Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.

Hilarious. Simply hilarious.
So is that why you’ve maxed out your credit cards and mortgaged everything, budgets don’t have things to do with economic stability?

Wow, guy, you really suck at analogies.

Trump increased the national debt by 8 trillion in four years... He kind of owns a lot of that blame, by your logic.
Shitforbrains, those budgets came from Pelosi.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!
A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.
Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.
I thought we were supposed to be worried about the disintegration of the American family. Just because they're living with their parents, doesn't mean they don't contribute.
Yes, the family unit is all about children never forging their own lives and families.
Who said never? Large family units have been around forever and the kids were alright.
Not under the same roof.
My perspective is a little different from most.

I was raised to value "independence" over almost everything else. I worked while I was in high school, paid all my own expenses including school tuition, clothing costs, lunches, etc., and never saved a dime of what I earned.

When I got out of the service, my father was living alone (mom died, four siblings off and married by that time), and I wanted to maintain my "independence" so rented an apartment for myself. There was a bit of normal friction between my father and me, but nothing significant. (It would have been personally easy and better for my dad if I had lived with him. In fact, he came and lived with me and my wife for the 15 years before he died).

During the three years between getting out of the service and getting married, I blew through many thousands of savings that I had accumulated in the Army (no income taxes while in Vietnam), and actually buried myself in other debts for school and cars, mainly. I couldn't actually live on my MW security guard jobs while in college.

It was a stupid thing to do. In order to satisfy my pointless "principle" of independence, I lost the opportunity to save a substantial amount of money that would have made a WORLD of difference in my first few years of marriage. Instead of spending the first five years digging ourselves out of my debt, we could have purchased a house with a significant down payment, and been free to do things and have things that were out of reach because of my debts. And this was a time when house prices were rising by at least ten percent a year, so that delay cost us a shitload, ultimately.

There is nothing "wrong" with adults living at home, as long as they respect reasonable rules of the household, and are not pissing away their earnings on frivolous shit. It is a VERY good opportunity to salt away a nest-egg (or repay student debt) that will pay tremendous benefits in the future.
Hilarious. Simply hilarious.
So is that why you’ve maxed out your credit cards and mortgaged everything, budgets don’t have things to do with economic stability?

Wow, guy, you really suck at analogies.

Trump increased the national debt by 8 trillion in four years... He kind of owns a lot of that blame, by your logic.
Fruits of Leftard education:
A Baltimore high school student failed all but three classes over four years and almost graduated near the top half of his class with a 0.13 GPA
1) 2020- Trump's failures on Covid and his unnecessary trade wars.
Failure? Even North Korea has the ChiCom Flu. Maybe Pelosi shouldn’t have told people to go to Chinatown without masks and hug people to show their not racists.

We have had half a million Covid Deaths, compared to most other countries that have had less than 100,000.

Trump failed on it miserably.

2) 2008 - Bush's failure to police the banking industry.
Houses job, shitforbrains

Naw, the regulations were there... they just weren't being enforced, because the housing boom was giving the illusion that Bush's economy didn't suck. All these dumb white people thought they could buy a McMansion and flip it the next year.

3) 2001 - Bush's failure to prevent 9/11 and his reckless tax policy.
Clinton had OBL and refused to pull the trigger.

When was this? As I recall it, Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden and republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog"

5) 1981- Reagan's attempts to control inflation by squeezing the money supply and costing jobs.
Carter had 29% home loans and 18% unemployment you forgot to mention. Reagan was gaining a million jobs and ended the decades long threat of nuclear winter.

Uh, yeah, because that's not true. The highest unemployment got under Carter was 7.8%. Under Reagan, it peaked at 11.3% before getting down to 7.9% at the end of his first term.


Also, Reagan did nothing to end the Cold War. The Russians just got tired of playing.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
You're a brainwashed idiot. It is the hardcore left that is at war against the middle class. Idiots like you.

The Obama administration policies beat down the middle class, and the Trump administration lifted up the middle class. The authoritarian lunatic leftist lockdown Commie/Nazis and druggie rioters have been destroying small businesses all over the country. Those small businesses are the heart of the middle class.

You're just too blinded by your idiotic partisanship and anti-white racism to comprehend that.
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Fruits of Leftard education:
A Baltimore high school student failed all but three classes over four years and almost graduated near the top half of his class with a 0.13 GPA

Um, what does that have to do with Trump raising the debt by 8 Trillion in four years?

