Record # of SCIENTSTS running for office--as Democrats...


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
So the right has pissed off scientists and they too are putting their skin in the political game. And they are DEMOCRATs. No I've never thought SCIENCE was a lefty policy wonk group UNTIL Bush and stem celll research and he was SUPPOSED to be a moderate.

Republicans pissing off one unexpected 'interest' group at time. Stay tuned! We may see a 'nerd' brigade pouring into congress. I welcome them!!

Speaking of Science
2018 is the year of scientists running for Congress

By Ben Guarino and Laurie McGinley March 4 at 5:35 PM Email the author
nationwide fracking ban.”

Eight of the nine Democrats present, running for open seats in Central Texas congressional districts 10, 17, 21, 25 and 35, provided it: Of course, they support a full ban on fracking. The lone Republican said as much, too.

But not Joseph Kopser. “No, I am not,” he said to boos. “To call for a ban on fracking is just to invite coal back.”

An aerospace engineer trained at the U.S. Military Academy, Kopser promises on his website not to pander to any special interest but to base his public positions on two things: constituent “input and verified scientific data.” Part of a nationwide wave of scientifically trained people running for office at every level of government this year, Kopser said he was motivated to run because he sees science being devalued in society — particularly by the Trump administration.

“I absolutely feel that science is under attack,” Kopser said. “It’s the opposite of when John F. Kennedy said he wanted..
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