Reconcile this...Dems still complaining about trespassers at our Capitol while saying nothing about trespassers from Mexico?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
For the life of me, I cannot see how democrats can casually dismiss the attacks and resulting damage done on federal buildings elsewhere, and attacks on a state capitol building in Wisconsin and then raise a big stink about the attack on DC. The double standard they employ is disgusting and immoral. You cannot excuse misconduct for some but not other based on political preference.
For the life of me, I cannot see how democrats can casually dismiss the attacks and resulting damage done on federal buildings elsewhere, and attacks on a state capitol building in Wisconsin and then raise a big stink about the attack on DC. The double standard they employ is disgusting and immoral. You cannot excuse misconduct for some but not other based on political preference.

It’s just plain bizarre...I thank God that I can’t wrap my head around the lunacy.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?
For the life of me, I cannot see how democrats can casually dismiss the attacks and resulting damage done on federal buildings elsewhere, and attacks on a state capitol building in Wisconsin and then raise a big stink about the attack on DC. The double standard they employ is disgusting and immoral. You cannot excuse misconduct for some but not other based on political preference.

It’s just plain bizarre...I thank God that I can’t wrap my head around the lunacy.

I can wrap my head around it just fine....unfortunately
It's obvious what they are trying to do. It's all about demonizing the other side.
It's cuz PROGS aren't rational thinkers. They're a very dependent people, that's the nature of PROG. So they let MSM & their favorite politicians do their thinking for them.

That's just the start of it, they expect the govt. to replace personal responsibility too.
For the life of me, I cannot see how democrats can casually dismiss the attacks and resulting damage done on federal buildings elsewhere, and attacks on a state capitol building in Wisconsin and then raise a big stink about the attack on DC. The double standard they employ is disgusting and immoral. You cannot excuse misconduct for some but not other based on political preference.

It’s just plain bizarre...I thank God that I can’t wrap my head around the lunacy.
To liberals, illegals are more important than citizens, pets more important than humans, etc, etc....
I don't understand it. Every time that there's a discussion about the Capitol, I always, immediately start talking about Mexico.
I don't understand it. Every time that there's a discussion about the Capitol, I always, immediately start talking about Mexico.

Ofcourse you don't Gustavo from El, like all America hating abnormals want to pretend that nationalist whitey is Americas worse enemy while dark folks and illegals are America's greatest asset. We totally get it....More Twilight Zone shit from LibTardia
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?

You really are a brokeloser, aren't you?
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.
I don't understand it. Every time that there's a discussion about the Capitol, I always, immediately start talking about Mexico.
Do you know what I find funny?

Every time you fuckers start talking about violence, and we bring up the fact that you never said a goddamn fucking word about all of the violence that went on in 2020, you again and start talking about the capitol and ignore the rest.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

The great thing about free-speech is that people use it and get on record.

No wonder you're such a clue fuck. You don't know anything about that party.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

"We swear, we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders."

You people can not continue selling your bullshit...Nobody sane is buying it.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

"We swear, we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders."

You people can not continue selling your bullshit...Nobody sane is buying it.

You don't need a wall.. That was an expensive Trump vanity.

You need to expand E-Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.. like Trump.
I don't understand it. Every time that there's a discussion about the Capitol, I always, immediately start talking about Mexico.
Do you know what I find funny?

Every time you fuckers start talking about violence, and we bring up the fact that you never said a goddamn fucking word about all of the violence that went on in 2020, you again and start talking about the capitol and ignore the rest.
Not me, King of Valhalla.
I start talking about Mexico and open borders.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

We need a "You're a fucking lying cocksucker" button because thumbs down just won't do it
Ofcourse you don't Gustavo from El, like all America hating abnormals want to pretend that nationalist whitey is Americas worse enemy while dark folks and illegals are America's greatest asset. We totally get it....More Twilight Zone shit from LibTardia
Nationalist whitey is America's worst enemy.
Ofcourse you don't Gustavo from El, like all America hating abnormals want to pretend that nationalist whitey is Americas worse enemy while dark folks and illegals are America's greatest asset. We totally get it....More Twilight Zone shit from LibTardia
Nationalist whitey is America's worst enemy.

Lets compare the post the negative data related to Nationalist Whitey and I'll post the negative data related to dark folks and illegals....You go first.
(this is where you make your escape from the thread)

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