I mean, I know you are desperate to change the subject.
You're a brainwashed idiot. It is the hardcore left that is at war against the middle class. Idiots like you.

The Obama administration policies beat down the middle class, and the Trump administration lifted up the middle class. The authoritarian left wing lockdown Commie/Nazis and druggie rioters have been destroying small businesses all over the country. Small business proprietors are the heart of the middle class.

You're just too blinded by your idiotic partisanship and anti-white racism to comprehend that.

Are you a fucking retard? I'm asking for a friend.

Trump brought us a recession, because that's what Republicans do.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.
None of your business.

It might make financial sense for all the people involved. In the past it was not uncommon to have several generations living in a home.

If they all contribute to the expenses then it can actually improve the finances of everyone.
1) 2020- Trump's failures on Covid and his unnecessary trade wars.
Failure? Even North Korea has the ChiCom Flu. Maybe Pelosi shouldn’t have told people to go to Chinatown without masks and hug people to show their not racists.

We have had half a million Covid Deaths, compared to most other countries that have had less than 100,000.

Trump failed on it miserably.
Bullshit. The reason that there's a vaccine available to the public is because of Trump's Operation Warp Speed. And the rest of governments of the world had to follow suit.

That's called world leadership.
lol and no one thinks making Red China a MFN trade status country and stupid criminal trade 'treaties' like NAFTA had anything to do with wiping out the middle class .... As for the 'middle class', it danced in the streets when the working classes got destroyed, and now the tards think it was a big mystery why their jobs were next in line for 'outsourcing' and green card fun and games ... The Middle class cut its own throat, and continues to do so. Corporate America signed on with Red China and BLM, but people still hawk the lie that 'tax breaks n stuff' will bring those jobs done by slave labor now back.

Both 'sides' are morons and loons, and full of shit. Moynihan was right when he said Americans lost the capacity to govern themselves.
You're a brainwashed idiot. It is the hardcore left that is at war against the middle class. Idiots like you.

The Obama administration policies beat down the middle class, and the Trump administration lifted up the middle class. The authoritarian left wing lockdown Commie/Nazis and druggie rioters have been destroying small businesses all over the country. Small business proprietors are the heart of the middle class.

You're just too blinded by your idiotic partisanship and anti-white racism to comprehend that.

Are you a fucking retard? I'm asking for a friend.

Trump brought us a recession, because that's what Republicans do.

He was bringing jobs back to the U.S., the reason both Democrats and the GOP establishment hated him; you're too stupid to grasp that, though, so this point is for the Peanut Gallery, not your deformed frontal lobes.
...isn’t America GREAT!
This is the new normal. Since Reagan wages have stalled. High paying blue collar union jobs gone. They graduate college with 100,000 worth of student debt. Houses are expensive.

When I graduated college I owed $1000 student loan. I moved home with my parents. In 1 year I paid off the loan and had 20% to put down on my then $58,000 condo. It’s now worth $158,000.

If I didn’t go to college my dad would have got me a job at Ford. Today if I don’t go to college I can get a job at Walmart. You don’t move out of your parents home working at Walmart.
Because we went to school to learn actual skills and useful trades instead of Lesbian Basket Weaving and Inuit Literature.

Wow. this lie again. Why you always lying.

Top Five Majors

They have a whole list... Lesbian Basket Weaving is nowhere to be found.

Because we went to job interviews in suit and tie without nose piercings and face tattoos.

Uh, as someone who writes resumes professionally, I can tell you straight up, I've never seen anyone with nose piercings or face tattoos...

Frankly, I've always wondered about this weird interview thing where they require you to wear a suit and tie, which you will never wear again in most jobs.

Because we went to work knowing we wouldn't get paid if we didn't contribute to the company bottom line.

Okay. Most kids understand that. The problem isn't that they don't work hard..The problem is that the Boomer Generation had the benefit of coming up when unions were still kind of a thing, and inflation hadn't devalued base wages to the point of meaninglessness.

I was able to work my way through college... but when I did, tuition was affordable and the minimum wage actually meant something. I could pay my state tuition only working 10 hours a week at minimum wage. You really can't do that now.

Because we never imagined the world 'owed' us anything because of our gender, our color, our lifestyle, our dietary choices, or our political affiliations.

