Reasons Why The Radical Far Rightwing Reactionary Republicans Hate Rachel Maddow

She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.
You can always tell how great a person is, by the level of outrage they receive from the right. The amount of vitriol they spew at someone, can be used as a reverse barometer, to mark that persons success.

Rachel Maddow
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Travon Martin
Cindy Sheehan

Are people that really get under their skin.

I wonder what President took more shit from the right?

Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?

As far as Rachel is concerned, I love her! She rocks! Maddow is the man!
Someone with such promise, so much potential, and so much latitude is a shill and a pundit - not even one with a sizeable audience.

I'd give her kudos if she was some hardscrabble bootstrapping success story. I'd give her laurels if she was following her dreams and making the world a better place and the best she could do was being a part-time guest on a cable access show.

But this woman is a child of privilege. She attended Stanford, compliments of her Attorney father. Her undergraduate degree is in Public Policy. She then was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship, a true honor meant to encourage people to pursue careers in public service. Then she became a Rhodes Scholar, the cream of the crop, and earned a PhD in Politics.

So with all that she has received, what has she done with all this brilliance? Media pundit. Not even a media pundit that crashes barriers, one the breaks new ground, or even one that moves the needle of public opinion. No, she is a lesbian liberal on the most liberal network on TV. Her talent and camera friendly appearance coupled with her quick wit and social situation would have garnered that position. One doesn't need to be that bright to spout talking points, take pot shots at the competition, and tow the line for the politicians her bosses support. After all these student accomplishments and she just preaches to the choir? Really?

Her credentials and education would be much better suited in an actual public policy role - a White House advisor, a Congressmember, a Senator (and maybe later President), or even a town committeemember. She had a guaranteed affluent life handed to her and she chose the path that leads to more affluence and less influence.

As to her so often cited "conservative roots," well that's bullshit. Her California family was not conservative. They were Catholic, but they were "California Catholic" and that means liberal - nothing wrong with that, but it's not conservative. She likes to say that " "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform." She's obviously too smart to not know Eisenhower's views on gay people and people of color. So that means she's just lying.

I watch Maddow from time to time, and I still get the sentiment that this woman hates me. She doesn't know me, she doesn't know that this person that is me even exists. However, she lashes out so viciously at people who say things that I also think. Not the wacko evangelists, not the deranged hypocrites, not the misogynists, and not the anti-gay activists. No, she lashes out at Libertarians that are fiscally conservative. She lashes out at anyone who supported the invasion of Iraq (without actually knowing anyone who deployed there, btw). She lashes out at anyone who doesn't agree 100% with her, if they are on the right side of the spectrum. She has contempt for Republicans that supported gays in the military, she has contempt for gay Republicans. She has contempt for anyone, of any party (except Democrats) that didn't support Obamacare.

So am I reactionary, or am I just reacting?
Repped for sincerity.

How does Rachel lash out against your ilk?

[ame=]Rachel Maddow GOP conservatism authoritarian or libertarian - YouTube[/ame]
Actually asterism, that's not an attack. It's a VERY good question.

My friend you just prompted a new MarcATL thread.


She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.
You can always tell how great a person is, by the level of outrage they receive from the right. The amount of vitriol they spew at someone, can be used as a reverse barometer, to mark that persons success.

Rachel Maddow
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Travon Martin
Cindy Sheehan

Are people that really get under their skin.

I wonder what President took more shit from the right?

Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?

As far as Rachel is concerned, I love her! She rocks! Maddow is the man!

I see what you did there.
Repped for sincerity.

How does Rachel lash out against your ilk?

[ame=]Rachel Maddow GOP conservatism authoritarian or libertarian - YouTube[/ame]
Actually asterism, that's not an attack. It's a VERY good question.

My friend you just prompted a new MarcATL thread.



It is an attack. She ignores her own chosen side's lack of concern for liberty.

I look forward to the conversation.
It is an attack. She ignores her own chosen side's lack of concern for liberty.

I look forward to the conversation.
It's not an attack.

Liberals don't go around spouting "small government" every third sentence.

I mean, you must see the irony, and that's putting it nicely, in that...don't you?
It is an attack. She ignores her own chosen side's lack of concern for liberty.

I look forward to the conversation.
It's not an attack.

Liberals don't go around spouting "small government" every third sentence.

I mean, you must see the irony, and that's putting it nicely, in that...don't you?

