Record Number of Pro-Life Bills Passed In 2021

So you support Abortion laws that make abortions on for medical safety for the life of the mother.
Can you clarify that?
You said for the safety of the mother. Which elimates 99.9999% of all abortions.
For late term abortions! Many state require after the fetus has reached the point of viability. Late term abortion account for a little over 1% of all abortions.

"After viability, which is around 24-28 weeks, no government can impose a regulation that favors a fetus’s life over a mother’s. Despite this decision made by the Supreme court, the nation has divided into passion pro-life and pro-choice camps.

In recent years, some states have been proposing legislation to further restrict abortion earlier than fetus viability. States have recently introduced the “heartbeat” bill, which prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy or when a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

In many cases, in the United States and around the world, restrictive abortion regulations do not always lead to lower abortion numbers. In some cases, abortion rates may actually be higher; however, restrictions could mean that more unsafe, illegal abortions are being performed. This causes complications and higher risks, such as death, for the mother."

Oh, just 8,320 dead children a year!
Zero were to save the mother.
Because the minority party knows it's time is limited. The majority of Americans want women to have a safe choice to take the bun out of the oven at an early stage. The longer the bun cooks, especially when it become a viable loaf, the more Americans believe it has the right to be born.
The Democrats lit the world trade center in pink celebrating late term abortion. That's where you screwed the pooch.
Nobody celebrates a late term abortion. But I understand you must characterizes everyone who support a women choice in the most horrendous ways. It's just what ya'll have been taught is the thing to do.
They lit the world trade center in pink celebrating it.

Who's late term abortion were they celebrating?

Oh you mean the law they passed allows for a doctor to make that decision in the rare case that a severe issue has not been found or can be fixed? Which even today still happens. But you want to think they were ghoulishly celebrating that obviously heartbreaking time that happen so rarely. Truly make your side ghoulish
They passed it in new york. It will only grow, you loons are never satisfied.

Good. Women deserve the right to choose and doctors shouldn't be punished for terminating a fatally flawed fetus that developed past the point of viability.
Thanks for proving yourself a puppet. Earlier you said no way, but now you support it.
Only wicked partisan would twist allowing the procedure legally, into celebrating a late discovered fatal malady in their child. But that's how the fascist right rolls isn't it.
You Democrats have been calling groups of people subhuman for centuries in order to murder them.

Try sticking to the realities of the here and now. Nobody celebrates when a late term abortion becomes medically necessary. Using the analogy of a "Bun in the Oven" is not used to dehumanize those tiny little fetuses like little loafs of bread so they can more easily be killed.

That would be "a little pizza in the oven" Dontcha think?
Ah. So you support Abortion laws that make abortions only for medical safety for the life of the mother.
Then you lied.
That's how they got abortion in the beginning, now the want abortion on demand, late term abortion. They screwed the pooch and now they're trying to deny what they wanted.
Because the minority party knows it's time is limited. The majority of Americans want women to have a safe choice to take the bun out of the oven at an early stage. The longer the bun cooks, especially when it become a viable loaf, the more Americans believe it has the right to be born.
The Democrats lit the world trade center in pink celebrating late term abortion. That's where you screwed the pooch.
This is a lie.
No the fuck it isn't they were all golly signing a bill that legalizes abortion at 9 months and lit the world trade center in pink to celebrate it. You're the liar saying it didn't happen.

Check new yorks laws, anyway planned parenthood is a protected leftist organization that is being taken apart by the courts, and citizens finally waking up to your bullshit.
Just as a majority today look back at slavery and racism by Democrats throughout history, today a growing majority see the moral light to protect the lives of the young.

WTF is the matter with you people? You deny the "Southern Strategy", deny voter suppression tactics of the current GOP, it's attempts to hamstring and eventually dismantle the USPS because it's the largest block Dem voters..... to eliminate Civil Rights protections ... and now are all weepy eyed at the sleazy tactics to abolish legal abortions.

This from the very same people who wail and rail about "nanny gov't" and "deep states" trying to control their lives.

Honestly, are you people this FS, or are you so insipidly stubborn and willfully igorant that you think all of this won't affect you and yours? Seriously, I'd like to know or at least see a public admission/declaration.
You really need to stop using the Kos Kidz as your source of news.
And you need to muster some intellectual honesty and courage when asked an honest question. If you don't have one, then spare us all the childish retorts and upcoming sour grapes.
Just as a majority today look back at slavery and racism by Democrats throughout history, today a growing majority see the moral light to protect the lives of the young.

They are only Pro-Some-Life.

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