Reasons why MOST Americans do or WILL think Obama's politics is destroying..

Clementine -

By all means present evidence that Obama WANTS to put people out of business, as alleged here:

Obama has told us in his own words he wants:

a) Higher gas prices
b) bankrupt utilities and skyrocket utilities' costs to All Americans
c) destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes,put out of work 400,000 people, close offices, raising property taxes..

Honestly, the level of basic literacy on this board is absolutely horrendous.

Uh he wants higher gas prices as do all liberals, we all know why (hint: it has to do with public transportation! and of course global warming!)

and he wants higher utility costs (global warming again, damn that cheap coal!)

and his policies are overt against business, OBamacare is one example, it's doing just what c is saying.

That is a low information opinion with absolutely no evidence or linkage.

Obama has told us in his own words he wants:
a) Higher gas prices
b) bankrupt utilities and skyrocket utilities' costs to All Americans
c) destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes,put out of work 400,000 people, close offices, raising property taxes..

How Obama is doing that now with Obamacare...
Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013
1) This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table. Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care?
The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.
These are often small, scrappy companies with less than 20 employees who pioneer the next generation of life-prolonging devices. In addition to raising the cost of health care, this $20 billion tax over the next ten years will not help the country’s jobs outlook, as the industry employs nearly 400,000 Americans. Several companies have already responded to the looming tax by cutting research and development budgets and laying off workers.

2)The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax -- Before Obamacare you could deduct 10% after 7.5%..........
This onerous tax provision will hit Americans facing the highest out-of-pocket medical bills. Currently, Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one’s adjusted gross income.
The new ObamaCare provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill. This tax will hit pre-retirement seniors the hardest. Over the next ten years, affected Americans will pony up a minimum total of $15 billion in taxes thanks to this provision.

3) The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase -- current 2.9% Medicare payroll tax will be increased to a total of 3.8% — a big hit especially for the self-employed.
This tax soaks employers to the tune of $86 billion over the next ten years.
As you can understand, there is a reason why the authors of ObamaCare wrote the law in such a way that the most brutal tax increases take effect conveniently after the 2012 election. It’s the same reason President Obama, congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media conveniently neglect to mention these taxes and prefer that you simply “move on” after the Supreme Court ruling.

Source: Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013 | Fox News

Not this fucking shit again.

1) Several companies have responded to it? Really? Do they have names? Maybe we should blame every medical equipment companies bankruptcy on Obama from here out, would that make it easier?
The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.
LOL! Is this article written for people who don't know dick about anything? It doesn't "target" unprofitable companies - its an EXCISE tax, it doesn't target profit or lack of profit at all - profit isn't the object of taxation in this case (though if it were you'd be whining about taxes targeting profit). I don't hear you whining about how the tobacco tax is still applied to companies not making a profit, or about how your local sales tax is still levied on businesses that aren't turning a profit. Maybe since those were from before Obamacare you should bwawaaahhh whine like a baby about them, first?

2) Not really a problem for the insured or for those who don't itemize.

3) Self-employed people won't pay anymore in Medicare tax than the rest of us. The rest of us just have half of it taken before its even included as part of our pay, that's the only difference. Ask anyone who has ever gone from being a company's contract employee to payroll employee in the same job. This happened to me once when the small company I worked for decided to go from contract pay to payroll pay - and to my brother when the international company he worked for moved to the U.S. In both cases our nominal pay was reduced while our after-tax pay stayed the same. The cost to the employer didn't change. The only difference is they took out ~7% to cover their payroll taxes from our pay that' we'd have to have paid anyway as self-employment tax.

What's your solution? Go back to the 1950's when health care was cheaper - but didn't keep you alive as good? Eliminate Medicare?
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Obama has told us in his own words he wants:
a) Higher gas prices
b) bankrupt utilities and skyrocket utilities' costs to All Americans
c) destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes,put out of work 400,000 people, close offices, raising property taxes..

How Obama is doing that now with Obamacare...
Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013
1) This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table. Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care?
The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.
These are often small, scrappy companies with less than 20 employees who pioneer the next generation of life-prolonging devices. In addition to raising the cost of health care, this $20 billion tax over the next ten years will not help the country’s jobs outlook, as the industry employs nearly 400,000 Americans. Several companies have already responded to the looming tax by cutting research and development budgets and laying off workers.

