Reconcile this...Dems still complaining about trespassers at our Capitol while saying nothing about trespassers from Mexico?

Timothy 3:1-5

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Boy, that sounds just like the Democrats and their enablers.

LOL The last days were back in the first century when Temple Judaism came to an end.

You must be a Scofield heretic.
I saw the quote in an article and thought is was very telling. I would rather not argue about the Bible. It does fit the people who are running this country, hands down.

It was written by ignorant people...
Back then people who could read and write were not ignorant. Times have changed as your post illustrates.

Applying it to the 21st century is ignorant...It means they have adopted their theology to Cyrus Scofield and Hal Lindsey.
Timothy 3:1-5

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Boy, that sounds just like the Democrats and their enablers

Matthew 7:1-3
Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Maybe the idiots trying to railroad Trump should read that. I did not do the judging and either did Timothy. He simply said there will be people like that. And there most certainly are. Hell, you are one of them.

Timothy was a disciple of Paul who died in 68 AD before the destruction of the Temple. At the time the Jewish factions in Jerusalem were fighting the Romans and each other. It was the end of an age NOT the end of the world.
What did I just tell you? I do not want to argue about the Bible. Your opinion is just fine with me.
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...

You're not "scared" of trespassers breaking into your home against your will?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...

You're not "scared" of trespassers breaking into your home against your will?
Jeez man, you're paranoid too.

What's it like to be scared of your shadow?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...

You're not "scared" of trespassers breaking into your home against your will?
Jeez man, you're paranoid too.

What's it like to be scared of your shadow?
Lets pretend you had something worth protecting...would you be "scared" then?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...

You're not "scared" of trespassers breaking into your home against your will?
Jeez man, you're paranoid too.

What's it like to be scared of your shadow?
Lets pretend you had something worth protecting...would you be "scared" then?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Mollie’s parents want you to stop using her Mollie for you xenophobic propaganda.

Truth and those pesky inconvenient facts can never be seen as "propaganda". Sucks huh Fernando?

No, you just can't stop being a loser.

Mollie Tibbetts' father says daughter would not want to be face of immigration debate
There are plenty who could take her place. There will be more, Biden has already taken care of that.
Just be scared of brown people whitey...

You're not "scared" of trespassers breaking into your home against your will?
Jeez man, you're paranoid too.

What's it like to be scared of your shadow?
Lets pretend you had something worth protecting...would you be "scared" then?
Dude, just sit behind your front door with that gun on your lap and don’t shoot the pizza delivery guy since your mom wanted you eat something.
This outrageous story demonstrates for all to see the true nature of the biden regime.

So why was he with the mob at the Capitol?

This outrageous story demonstrates for all to see the true nature of the biden regime.

So why was he with the mob at the Capitol?
Being in a crowd is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution's First Amendment.

For now, until Democrats have their way.

Nor when that crowd breaks into the US Capitol.

This outrageous story demonstrates for all to see the true nature of the biden regime.

So why was he with the mob at the Capitol?
Being in a crowd is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution's First Amendment.

For now, until Democrats have their way.

Nor when that crowd breaks into the US Capitol.
Such a dangerous man.


Or incredibly stupid. The "protestors" didn't storm the Capitol.
You'd think if the guy were so dangerous, the cops right in front of him would have arrested him.

It's almost like the insurrection you're all pissing your pants about...wasn't an insurrection.

You mean arrest him while the mob was in the Capitol? The cops were overwhelmed and being hit and punched by the mob.

This outrageous story demonstrates for all to see the true nature of the biden regime.

So why was he with the mob at the Capitol?
Being in a crowd is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution's First Amendment.

For now, until Democrats have their way.

Nor when that crowd breaks into the US Capitol.
Such a dangerous man.


Or incredibly stupid. The "protestors" didn't storm the Capitol.
You'd think if the guy were so dangerous, the cops right in front of him would have arrested him.

It's almost like the insurrection you're all pissing your pants about...wasn't an insurrection.

You mean arrest him while the mob was in the Capitol? The cops were overwhelmed and being hit and punched by the mob.
Was that guy hitting and punching anyone? No. He asked the cops where a bathroom was, and they told him.

You leftists sure do like your police states, don't you?

And you idiots had the nerve to call Trump a fascist. :auiqs.jpg:

Why was he with the mob who stormed the Capitol?
Still stuck on 1/6?
Do you hate all trespassers?
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?

Mexicans didn't attack the Capitol. That was Trumpies.
Mexicans didn't attack the Capitol. That was Trumpies.
True…a few hundred didn’t break into the peoples house….a couple million broke into the peoples nation and you can’t give two fucks.
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
First, you are insurrectionists because of what the mob of thugs hoped to achieve by invading the Capitol at the direction of the former president.

Second, the parents of Mollie ask that you stop using her name to foster xenophobic bullshit.

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