Reasons Why The Radical Far Rightwing Reactionary Republicans Hate Rachel Maddow

Her piece on Reagan the other night was right on truth, something the right hides from or denies. They also dislike her because she is smarter than any of the wingnut rightwing talking heads. Strong women have always scared the right, they like dummies who read nothing like Palin, or still in the closet Coulter, a big mouth crazy who talks their talk. Intelligence eludes the right.
She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Most on the right are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of conservative dogma.

Most on the left are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of progressive dogma.

fixed that for ya. yer welcome.
Her piece on Reagan the other night was right on truth, something the right hides from or denies. They also dislike her because she is smarter than any of the wingnut rightwing talking heads. Strong women have always scared the right, they like dummies who read nothing like Palin, or still in the closet Coulter, a big mouth crazy who talks their talk. Intelligence eludes the right.

Oh, Hai there!!!

How many people actually watch her show?

To say that all republicans hate her is a bit grandiose don't you think?
She's gay. That's the number one reason.

The minorities right wingers hate the most in order of hate:




Non White Hispanics
No, I don't think that's it. Maybe for some, but it's not the main thing. Remember, they have Sheperd Smith and Dame Lindsey Graham which they don't seem to hate. So I don't think it's the gay issue that's the number 1 reason, it's just what they use to attack her with adhominems with.

She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Most on the right are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of conservative dogma.
That's it right there.

The main reason why far righties hate Rachel Maddow so much is that she CONSISTENTLY and CONSTANTLY exposes their lies and garbage that they are doing today, and also exposes old and used lies and propoganda, e.g. Raygunn's Sainthood, and show's how they are false.

They hate her guts for it.

Look at what happened this week...

You may have noticed a few of my previous posts referreing to the voter repression movement that the Republicans are engaged in in NOrth Carolina. Well, Rachel has been speaking about a particular case involving one Montravias King, who is a student running for a particular office in that state that the GOP has used the lie and fake law that b/c he's a student he's not truly a resident of the state and therefore can't run, nor vote.

Well, because of her expose look what happened this week...

North Carolina student wins key victory - The Maddow Blog

The bastards backed down. It's all on tape, for weeks and weeks, the entire story involving all the nonsense they've been doing up to now.

She hits them where it hurts, exposing their lies.

Only rabid partisans hate her though, because lots of sensible Republicans come to the light as a result of her work.
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She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Most on the right are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of conservative dogma.
It doesn't really count as exposing someone's lies if you lie yourself:

Rachel Maddow Lies to Leno About Republican Campaign Contributions | NewsBusters

Rachel Maddow Lies to David Letterman on the Auto Bailout | National Review Online

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC Caught Lying About Ohio Pro-Life Bill |

Rachel Maddow lies about Rush Limbaugh | Mofo Politics

American Power: Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies About 'Fast and Furious': MSNBC Hack Falsely Claims Scandal Just Like Shirley Sherrod 'Conspiracy'
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She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Most on the right are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of conservative dogma.
It doesn't really count as exposing someone's lies if you lie yourself:

Rachel Maddow Lies to Leno About Republican Campaign Contributions | NewsBusters

Rachel Maddow Lies to David Letterman on the Auto Bailout | National Review Online

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC Caught Lying About Ohio Pro-Life Bill |

Rachel Maddow lies about Rush Limbaugh | Mofo Politics

American Power: Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies About 'Fast and Furious': MSNBC Hack Falsely Claims Scandal Just Like Shirley Sherrod 'Conspiracy'

Yep, sounds like she's real consistent and constant alright.
is there anyone Marc isn't in love with?

lizzy warren
now maddcow...warped and twisted on who you admire
I think Maddow is relatively independent as far as the Corporate Media goes. But remember shes still on MSNBC, the good ones get fired,or pushed out ..Ratagan, Olbermann, Cenk Ugar....Ed must have come close so hes probably the best they have
Just check out the ones who call her "mad cow". They're stupid and are terrified because Maddow is intelligent and takes no prisoners.

I mean, these are the same people who believe the Pauls, Rubio and/or Ted Cruz are good for our country. They like stupid people like Bachmann, $arah, Beck, Limbaugh and so of course they're threatened by Rachael Maddow.

Besides, she's a lesbian vampire!

[ame=]!!RACHEL MADDOW: LESBIAN VAMPIRE!! - YouTube[/ame]
She simply tells it like it is.

She points out all the lies and shenanigansthat the Republicans and other far rightwing reactionary Republican radicals engage in.

She brings their nonsense to light.

And for that...they hate her guts.

I'll list the topics she covers and information she brings out to light in this thread.

Most on the right are hostile toward anyone who exposes the lies, hypocrisy, and fallacies that constitute much of conservative dogma.
It doesn't really count as exposing someone's lies if you lie yourself:

Rachel Maddow Lies to Leno About Republican Campaign Contributions | NewsBusters

Rachel Maddow Lies to David Letterman on the Auto Bailout | National Review Online

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC Caught Lying About Ohio Pro-Life Bill |

Rachel Maddow lies about Rush Limbaugh | Mofo Politics

American Power: Debunking Rachel Maddow's Lies About 'Fast and Furious': MSNBC Hack Falsely Claims Scandal Just Like Shirley Sherrod 'Conspiracy'
No Maddow supporters want to address her lies?
I mean, these are the same people who believe the Pauls, Rubio and/or Ted Cruz are good for our country. They like stupid people like Bachmann, $arah, Beck, Limbaugh and so of course they're threatened by Rachael Maddow.

The Pauls stand apart from the rest u name and WOULD be good for the country. Palin I would say has also faced character assassination which means she must be doing something right.
Well, I'm going to go off the beaten path here. I'm on the right and I actually like Rachel. I can actually listen to her speak, rather than flinching from the screeching at the likes of the Olbermans and Matthews. She makes her point, she has a sense of humor, she comes across as someone I'd enjoy knowing. So there.

Does Rachel spin? Of course she does. They all do. That's what talking heads do. Stahp taking them so seriously.

Having said all that ... I don't watch those types of shows much. It's just blah, blah, blah everyone talking over everyone else or everyone circle jerking. Blarg. The hubs will turn on O'Reilly and anything past the first ten minutes drives me nuts. Click! Time to watch House Hunters.
Well, I'm going to go off the beaten path here. I'm on the right and I actually like Rachel. I can actually listen to her speak, rather than flinching from the screeching at the likes of the Olbermans and Matthews. She makes her point, she has a sense of humor, she comes across as someone I'd enjoy knowing. So there.

Does Rachel spin? Of course she does. They all do. That's what talking heads do. Stahp taking them so seriously.

Having said all that ... I don't watch those types of shows much. It's just blah, blah, blah everyone talking over everyone else or everyone circle jerking. Blarg. The hubs will turn on O'Reilly and anything past the first ten minutes drives me nuts. Click! Time to watch House Hunters.

I dont think Olberman ever "screeched", but I think both left and right can agree Matthews is an idiot

I like your attitude towards these "opinion shapers", if you watch watch critically.

She's repulsive and NO ONE is afraid of her. They just find her dykeyness disgusting.

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