Uh, to be perfectly honest, this is kind of a generational bias. Every generation thinks the younger generation are slackers... I know my dad was of the WWII generation, and they went through some real shit... and thought us Baby Boomers were a bunch of hippy slackers.

The reality- boomers are just as likely to face age discrimination as a young person is to get rejected because they feel "entitled".
And required to get your business major are 5 classes in underwater basket weaving, 12 classes of lesbian diversity and 7 classes on the 42 sexual groups.
A smart person could make a business serving that community. Sex sells.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
$100 cellphone
$100 car insurance
$350 healthcare insurance because Walmart doesn’t provide healthcare to workers
$1000 rent
$300 car payment
$400 food and clothing

How can a young person afford to move out?

My only problem is if the kids not working and saving or going to school.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.
With kids now having to pay as much for their medical care are someone that is on deaths door and rising cost of living and decreasing pay in jobs, how is this unexpected?
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Record 33% Of Young Americans Living With Parents.

Generation X has ruined the Other generations after them...

With play dates, everyone must be a winner and it is never their child fault the Generation X society have made future generations weak in the mind and unable to grow in today World.

Just think if a young male ( 21 and older ) brought his date home, he or she discovered that the young male still lived at home with his parents?

In our younger years there would be no second date, well if the date had standards...

So today Generations after X are just weak and pathetic and China thanks Generation X for it failure!
...isn’t America GREAT!
This is the new normal. Since Reagan wages have stalled. High paying blue collar union jobs gone. They graduate college with 100,000 worth of student debt. Houses are expensive.

When I graduated college I owed $1000 student loan. I moved home with my parents. In 1 year I paid off the loan and had 20% to put down on my then $58,000 condo. It’s now worth $158,000.

If I didn’t go to college my dad would have got me a job at Ford. Today if I don’t go to college I can get a job at Walmart. You don’t move out of your parents home working at Walmart.
Agreed. And all the while, the Walton Family has become the richest family in the world while paying their employees MW and preventing them from unionizing.
Fruits of the participation trophy and tide pod eating generation. Good job parents!

A. My generation would be embarrassed as hell living at home.
B. The parents let them stay.

Okay, here's the thing. If by "your generation" you mean baby boomers, the thing about baby boomers is that they could get good jobs and move out when they hit adulthood.

Not so much now. 40 years of Right Wing dismantling of the middle class has had an effect.
$100 cellphone
$100 car insurance
$350 healthcare insurance because Walmart doesn’t provide healthcare to workers
$1000 rent
$300 car payment
$400 food and clothing

How can a young person afford to move out?

My only problem is if the kids not working and saving or going to school.
School? Add to the list a $500 student loan payment.

Because we went to school to learn actual skills and useful trades instead of Lesbian Basket Weaving and Inuit Literature.

Wow. this lie again. Why you always lying.

Top Five Majors

They have a whole list... Lesbian Basket Weaving is nowhere to be found.

Because we went to job interviews in suit and tie without nose piercings and face tattoos.

Uh, as someone who writes resumes professionally, I can tell you straight up, I've never seen anyone with nose piercings or face tattoos...

Frankly, I've always wondered about this weird interview thing where they require you to wear a suit and tie, which you will never wear again in most jobs.

Because we went to work knowing we wouldn't get paid if we didn't contribute to the company bottom line.

Okay. Most kids understand that. The problem isn't that they don't work hard..The problem is that the Boomer Generation had the benefit of coming up when unions were still kind of a thing, and inflation hadn't devalued base wages to the point of meaninglessness.

I was able to work my way through college... but when I did, tuition was affordable and the minimum wage actually meant something. I could pay my state tuition only working 10 hours a week at minimum wage. You really can't do that now.

Because we never imagined the world 'owed' us anything because of our gender, our color, our lifestyle, our dietary choices, or our political affiliations.

Uh, to be perfectly honest, this is kind of a generational bias. Every generation thinks the younger generation are slackers... I know my dad was of the WWII generation, and they went through some real shit... and thought us Baby Boomers were a bunch of hippy slackers.

The reality- boomers are just as likely to face age discrimination as a young person is to get rejected because they feel "entitled".
And required to get your business major are 5 classes in underwater basket weaving, 12 classes of lesbian diversity and 7 classes on the 42 sexual groups.
Sign me up for the lesbian basket weaving.

Sounds interesting.

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