Record December Surplus Further Limits GOP Attack Mantra!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year--what else did Santa Claus bring the voters, during the Winter Passover(?)! Bush II, Term II famously left office with TARP on the record, at $750.0 bil. December finds the U. S. federal budget in surplus, a record exceeding $50.0 bil. for the month. The annual deficit will likely be half what it was, and way less than TARP.

Federal government runs December surplus of $53.2 billion

TARP was the famous ploy to take what deficit there was, and send off to the Wall Street Bankers, instead.

Now, instead of ACA, the Republicans are back to, "What did they know, and When did they know it(?)," as is usual and evoking of the brand. It becomes fairly difficult to avoid a compare and contrast, even on the matter of fiscal responsibility.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit bless young braves not boarding on Tea Ships of Prairie(?), Dressed(?)! White Eyes still not find many camels, in Southwestern Desert, even(?)! (Exhale!))
oh boy, who wrote this article?

With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year

someone from the DNC?

speaking of Santa claus bringing something but with this you need a shovel
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For the first three months of the budget year, which began on Oct. 1, the Treasury has run a deficit of $173.6 billion.
Talk about inside the beltway math. We borrow 40 billion to bail out freddie and fanny, they pay it back and the gov doesn't payoff the debt, they just enjoy the nonexistent surplus and the debt clock just keeps on racking it up. But it's all good for propaganda.
Often times borrowing creates pay-backs. Apparently, only recently in New Jersey, for example. . . . .

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now White Eyes comprehend the "pay-back" concept, after all(?)--in administration of Great Half-Wit Father in Washington(?)!)
oh boy, who wrote this article?

With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year

The numbers are from the GAO, would you prefer they came from Breitbart or Rush?

For the first three months of the budget year, which began on Oct. 1, the Treasury has run a deficit of $173.6 billion.

Since you didn't quote a source, I found one. What you didn't mention:

That's 40.8 percent below the $293.3 billion deficit run during the same period last year.


The Great Recession led to a drop in tax revenue. At the same time, the government stepped up emergency spending, including unemployment benefits for millions who lose their jobs during the downturn.

The economy has gradually improved since the recession ended in June 2009. As more people find jobs, tax revenue rises and the deficit shrinks.

So far this year, revenue has totaled $664.6 billion. That's 8 percent higher than the first three months of the previous budget year. Outlays have fallen 7.8 percent to $838.2 billion.

The quarterly payment from Fannie and Freddie helped lift December's surplus. An improving housing market is allowing the two companies to repay their taxpayer assistance after being rescued by the government in September 2008.

Congress reached agreement in December on a budget deal aimed at bringing some stability to the budget process for the next two years. A battle over the budget resulted in a 16-day partial government shutdown in October.

90 plus million unemployed. Millions more have lost their insurance due to obamacare than have signed up. Scandals littering the landscape. Thanks Santa.

What's with this forum and people not posting links?

Another question. Why does the right want our nation to fail? Is it because there's a buhlack man running it?
oh boy, who wrote this article?

With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year

The numbers are from the GAO, would you prefer they came from Breitbart or Rush?

Since you didn't quote a source, I found one. What you didn't mention:


The Great Recession led to a drop in tax revenue. At the same time, the government stepped up emergency spending, including unemployment benefits for millions who lose their jobs during the downturn.

The economy has gradually improved since the recession ended in June 2009. As more people find jobs, tax revenue rises and the deficit shrinks.

So far this year, revenue has totaled $664.6 billion. That's 8 percent higher than the first three months of the previous budget year. Outlays have fallen 7.8 percent to $838.2 billion.

The quarterly payment from Fannie and Freddie helped lift December's surplus. An improving housing market is allowing the two companies to repay their taxpayer assistance after being rescued by the government in September 2008.

Congress reached agreement in December on a budget deal aimed at bringing some stability to the budget process for the next two years. A battle over the budget resulted in a 16-day partial government shutdown in October.

90 plus million unemployed. Millions more have lost their insurance due to obamacare than have signed up. Scandals littering the landscape. Thanks Santa.

What's with this forum and people not posting links?

Another question. Why does the right want our nation to fail? Is it because there's a buhlack man running it?

Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?
Are you referring to the surplus of non working Americans?? People on disability? Unemployed? Getting food stamps? High in Colorado?
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation? is dislike for the man's policies.

Especially Obamacare. Nutters hate that. It is so liberal, ya know.
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation? is dislike for the man's policies.

Especially Obamacare. Nutters hate that. It is so liberal, ya know.
Only NBC could report a 176 billion dollar deficit as a surplus. Strange things happen in the media when a left wing democrat is in office.
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?

Too liberal.....simple and concise.
Great Santa of the December Passover Event--Not At all like the other boys--may have gone further than just seeking out the little kids, this year, after all. Credit Card matters aside, there seems to have been joy enough to spread around the world, in a spirit of giving as yet unknown to millions(?)!

Others can say, "That may have been it(?)!" in the truer spirit of Christmas. Tiny Tim may now, in fact, be flush with bucks--for seasons and seasons going forward.

The Now Appearing Federal Reserve tapering is likely not to be of much compulsion as a basis for a Mid-Term campaign. The unemployment rate seems likely to skid below 6.5% during the year. Whereas the Republicans mainly spent nearly a kazillion votes and minutes trying get rid of ACA--The Democrats can counter that actually they did get ACA under way. . . .starting maybe in the springtime, yet to arrive. If 7 mil. enrollments is even approached, that will be the summertime headline.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many White Eyes Not Forget great Hiawatha. . . .Whatever that may have been about(?)!" Many White Eyes maybe remember "Rambo!" better. . . .Whatever that may have been about(?)! Italian-Man speak through Sinuses a lot!)
oh boy, who wrote this article?

With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year

The numbers are from the GAO, would you prefer they came from Breitbart or Rush?

Since you didn't quote a source, I found one. What you didn't mention:


The Great Recession led to a drop in tax revenue. At the same time, the government stepped up emergency spending, including unemployment benefits for millions who lose their jobs during the downturn.

The economy has gradually improved since the recession ended in June 2009. As more people find jobs, tax revenue rises and the deficit shrinks.

So far this year, revenue has totaled $664.6 billion. That's 8 percent higher than the first three months of the previous budget year. Outlays have fallen 7.8 percent to $838.2 billion.

The quarterly payment from Fannie and Freddie helped lift December's surplus. An improving housing market is allowing the two companies to repay their taxpayer assistance after being rescued by the government in September 2008.

Congress reached agreement in December on a budget deal aimed at bringing some stability to the budget process for the next two years. A battle over the budget resulted in a 16-day partial government shutdown in October.

90 plus million unemployed. Millions more have lost their insurance due to obamacare than have signed up. Scandals littering the landscape. Thanks Santa.

What's with this forum and people not posting links?

Another question. Why does the right want our nation to fail? Is it because there's a buhlack man running it?

Those numbers are easily found and have nothing to do with race. Trying to use the race card will not solve unemployment issues or the obamacare travesty.

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