Of course they don't, the more Socialist the government the better is what liberals spout..
and as long as they use other's monies to pay for it, THAT'S EVEN BETTER
It is an attack. She ignores her own chosen side's lack of concern for liberty.

I look forward to the conversation.
It's not an attack.

Liberals don't go around spouting "small government" every third sentence.

I mean, you must see the irony, and that's putting it nicely, in that...don't you?

Of course they don't, the more Socialist the government the better is what liberals spout..
and as long as they use other's monies to pay for it, THAT'S EVEN BETTER
I sure wish you guys did as you now SAY you do back when Bush II was totally RAMSACKING The Constitution and ramming all sorts of authoritarian policies down our throats.

But politics is everything to you people, your policies are last on the list, must serve the Party first. Zieg Heil!!!
It's not an attack.

Liberals don't go around spouting "small government" every third sentence.

I mean, you must see the irony, and that's putting it nicely, in that...don't you?

Of course they don't, the more Socialist the government the better is what liberals spout..
and as long as they use other's monies to pay for it, THAT'S EVEN BETTER
I sure wish you guys did as you now SAY you do back when Bush II was totally RAMSACKING The Constitution and ramming all sorts of authoritarian policies down our throats.

But politics is everything to you people, your policies are last on the list, must serve the Party first. Zieg Heil!!!

oh sure, I guess RAMMING this Socialist government program called ObamaTax isn't one should take you serious...EVER
Zieg Heil is what you should be saying about your DEAR LEADER, Obama...and for you Lizzy warren is who you are in love with, a socialist LYING witch who thinks she was elected to run OUR don't talk about others and how party is EVERYTHING
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In Steffy's far RW radical mind, taking away our freedom of privacy and forcing the country into damn near total financial collapse by starting two unnecessary wars is excusable and not authoritarian.

Making health care affordable for all, on the other hand, now that's SOCIALISM (and in this argument AUTHORITARIAN)...KEEL HEEM!!!
In Steffy's far RW radical mind, taking away our freedom of privacy and forcing the country into damn near total financial collapse by starting two unnecessary wars is excusable and not authoritarian.

Making health care affordable for all, on the other hand, now that's SOCIALISM (and in this argument AUTHORITARIAN)...KEEL HEEM!!!

yeah, I'd change the subject too..MAKING HEALTH CARE AFFORDABLE...FOR WHO?

THEY ARE FORCED to PURCHACE is that making things affordable FOR frikken brainwashed sheep will see this country go to hell to satisfy your push to live off others..and that my DEAR idiot is called, SOCIALISM
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Hi Steffy...

[ame=]Thanks Obama - YouTube[/ame]
She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Someone with such promise, so much potential, and so much latitude is a shill and a pundit - not even one with a sizeable audience.

I'd give her kudos if she was some hardscrabble bootstrapping success story. I'd give her laurels if she was following her dreams and making the world a better place and the best she could do was being a part-time guest on a cable access show.

But this woman is a child of privilege. She attended Stanford, compliments of her Attorney father. Her undergraduate degree is in Public Policy. She then was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship, a true honor meant to encourage people to pursue careers in public service. Then she became a Rhodes Scholar, the cream of the crop, and earned a PhD in Politics.

So with all that she has received, what has she done with all this brilliance? Media pundit. Not even a media pundit that crashes barriers, one the breaks new ground, or even one that moves the needle of public opinion. No, she is a lesbian liberal on the most liberal network on TV. Her talent and camera friendly appearance coupled with her quick wit and social situation would have garnered that position. One doesn't need to be that bright to spout talking points, take pot shots at the competition, and tow the line for the politicians her bosses support. After all these student accomplishments and she just preaches to the choir? Really?

Her credentials and education would be much better suited in an actual public policy role - a White House advisor, a Congressmember, a Senator (and maybe later President), or even a town committeemember. She had a guaranteed affluent life handed to her and she chose the path that leads to more affluence and less influence.

As to her so often cited "conservative roots," well that's bullshit. Her California family was not conservative. They were Catholic, but they were "California Catholic" and that means liberal - nothing wrong with that, but it's not conservative. She likes to say that " "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform." She's obviously too smart to not know Eisenhower's views on gay people and people of color. So that means she's just lying.

