Recent Fetus Survives Mother's Late Term Abortion...


So "Viable" is Life... And you are OK with 1.2% of Babies being Murdered by Doctors but this Woman can't make that "Choice" for herself... I see your Inconsistency... And it's Convenient. :thup:

Here's my position, so it is absolutely clear to you.

The 1% keep waiving bloody fetuses in front of stupid fucks like you to get you to vote for more plutocracy. But you are no closer to banning abortion than you were 40 years ago when they started playing this shit. So what you end up voting for is more union busting. More wage busting. MOre cuts in social services. More wealth inequality. More factories moved to China.

All of which leads to (wait for it)


That you are too stupid to realize how you are being played is sort of depressing. When you want to have a discussion about how you are being played by the 1% on this issue, then I will take you seriously.

By the way, a Woman's Vagina and a Baby are not the same thing... They each have a Beating Heart and Nervous System... At what Age?... Babies aren't Women's "lady parts"... :rolleyes:

Fetuses are in her lady parts. It's her call. Period.

So "Viable" is Life... And you are OK with 1.2% of Babies being Murdered by Doctors but this Woman can't make that "Choice" for herself... I see your Inconsistency... And it's Convenient. :thup:

Here's my position, so it is absolutely clear to you.

The 1% keep waiving bloody fetuses in front of stupid fucks like you...<SNIP>

I'm sorry... Did you have something to say after that?... You should reconsider how you address people if you are looking to have a mature discussion with them.


mal considering the state of the economy etc and so forth...what would this country look like with all these unwanted babies being born?

i hate wading into the abortion debate....i am like most of americans in favor of limited abortion rights but there is where the debate flares up...what is the limit?

i have yet to be convinced of the need for 'late' term abortions...
mal considering the state of the economy etc and so forth...what would this country look like with all these unwanted babies being born?

i hate wading into the abortion debate....i am like most of americans in favor of limited abortion rights but there is where the debate flares up...what is the limit?

i have yet to be convinced of the need for 'late' term abortions...

The Economy is turning around... Not that the Economy is a Justification for Aborting Inconvenient Life... Which is what Abortion is 99.99999% of the time.

Let's see if JoeB can give me one example of an Abortion saving a Woman's Life. :thup:

It's not the Baby's Fault that it's Mother and Father were Stupid... Why must the Baby Die because of other people's Irresponsibility? :dunno:


mal people have abortions for many reasons and yes the number 1 reason is they dont want the child..simple as you really want to force the stupid into reproducing? do you? i dont, hell i am still in shock that you found a female willing to bump uglies with you and then have cant tell me she knew how beautiful they would all be?

but really all joking cant force people to have a child or then you have more instances of this...child dumping and dont tell me people will adopt.....there is a major orphanage here with plenty of kids to adopt but just not male white infants

this forced birth scares the hell outta me....i have the misfortune of reading 'the handmaidens tale' horrible book the writing sucks but damn if its not something that could happen
mal considering the state of the economy etc and so forth...what would this country look like with all these unwanted babies being born?

i hate wading into the abortion debate....i am like most of americans in favor of limited abortion rights but there is where the debate flares up...what is the limit?

i have yet to be convinced of the need for 'late' term abortions...

Since 1973 millions of babies have been aborted, who would have been welcome by childless and infertile couples.

Many of them would be productive tax payers by now. Many of them might have become doctors, engineers, teachers, artists, athletes, plumbers, factory workers and hell, even politicians.

Abortion never gave them a chance.

Those who promote abortion should be eternally grateful that their mothers were not uncaring, unfeeling, cruel and soulless bastards, like them.
and the name calling begins......

then why are there kids in orphanages as we speak?

I quoted my own post:

"Maybe you should ask that question to those who insist and help make and enforce the law that a black baby can only be adopted by a black couple, that a Native American baby can be adopted only by a Native American family, and when a lucky black baby is adopted by a white family, that white family is the object of derision, racial hatred and sophomoric jokes. The same people who put political correctness ahead of love and future and life of a child."

Strange world we live in.

Almost simultaneously I received two reps for this post.

One positive, just a plain and simple acknowledgement, the other, negative, substance of which was offensive and childish name-calling.

Go, figure.
Last edited:

So "Viable" is Life... And you are OK with 1.2% of Babies being Murdered by Doctors but this Woman can't make that "Choice" for herself... I see your Inconsistency... And it's Convenient. :thup:

Here's my position, so it is absolutely clear to you.

