Recession in 2020 unlikely say majority of investors. Democrat hopes dashed!

Euphoria sweeps across Wall Street. How long will it last? - CNN

Russia was a bust.
The race card was revoked by Trump accomplishments.
Impeachment is DOA in the Senate.

Y'all have any "LEGIT" back up plans to help you win next year?
My Lord. With USMCAMAGA and the China deal that will be worked out in 2020, 2020 will beat the piss out of 19.

Dow up. Arabs thrashed. Dead beat countries paying up. Interest rates low. Inflation nil

Liberals in deep depression after all their scams revealed in 2020

Happy New Year libs

No one is hoping for a recession. It's just that after decades of being told that doing anything for the working class would shock the economy into a ruinous recession we come to this time when it seems the economy cannot be shocked into recession no matter what the president does. We've been lied to over and over about the fragility of the economy. Apparently it can withstand shocks way larger than minimum wage hikes or banking regulation.
Gotta be careful about that euphoria stuff, but yeah, things are looking pretty good right now.

Plus the Fed is back to pouring hundreds of billions into the system, and that's a green light.

I guess we'll worry about the deficit, the debt and the Fed's balance sheet later.
Recession in 2020 unlikely say majority of investors. Democrat hopes dashed!

Sounds much like pronouncements made in 07
Gotta be careful about that euphoria stuff, but yeah, things are looking pretty good right now.

Plus the Fed is back to pouring hundreds of billions into the system, and that's a green light.

I guess we'll worry about the deficit, the debt and the Fed's balance sheet later.
Another Trump accomplishment.

He made at least a few Democrats discover the deficit.
By making it so huge that nobody could miss it.
I agree he's been a failure on leading for spending cuts. That's one reason he wasn't near my 1st GOP choice.

But that said, every cent went through Pelosi's fingers before Trump had the option to sign the bill.

The feds have record tax receipts thanks to the GOP tax cuts/reforms.

So now that you finally noticed the Deficit, what do about it?
Euphoria sweeps across Wall Street. How long will it last? - CNN

Russia was a bust.
The race card was revoked by Trump accomplishments.
Impeachment is DOA in the Senate.

Y'all have any "LEGIT" back up plans to help you win next year?
Mueller proved Trump obstruction and collusion......but not criminal conspiracy.
Trump started his campaign by playing the race card.
Impeachment, based on the facts, is a slam dunk.

All Dems want for Christmas is Trumpists to acknowledge the same 2% GDP growth we have that we had under Obama is built on Trump's budget busting tax cut.
Dem's are praying for economic collapse its their only hope of defeating Trump in 2020.
The sick part is that democrats were hoping for a recession and a downturn in the economy and damn the Country. The democrat leadership was working against the will of the people and so was the liberal media. Left wing comedian turned political analyst Bill Maher said it best for democrats, "A recession would be worth it to get rd of Trump".
Euphoria sweeps across Wall Street. How long will it last? - CNN

Russia was a bust.
The race card was revoked by Trump accomplishments.
Impeachment is DOA in the Senate.

Y'all have any "LEGIT" back up plans to help you win next year?

Last year at this time, the Liberal Talking heads were pledging recession by this time.

Those who listened to them are so much poorer.

They thought they could "talk down" the economy, and bullshit enough for a self fulfilling prophecy.

They failed spectacularly. So all they have left is their Fake Impeachment to try and destroy America.

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