Reasons why liberals can't understand the real world

Let's get it out then. What exactly is a liberal?

Liberalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity
b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard
c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)

As you can see, modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. That's a term these authoritarians have hijacked in their pursuit to power. Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, war is peace, slavery is freedom, etc..etc..

Nothing about the proper definition of liberalism correlates to modern day "liberals". Because these people are not liberal at all.

So you are telling what it is not. What exactly is a liberal?

I gave you the definition. My contention is that modern "liberals" aren't liberals.
That was fine article showing how conservatives project their own hyper-emotional way of thinking on to the reason-based community, the liberals.
Reason based?

Odd then how their arguments for gun control stem from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Maybe you can explain that.
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Liberalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As you can see, modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. That's a term these authoritarians have hijacked in their pursuit to power. Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, war is peace, slavery is freedom, etc..etc..

Nothing about the proper definition of liberalism correlates to modern day "liberals". Because these people are not liberal at all.

So you are telling what it is not. What exactly is a liberal?

I gave you the definition. My contention is that modern "liberals" aren't liberals.

So, what we have is a label that means nothing. I assume you never use the word at all.
Can you read? I gave you the definition of liberalism. It means what is in that definition.However, modern so called "liberals" do not fit that description.
Let's get it out then. What exactly is a liberal?

Liberalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity
b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard
c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)

As you can see, modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. That's a term these authoritarians have hijacked in their pursuit to power. Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, war is peace, slavery is freedom, etc..etc..

Nothing about the proper definition of liberalism correlates to modern day "liberals". Because these people are not liberal at all.

So you are telling what it is not. What exactly is a liberal?

Either a complete blithering imbecile, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath.

Can you read? I gave you the definition of liberalism. It means what is in that definition.However, modern so called "liberals" do not fit that description.

For all intents and purposes they have successfully changed the definition in most people's understanding of the word.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary should be revised to read:


1. A criminally insane authoritarian sociopath that promotes the policies of marxism.

2. A bed wetter.

3. A blithering idiot who is controlled by criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths who promote the policies of marxism

With an apology to H. L. Mencken.

Modern American Liberalism:

"The hunting fear that someone, somewhere is making their own decisions."

Or we could start calling these people what they really are - progressive authoritarians.
With "progressive" in quotes, of course, as they seek to limit freedoms and liberties to only those that they see fit, in the manner they approve.

True, and for that matter their policies never lead to any sort of "progress", unless you believe gulags, forced famines, secret police, bread lines, consumer goods shortages and despotic totalitarian governments are "progress".

Left is right, war is peace, slavery is freedom, etc...that's how progressives think. Everything is upside down, backwards and inside out with these types.
What a nut you are.And you expect to be taken seriously.
Good try.

It's hard to take you seriously when many humans have those traits and are members of both parties and some are not affiliated with any party..

This is what liberals do when they have been nailed and they can't argue it isn't true. They claim . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . .


But that doesn't work. That would be like a Nazi on trial for Auschwitz arguing, "hey everybody was doing it." Doesn't quite work.

Besides which if they were "all doing it" there wouldn't be the schism there is between the tea party and liberalism because they would all see things from the same skewed prism.

Sorry doesn't work.

Try again.

A program like Voter ID, which sounds good because it's designed to prevent voter fraud, makes faux conservatives feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't prevent voter fraud and wastes taxpayer money.

This is why I have often said defenders of Voter ID sound just like liberals!

Yeah, nice try but just because you claim that, doesn't make it true.

That's another things liberals do. Make claims they can't back up and when asked to what do they do? They go to other liberals who make claims they can't back up, but there it is. Other liberals think so, so it must be true! Which brings us to number one on the article about why Liberals can't see the real world.

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World - John Hawkins - Page full

we've done these threads over and over again. So ill jut say shut up, you are wrong....

get hit by a bus
Man! These USMB nutters sure do know a lot about liberals! They just know.

What I've shown is that modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. We have things like dictionaries and such in order to make these types of distinctions. I know, really complex shit for Progressive Authoritarians who've spent much time changing definitions around to suit their authoritarian agenda.
Man! These USMB nutters sure do know a lot about liberals! They just know.

What I've shown is that modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. We have things like dictionaries and such in order to make these types of distinctions. I know, really complex shit for Progressive Authoritarians who've spent much time changing definitions around to suit their authoritarian agenda.

A key trick of propagandists is to confuse the meaning of words, so that the meaning of words used in the past can be made to mean whatever the propagandist wants them to mean. If you can change the meanings of words, then you can revise history to fit the needs of the moment.

A key element of classical liberalism is the focus on the individual and not the collective. The collective exists to support the inalienable rights of the individual, and not the other way around. Whenever a writer, or speaker, utters concepts that deny the individual in favor of the collective, they are not liberal at all, regardless of what they want to call themselves.

A true liberal believes they have a moral duty to help the needy and their neighbors, but they have no legal duty to do so. A true liberal believes that the rights of society, and/or other individuals, ends at the tip of his nose. A true liberal believes that man is soverign in his decisions, as long as those decisions do not negatively or unjustly affect others. A true liberal fears government control over his actions, unless that control is necessary to protect other members of the society from his actions.

Regardless of what they wish to call themselves, the "liberals" in this nation are outed by their words and actions. Most are neither liberal nor conservative, they are socialists either by ignorance or design.
Liberal/socialists (Progressives?) are not the brightest bulbs in the string. Otherwise, they would easily recognize the absense of common sense in their concepts of human existance. A great example is the ACA (Obamacare), and the stress it is about to put on our society.

The United States of America has had a pronounced shortage of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, that has continually become worse over several decades. Trained professionals have come from around the globe to fill this vacuum. They come because they could prosper in the open market system that existed here. Still, we have a pronounced shortage.

Our governments, at the state and federal level, have done little to relieve this shortage. Consequently, even in the open market system, people have difficulty finding a good family doctor, and most of these are already overloaded with patients. In addition, the government programs of Medicare and Medicaid have driven up prices in this once open market.

So, what is the progressive solution to this problem? Another government program that adds millions more patients to an already overloaded system, and That passes these huge costs on to individuals in the middle class. No plan to construct and fund new teaching hospitals or establish free clinics to provide for those that do not have insurance. Actually, no plan to fix anything about our health care system. However, they do have a plan for the bureaucracy to take over control of a huge sector of our economy. Was that their goal all along?
It's funny to watch a pack of rightie cranks trying to one-up each other telling insane stories of what the liberals _really_ believe. It's always news to us liberals to find out what we really believe.

We understand why they do it. If those righties weren't so helpless at addressing what liberals actually believe, they wouldn't have to keep making up all those deranged stories. But they are helpless, so creating an elaborate fantasy world is their only defense.

The internet is kind of bad for them in a way. Prior to the internet, these guys would rave a bit at the bar or coffee shop, but there were always normal people around to set them straight. In these internet times, they stay at home and don't associate with normal people. Instead, they cluster in forums with others of their own type, egging each other on to ever greater heights of crazy. Such as you see this thread.
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Man! These USMB nutters sure do know a lot about liberals! They just know.

What I've shown is that modern day "liberals" aren't liberals at all. We have things like dictionaries and such in order to make these types of distinctions. I know, really complex shit for Progressive Authoritarians who've spent much time changing definitions around to suit their authoritarian agenda.

You have shown something?

I know you have said something. Several times, in fact. But have you shown it to be true? No. You haven't.

I have an open offer to anyone. You may ask any unloaded, honest question and I will give you an honest answer. You might then begin to grasp what a liberal thinks and believes.

Oddly enough.....I've never had one of you nutters take me up on the offer.

You want to try?

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