Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.

And required to get your business major 9JoeB) are 5 classes in underwater basket weaving, 12 classes of lesbian diversity and 7 classes on the 42 sexual groups.

As well as Marxism for the Masses, Evil Capitalism, and Our Terrible Constitution.
Liberty is for those who know history, work and think.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
Hilarious. Tell me more about Obama and Clinton’s dismantling of the middle class.
It’s hard for me to agree with JoeB because even when he’s right about Rs he never blames Ds.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.

The right wing has been dismantling the Middle Class? How so? Consider that it has been Democrats over the last 50 years who have turned to models and ideas of thought leaders and other nations that are decidedly Socialist. In Socialism, there can be no middle class. Here in the US, we see Democrats seemingly go after “the wealthy” for more taxes but invariably, the Middle Class keeps less of its paycheck under Democrats. Also, look how Democrats treat Small Business. Small Business is a Middle Class Dream? What have Democrats done besides treat Small Businesses the same as Big Corporations or as wealthy individuals that need to “pay their fair share?” As for Middle Class jobs, you can’t stick Businesses with high taxes, increased regulations, arbitrary wage and benefits mandates, and unlimited liability and expect them not to take those jobs elsewhere outside of US to evade those job killers.
GW, along with the rest of Congress, opened our borders, inundated our shores with business visas and happily sent the corporations, in which he and Cheney hold stock, to India and China.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.

The right wing has been dismantling the Middle Class? How so? Consider that it has been Democrats over the last 50 years who have turned to models and ideas of thought leaders and other nations that are decidedly Socialist. In Socialism, there can be no middle class. Here in the US, we see Democrats seemingly go after “the wealthy” for more taxes but invariably, the Middle Class keeps less of its paycheck under Democrats. Also, look how Democrats treat Small Business. Small Business is a Middle Class Dream? What have Democrats done besides treat Small Businesses the same as Big Corporations or as wealthy individuals that need to “pay their fair share?” As for Middle Class jobs, you can’t stick Businesses with high taxes, increased regulations, arbitrary wage and benefits mandates, and unlimited liability and expect them not to take those jobs elsewhere outside of US to evade those job killers.
GW, along with the rest of Congress, opened our borders, inundated our shores with business visas and happily sent the corporations, in which he and Cheney hold stock, to India and China.

you present that as if Corporations by and large packed up and moved off shore when Bush and Cheney took office. Show how this was not happening under Clinton and Carter or how Democrats in Congress over the last 50 years have have not pushed policies like I described in my post that were hinderences to US businesses?
Explain how kids living with parents is a bad thing.
1). They are less to get married or wait until they have a good job. Less divorce less unwanted pregnancies. Us 1
2). Less debt. Us 2
3). Save money. Plus 3
4). Can help out at home. Plus 4
Searching for the down side.
My generation has parents moving in with them because they don't want them to go to a nursing home and be abused by some minimum wage convict sadistic low IQ simian orderly on parole that hates their job.
I am still with my mom because she was hit with a physical illness when I was just four years old. My dad and older sister eventually made it as clear as crystal glass that they only care about themselves.

God bless you and my mom always!!!

Holly (almost age 39 now)
That's a great daughter!

There's a special place in heaven for angels like you.
Thank you. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

1) 2020- Trump's failures on Covid and his unnecessary trade wars.
Failure? Even North Korea has the ChiCom Flu. Maybe Pelosi shouldn’t have told people to go to Chinatown without masks and hug people to show their not racists.

We have had half a million Covid Deaths, compared to most other countries that have had less than 100,000.

Trump failed on it miserably.
Bullshit. The reason that there's a vaccine available to the public is because of Trump's Operation Warp Speed. And the rest of governments of the world had to follow suit.

That's called world leadership.
Johnson & Johnson see what happens when they rush at warp speed?
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
$100 cellphone
$100 car insurance
$350 healthcare insurance because Walmart doesn’t provide healthcare to workers
$1000 rent
$300 car payment
$400 food and clothing

How can a young person afford to move out?

My only problem is if the kids not working and saving or going to school.
How can a young person afford to move out?
Apparently you Leftards think raising gas and home energy costs along with making homes expensive is the cure.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
Hilarious. Tell me more about Obama and Clinton’s dismantling of the middle class.
It’s hard for me to agree with JoeB because even when he’s right about Rs he never blames Ds.
He blames Trump for deficits while ignoring the fact its Pelosi’s budget.
Explain how kids living with parents is a bad thing.
1). They are less [likely] to get married or wait until they have a good job [to get married][Please learn some English, Lefty.]. Less divorce less unwanted pregnancies. Us [sic] 1
In Leftist parlance: "Please document your claims with links to verifiable, reliable sources. Otherwise your claims are baseless and worthless.
2). Less debt. Us [sic] 2

In Leftist parlance: "Please document your claims with links to verifiable, reliable sources. Otherwise your claims are baseless and worthless."
3). Save money. Plus 3

Save WHOSE money, the freeloading kids? You don't give a rip about the parents and their future and retirement.
4). Can help out at home. Plus 4
Searching for the down side.

