporations just like the socialists they are. Many of these CEOs bankroll the Democrats; many of these CEOs are big Democrat donors, left-wing-cause donors. That well of money is going to dry up..
ME: There are so many things going wrong with Democrats that its hard to keep track. Here is yet another one, one that you will not hear discussed much. You may not know this, but a lot of CEOs hire Frank Luntz to come out and tell ’em about marketing strategy and advertising strategy and stuff. Frank goes out there and talks to ’em, and he was reporting to Laura Ingraham’s question on what he’s been telling these CEOs about what he’s been hearing from the Democrats during this campaign:

Frank Luntz on the top moments from the Democratic debates
Pollster Frank Luntz breaks down the most noteworthy moments from both nights of the second Democratic presidential debate

"The end of economic freedom." That is the core of Democrat Socialist Party platform. From there it's an easy slide to fast-track gov't usurpation of all and any freedom which our central gov't rulers consider inconvenient. What has been decades of creeping socialism - the gradual erosion of state and local authority - has apparently reached the point that it's promoters believe the time is right to establish their "Worker's Paradise." The last few days have again made clear that Americans with guns will push back so the gun rights are first to go.

Yes, and it can happen again. Many people would vote for Romney over Trump.

Romney will not run on a third party ballot.
Maybe in a Republican primary-he does well and Schultz or Kaisich run.
What planet are you on. There is not going to be a Republican primary.
You are too confident of what will happen. Anything is possible-do you think these shootings will make Trump more popular?

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