I watch Maddow from time to time, and I still get the sentiment that this woman hates me. She doesn't know me, she doesn't know that this person that is me even exists. However, she lashes out so viciously at people who say things that I also think. Not the wacko evangelists, not the deranged hypocrites, not the misogynists, and not the anti-gay activists. No, she lashes out at Libertarians that are fiscally conservative. She lashes out at anyone who supported the invasion of Iraq (without actually knowing anyone who deployed there, btw). She lashes out at anyone who doesn't agree 100% with her, if they are on the right side of the spectrum. She has contempt for Republicans that supported gays in the military, she has contempt for gay Republicans. She has contempt for anyone, of any party (except Democrats) that didn't support Obamacare.

So am I reactionary, or am I just reacting? much "bootstrapping" did people like O'reilly, Beck, and Limbaugh do?

Wanna talk about Hannity?
She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Someone with such promise, so much potential, and so much latitude is a shill and a pundit - not even one with a sizeable audience.

I'd give her kudos if she was some hardscrabble bootstrapping success story. I'd give her laurels if she was following her dreams and making the world a better place and the best she could do was being a part-time guest on a cable access show.

But this woman is a child of privilege. She attended Stanford, compliments of her Attorney father. Her undergraduate degree is in Public Policy. She then was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship, a true honor meant to encourage people to pursue careers in public service. Then she became a Rhodes Scholar, the cream of the crop, and earned a PhD in Politics.

So with all that she has received, what has she done with all this brilliance? Media pundit. Not even a media pundit that crashes barriers, one the breaks new ground, or even one that moves the needle of public opinion. No, she is a lesbian liberal on the most liberal network on TV. Her talent and camera friendly appearance coupled with her quick wit and social situation would have garnered that position. One doesn't need to be that bright to spout talking points, take pot shots at the competition, and tow the line for the politicians her bosses support. After all these student accomplishments and she just preaches to the choir? Really?

Her credentials and education would be much better suited in an actual public policy role - a White House advisor, a Congressmember, a Senator (and maybe later President), or even a town committeemember. She had a guaranteed affluent life handed to her and she chose the path that leads to more affluence and less influence.

As to her so often cited "conservative roots," well that's bullshit. Her California family was not conservative. They were Catholic, but they were "California Catholic" and that means liberal - nothing wrong with that, but it's not conservative. She likes to say that " "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform." She's obviously too smart to not know Eisenhower's views on gay people and people of color. So that means she's just lying.

I watch Maddow from time to time, and I still get the sentiment that this woman hates me. She doesn't know me, she doesn't know that this person that is me even exists. However, she lashes out so viciously at people who say things that I also think. Not the wacko evangelists, not the deranged hypocrites, not the misogynists, and not the anti-gay activists. No, she lashes out at Libertarians that are fiscally conservative. She lashes out at anyone who supported the invasion of Iraq (without actually knowing anyone who deployed there, btw). She lashes out at anyone who doesn't agree 100% with her, if they are on the right side of the spectrum. She has contempt for Republicans that supported gays in the military, she has contempt for gay Republicans. She has contempt for anyone, of any party (except Democrats) that didn't support Obamacare.

So am I reactionary, or am I just reacting? much "bootstrapping" did people like O'reilly, Beck, and Limbaugh do?

Wanna talk about Hannity?

At least you admit all Maddow is doing is bootstrapping. When we get to the point that we can admit that these celebs are nothing but propagandist, we can forget all their tripe and moved forward.
She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Liberals telling us what and why we dislike people.


It could be we don't like her because she's as much a liar as the rest of you liberal punks.
Damn. Call 'em out by name, and the cowards STILL won't address the issue.

Rachel Maddow sunk to a disgusting low today by reapeating a gutless "Wendy Davis has more balls" comment from some anonymous republican coward. CNN first repeated it tho and that shows their true colors also. The public media is not the place for this kind of disgusting discourse, even if you are "just repeating" it.
Here's the deal, the left holds all the cards when it comes to dirty tricks. They have entire gigantic (tax exempt) propaganda networks like Media Matters (allegedly created by Hillary Clinton) and clones like newshounds dedicated to searching the airwaves 24/7-365 for cherry picked statements by conservatives and republicans that they can spin into phony issues for the hate filled left wing minions to pretend to be outraged about. The right wing has no such thing. The word "hate" is used so freely by the left and so often that it seems like a fixation. Right wingers don't hate Maddow. They just refuse to watch the crap.
I dont believe in the "right-wing,left-wing" bullshit, it just the establishments way to divide and conquer. The so called right also has their media watchers tho, some guy that shows up on Hannity every once in a while,some red-haired dunce.

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