Help themselves to their parents' home, and food, and money. Socialism writ large.
Right up your alley. Why develop responsibility and maturity in your children when you can raise them as dependent freeloaders like good Democrats are.

To my Ignore List you go.

ciao brutto
Explain how kids living with parents is a bad thing.
1). They are less [likely] to get married or wait until they have a good job [to get married][Please learn some English, Lefty.]. Less divorce less unwanted pregnancies. Us [sic] 1
In Leftist parlance: "Please document your claims with links to verifiable, reliable sources. Otherwise your claims are baseless and worthless.
2). Less debt. Us [sic] 2

In Leftist parlance: "Please document your claims with links to verifiable, reliable sources. Otherwise your claims are baseless and worthless."
3). Save money. Plus 3

Save WHOSE money, the freeloading kids? You don't give a rip about the parents and their future and retirement.
4). Can help out at home. Plus 4
Searching for the down side.

Help themselves to their parents' home, and food, and money. Socialism writ large.
Right up your alley. Why develop responsibility and maturity in your children when you can raise them as dependent freeloaders like good Democrats are.

To my Ignore List you go.

ciao brutto
The Left need to have why water is wet explained to them.
You have failed to refute my points. What does it matter if kids are living at home? It has no negative effects on the nation. You have failed to describe how it's such a bad thing.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.

You mean NAFTA? That was your team. :D
Young Americans defined as 18-34? First of all an 18 year old is seldom mature enough to fend for his/her self. In fact most 18 year olds are still in high school. Did they include 18 years old to inflate the statistics? On the other side you almost gotta laugh at the notion that 34 year olds are "young Americans". I'd call them lazy slobs.
Bullshit. The reason that there's a vaccine available to the public is because of Trump's Operation Warp Speed. And the rest of governments of the world had to follow suit.

That's called world leadership.

Most of the vaccines were developed overseas... so no. Nothing to do with Trump's incompetence.

He promised to have 10 million shots by the end of December and came up with less than 2 million.

Meanwhile, Biden has already gotten 150 million people inoculated.
You mean NAFTA? That was your team.

NAFTA was negotiated by Bush Senior... so wrong again. Not that NAFTA was the problem. The problem was when Reagan let big business dismantle the unions. That's why we don't have a middle class anymore.
It was really closer to $5Trn as COVID came but still bad. Did you criticize the prior administration for their spending spree as well? Nah, hypocrite princess watching JoeB.

Naw, Princess Big Nose, I don't criticize Obama for having huge deficits when he was left with the worst Recession in 70 years AND two unnecessary wars AND a huge tax cut for the rich.

All things he fixed, and then Trump proceeded to fuck up again... except for the war part, because the Pentagon wouldn't let him play with the toys.
The right wing has been dismantling the Middle Class? How so? Consider that it has been Democrats over the last 50 years who have turned to models and ideas of thought leaders and other nations that are decidedly Socialist. In Socialism, there can be no middle class. Here in the US, we see Democrats seemingly go after “the wealthy” for more taxes but invariably, the Middle Class keeps less of its paycheck under Democrats.

This is where you are a bit confused.... Other nations have more vibrant middle classes than we do because they have socialized medicine, extensive entitlement programs, etc.

The reason why the middle class has been shrinking is 1) The Republicans shifted the tax burden to them and away from the Rich where it belongs and 2) They disbanded the unions, which created the middle class to start with.
If it were more financially feasible for kids to move out they would. Can't move out making $20 per hour that doesn't pay any bills at all. Tells you where wages are and how far behind they are.
It was really closer to $5Trn as COVID came but still bad. Did you criticize the prior administration for their spending spree as well? Nah, hypocrite princess watching JoeB.

Naw, Princess Big Nose, I don't criticize Obama for having huge deficits when he was left with the worst Recession in 70 years AND two unnecessary wars AND a huge tax cut for the rich.

All things he fixed, and then Trump proceeded to fuck up again... except for the war part, because the Pentagon wouldn't let him play with the toys.
Is that what you learned by watching the Obama princess special on Disney?

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