2)The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax -- Before Obamacare you could deduct 10% after 7.5%..........
This onerous tax provision will hit Americans facing the highest out-of-pocket medical bills. Currently, Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one’s adjusted gross income.
The new ObamaCare provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill. This tax will hit pre-retirement seniors the hardest. Over the next ten years, affected Americans will pony up a minimum total of $15 billion in taxes thanks to this provision.

3) The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase -- current 2.9% Medicare payroll tax will be increased to a total of 3.8% — a big hit especially for the self-employed.
This tax soaks employers to the tune of $86 billion over the next ten years.
As you can understand, there is a reason why the authors of ObamaCare wrote the law in such a way that the most brutal tax increases take effect conveniently after the 2012 election. It’s the same reason President Obama, congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media conveniently neglect to mention these taxes and prefer that you simply “move on” after the Supreme Court ruling.

Source: Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013 | Fox News

Not this fucking shit again.

1) Several companies have responded to it? Really? Do they have names? Maybe we should blame every medical equipment companies bankruptcy on Obama from here out, would that make it easier?

2) Not really a problem for the insured or for those who don't itemize.

3) Self-employed people won't pay anymore in Medicare tax than the rest of us. The rest of us just have halve of it taken before its even included as part of our pay, that's the only difference.

What's your solution? Go back to the 1950's when health care was cheaper - but didn't keep you alive as good? Eliminate Medicare?

healthmyths is simply complaining because (select any answer that does not apply to the problem) because s/he does not like BHO.
Buckeye -

By all means explain WHY Obama wants to bankrupt businesses.

We both know that he doesn't, but by all means present an argument for it anyway.

btw. Coal is more expensive a form of electricity production than wind: Cost of electricity by source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The costs from your link were calculated in such a way as to compare like factors but does not offer a complete cost analysis. From your link:

"Typically LECs are calculated over 20 to 40 year lifetimes, and are given in the units of currency per kilowatt-hour, for example AUD/kWh or EUR/kWh or per megawatt-hour, for example AUD/MWh (as tabulated below).[7] However, care should be taken in comparing different LCOE studies and the sources of the information as the LCOE for a given energy source is highly dependent on the assumptions, financing terms and technological deployment analyzed.[7]"

"In the case of wind energy, the additional costs in terms of increased back up and grid interconnection to allow for diversity of weather and load may be substantial. This is because wind stops blowing frequently even in large areas at once and for prolonged periods of time. Some wind advocates have argued that in the pan-European case back up costs are quite low, resulting in overall wind energy costs about the same as present day power.[25] However, such claims are generally considered too optimistic, except possibly for some marginal increases that, in particular circumstances, may take advantage of the existing infrastructure."

Here is another article from an Australian publication (Australia being the source of many of these claims):

"For new renewable energy projects to be viable at the kind of scale required to make a meaningful difference will require government policy intervention for at least some time to come. While the economics of renewables are far better than what critics realise, one needs to be careful making triumphant claims."

Are wind and solar really cheaper than fossil fuels? | Business Spectator
Healthmyths does seem to have a habit of posting opinions masked as facts, and then either forgetting to back them up with links, or using links to blogs or stories that have nothing to do with his/her claims.

I'm not sure if this is because healthmyths doesn't think facts are important, or simply assumes no one else does. Either way, it is terrible, terrible posting.
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Healthmyths does seem to have a habit of posting opinions masked as facts, and then either forgetting to back them up with links, or using links to blogs or stories that have nothing to do with his/her claims.

I'm not sure if this is because healthmyths doesn't think facts are important, or simply assumes no one else does. Either way, it is terrible, terrible posting.

Did your link back up your claim?
So you think that MOST AMERICANS ARE IN FAVOR OF gas going from under
. . . Jan 05, 2009 $1.672 TO . . . May 20,2013 $3.673 131% Increase...

You do understand demand and supply?

As well as growing economies from horrible recession leads to price increases.

Gas under Bush reached $4.11 in June 2008.

Wonder just what caused the prices to tumble so drastically.

Face the facts: A fact check on gas prices - CBS News (my link backs up my post)

hm is simply not all there.

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