Reconcile this...Dems still complaining about trespassers at our Capitol while saying nothing about trespassers from Mexico?

MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Trump used Intel to stop people coming from countries that represented a terrorist threat. Democrats immediately jumped on that as a universal Muslim ban yet we had zero terrorist events in the US stemming from jihad in the four years Trump was President. Biden wants to undo all of that. Who is going to be accountable should a terrorist event occur aimed at the US in the name of a terror cell out of the Middle East; in particular, one of the banned countries under Trump?

Trump never sat for an intelligence briefing and never read the short versions his staff prepared for him. He preferred to watch himself on TV until 11 AM every day.

From 2016.

Donald Trump Says He Doesn't Need Intelligence Briefings ...
On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as...
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

"We swear, we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders."

You people can not continue selling your bullshit...Nobody sane is buying it.

You pinhead.. Foreigners get international driver's licenses all over the world and always have. In my family we had international driver's licenses for Europe and Saudi driver's licenses. My mother had a Libyan driver's license and my brothers had Kuwaiti driver's licenses.

Cool story Gustavo...were you in those countries on a legitimate invite from The People or were you there trespassing against their will, ruining their education and healthcare systems, pillaging their once robust welfare system, stealing their jobs, raping, maiming and murdering their people?

There are plenty of foreigners in the US on visas.. but all countries do not require a visa... like when you went to Europe.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Trump used Intel to stop people coming from countries that represented a terrorist threat. Democrats immediately jumped on that as a universal Muslim ban yet we had zero terrorist events in the US stemming from jihad in the four years Trump was President. Biden wants to undo all of that. Who is going to be accountable should a terrorist event occur aimed at the US in the name of a terror cell out of the Middle East; in particular, one of the banned countries under Trump?

Trump never sat for an intelligence briefing and never read the short versions his staff prepared for him. He preferred to watch himself on TV until 11 AM every day.

From 2016.

Donald Trump Says He Doesn't Need Intelligence Briefings ...
On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as...
"Well, I get it when I need it."

That's generally how it is done.
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
What percentage of Americans are killed by illegal immigrants?

Illegal immigrants = LITTERS of taxpayer dependent, criminal minded Democrat voting parasites. You honestly didn't know that?

The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Trump used Intel to stop people coming from countries that represented a terrorist threat. Democrats immediately jumped on that as a universal Muslim ban yet we had zero terrorist events in the US stemming from jihad in the four years Trump was President. Biden wants to undo all of that. Who is going to be accountable should a terrorist event occur aimed at the US in the name of a terror cell out of the Middle East; in particular, one of the banned countries under Trump?

Trump never sat for an intelligence briefing and never read the short versions his staff prepared for him. He preferred to watch himself on TV until 11 AM every day.

From 2016.

Donald Trump Says He Doesn't Need Intelligence Briefings ...
On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as...

Donald Trump: I Don't Need Daily Intelligence Briefings | Time
December 11, 2016 11:15 AM EST Donald Trump said he doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s a “smart person.” Trump, who currently receives the presidential daily brief just once a...
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Trump used Intel to stop people coming from countries that represented a terrorist threat. Democrats immediately jumped on that as a universal Muslim ban yet we had zero terrorist events in the US stemming from jihad in the four years Trump was President. Biden wants to undo all of that. Who is going to be accountable should a terrorist event occur aimed at the US in the name of a terror cell out of the Middle East; in particular, one of the banned countries under Trump?

Trump never sat for an intelligence briefing and never read the short versions his staff prepared for him. He preferred to watch himself on TV until 11 AM every day.

From 2016.

Donald Trump Says He Doesn't Need Intelligence Briefings ...
On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as...
"Well, I get it when I need it."

That's generally how it is done.

Trump Doesn't Read His Daily Intelligence Briefings ...
Trump Doesn't Read His Daily Intelligence Briefings; Prefers Big Pictures Instead. President Donald Trump speaking to the media as he met with Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos in the Oval ..
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?

Democrats have been calling for a solution to the problem of illegal immigration for many years.


The Republicans have refused to help work on a solution because they want illegal immigration to remain a political issue - they do not want any solution.

BTW - there is absolutely NO relationship between illegal immigration and the attack on the Capitol. Only an idiot would try to make a connection between the two.

Also - Thanks for changing your avatar to a picture of the single greatest traitor in American history. We now know what you are - a Traitor to the United States of America.

We'd gladly accept a million Mexican immigrants that were loyal Americans - and kick your sleazy treasonous butt out of our country!!!!
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
What percentage of Americans are killed by illegal immigrants?

Illegal immigrants = LITTERS of taxpayer dependent, criminal minded Democrat voting parasites. You honestly didn't know that?

The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.
You can go ahead and spike the football now.

The defense rests....
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Trump used Intel to stop people coming from countries that represented a terrorist threat. Democrats immediately jumped on that as a universal Muslim ban yet we had zero terrorist events in the US stemming from jihad in the four years Trump was President. Biden wants to undo all of that. Who is going to be accountable should a terrorist event occur aimed at the US in the name of a terror cell out of the Middle East; in particular, one of the banned countries under Trump?

Trump never sat for an intelligence briefing and never read the short versions his staff prepared for him. He preferred to watch himself on TV until 11 AM every day.

From 2016.

Donald Trump Says He Doesn't Need Intelligence Briefings ...
On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as...
"Well, I get it when I need it."

That's generally how it is done.

Trump Doesn't Read His Daily Intelligence Briefings ...
Trump Doesn't Read His Daily Intelligence Briefings; Prefers Big Pictures Instead. President Donald Trump speaking to the media as he met with Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos in the Oval ..
"Well, I get it when I need it."
Democrats have been calling for a solution to the problem of illegal immigration for many years.
We know. And, the "solution" is worse than the problem. No, thank you.

Perhaps Republicans should do something called 'Compromise'. That's how Democratic governments work.

But they don't want to compromise...they want the illegal immigration to remain a political football.

If they did solve the illegal immigration issue, they wouldn't have anything to get their dumbass supporters riled up about.

hahaha....Neat arrangement of words....BUT let's be honest, doesn't "comprehensive immigration reform" really mean "a much better deal for Mexico's people at the expense of good, real, core Americans"?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.
MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.

Not to mention the fact that Biden wants to increase the number of refugees coming here from the ME. That, plus an open southern border that all but invites the criminal and terrorist elements to walk right in, bypassing the controlled entry points. How many more of our citizens are going to be raped and killed as a result of democratic immigration policies?

Nobody, including Biden wants open borders... Damn, you're stupid.

"We swear, we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders."

You people can not continue selling your bullshit...Nobody sane is buying it.

You pinhead.. Foreigners get international driver's licenses all over the world and always have. In my family we had international driver's licenses for Europe and Saudi driver's licenses. My mother had a Libyan driver's license and my brothers had Kuwaiti driver's licenses.

Cool story Gustavo...were you in those countries on a legitimate invite from The People or were you there trespassing against their will, ruining their education and healthcare systems, pillaging their once robust welfare system, stealing their jobs, raping, maiming and murdering their people?
So Gustavo isn't your pet name for me? I'm shattered.
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

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