The 1% keep waiving bloody fetuses in front of stupid fucks like you...<SNIP>

I'm sorry... Did you have something to say after that?... You should reconsider how you address people if you are looking to have a mature discussion with them.



Yes, i realize thta you guys never want to consider how you guys are being played by the 1%.

And you never stop to think that with 8 Republican appointment to SCOTUS and Republican Presidents in the White House for 23 of the 41 years since Roe, Abortion is still just as easy to get as it was in 1973.

Nope, but some minister waives a picture of whatever they got dumpster diving behind an abortion clinic, and you guys vote for more free trade.

Man, are you fucking stupid, or what?
Here's my position, so it is absolutely clear to you.

The 1% keep waiving bloody fetuses in front of stupid fucks like you...<SNIP>

I'm sorry... Did you have something to say after that?... You should reconsider how you address people if you are looking to have a mature discussion with them.



Yes, i realize thta you guys never want to consider how you guys are being played by the 1%.

And you never stop to think that with 8 Republican appointment to SCOTUS and Republican Presidents in the White House for 23 of the 41 years since Roe, Abortion is still just as easy to get as it was in 1973.

Nope, but some minister waives a picture of whatever they got dumpster diving behind an abortion clinic, and you guys vote for more free trade.

Man, are you fucking stupid, or what?

Yoar Drunk, Joe... Go to bed. :thup:


Wow, i've never seen anyone work so hard to avoid the elephant in the middle of the room.

Okay, I'll make it easy for you.

Why is Roe v. Wade still the law of the land on a court dominated by Reagan/Bush appointees?

I think the day you ask yourself that question honestly, you'll finally get it.
Wow, i've never seen anyone work so hard to avoid the elephant in the middle of the room.

Okay, I'll make it easy for you.

Why is Roe v. Wade still the law of the land on a court dominated by Reagan/Bush appointees?

I think the day you ask yourself that question honestly, you'll finally get it.

Are you Suggesting that either Reagan or Bush Appointed all Constitutional Conservatives?... :rofl:


And "dominated"?...


There are 4 LIBERALS on that Court... Clinton and Obama's...

Out of the 5 put there by the Bushes and Ronnie, which are the Conservatives?...

You couldn't have a better Ally for Homos and Baby Killers in Kennedy...

The DemocRAT Appointees are Predictably and Consistently Liberal... The GOP's?... Not so much.


Wow, i've never seen anyone work so hard to avoid the elephant in the middle of the room.

Okay, I'll make it easy for you.

Why is Roe v. Wade still the law of the land on a court dominated by Reagan/Bush appointees?

I think the day you ask yourself that question honestly, you'll finally get it.

Are you Suggesting that either Reagan or Bush Appointed all Constitutional Conservatives?... :rofl:


And "dominated"?...


There are 4 LIBERALS on that Court... Clinton and Obama's...

Out of the 5 put there by the Bushes and Ronnie, which are the Conservatives?...

You couldn't have a better Ally for Homos and Baby Killers in Kennedy...

The DemocRAT Appointees are Predictably and Consistently Liberal... The GOP's?... Not so much.

But why did Kennedy get appointed to start with?

Oh, he did because after Reagan took a dive by nominating Bork (who was so batshit crazy even Republicans couldn't support him), he appointed Kennedy. He also appointed O'Connor.

And Bush-41 appointed Souter.

Point is, you guys supported these fools and they turned around and appointed more moderates that conservatives.

Because while they will show you pictures of the medical waste to get you all upset, it isn't that important to them.

You are getting played, and you can't admit it.

On the other hand, when it came to the deregulation, the free trade, the union busting, and all the things that the 1%ers wanted out of these guys, they totally got those things. And when they crashed the economy, they got bailouts for the 1%.


So "Viable" is Life... And you are OK with 1.2% of Babies being Murdered by Doctors but this Woman can't make that "Choice" for herself... I see your Inconsistency... And it's Convenient. :thup:

Here's my position, so it is absolutely clear to you.

The 1% keep waiving bloody fetuses in front of stupid fucks like you...<SNIP>

I'm sorry... Did you have something to say after that?... You should reconsider how you address people if you are looking to have a mature discussion with them.



Given the fact that you're a liar, you're in no position to tell others what constitutes mature discussion.

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