Records Set On Obama's Watch

The EPA is doing an end run around Congress' lack of approval with the "Cross-State Air Pollution Rule". This is a great example of the regulatory bureaucracy acting as a fourth (unconstitutional) branch of government.

Which would fall under Obama's policies.

Ok. Lets assume for a moment that this "end run around Congress" is EXACTLY the same as the cap and trade bill which didn't get passed. (Yes, I know they're different, but still, lets assume).

So, HOW is this "end run" adversely affecting business? You still haven't said.

You guys just refuse to discuss that ever, don't you? Your logic is "A happened. B happened. Therefore A caused B." That's the same as saying "Obamacare passed. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl. Therefore Obamacare caused the Steelers to lose the Super Bowl." Now, I'm sure you believe that, but it has as much connection as all these rants about Obamacare hurting business. People rant about it, but never show it.

You labor under the Cognitive Delusion that laws and regulations are Cost Free. They are not.

Here's an example of the Cross-State Air Pollution impact:

During a recent presentation at the Kearney Sertoma Club, the new CEO of Nebraska Public Power District, Pat Pope, explained that our state’s major electrical supplier recently had spent $35.5 million to purchase emissions reduction equipment for the Gerald Gentleman coal-fired generating plant near Sutherland.

Gentleman is one of the most efficient plants of its kind because it burns low-sulfur coal from nearby Wyoming mines, but federal regulations could erase that efficiency.

The expensive equipment was necessary to comply with something called the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, and the $35.5 million expenditure might only be the beginning, Pope said. Adhering to other federal clean air rules coming down the pike would cost millions of dollars more, and that would translate into a rate increase of about 10 percent for Nebraskans....

Jobs No. 1, so some rules need to step to the rear - Kearney Hub: Opinion

The problem with our unaccountable government is that they are not required to justify laws and regulations with cost benefit analyses, nor are they held accountable to achieving the results.

Case in point: the Obama Administration refuses to estimate how many jobs will be created with the new $450B Jobs Bill.
The EPA is doing an end run around Congress' lack of approval with the "Cross-State Air Pollution Rule". This is a great example of the regulatory bureaucracy acting as a fourth (unconstitutional) branch of government.

Which would fall under Obama's policies.

Ok. Lets assume for a moment that this "end run around Congress" is EXACTLY the same as the cap and trade bill which didn't get passed. (Yes, I know they're different, but still, lets assume).

So, HOW is this "end run" adversely affecting business? You still haven't said.

You guys just refuse to discuss that ever, don't you? Your logic is "A happened. B happened. Therefore A caused B." That's the same as saying "Obamacare passed. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl. Therefore Obamacare caused the Steelers to lose the Super Bowl." Now, I'm sure you believe that, but it has as much connection as all these rants about Obamacare hurting business. People rant about it, but never show it.

Seriously? Take the coal industry....apply Obama policies using the EPA and this is something you might come up with:

Now think about it and ask yourself if this might have an impact on the coal industry? :cuckoo:
Which would fall under Obama's policies.

Ok. Lets assume for a moment that this "end run around Congress" is EXACTLY the same as the cap and trade bill which didn't get passed. (Yes, I know they're different, but still, lets assume).

So, HOW is this "end run" adversely affecting business? You still haven't said.

You guys just refuse to discuss that ever, don't you? Your logic is "A happened. B happened. Therefore A caused B." That's the same as saying "Obamacare passed. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl. Therefore Obamacare caused the Steelers to lose the Super Bowl." Now, I'm sure you believe that, but it has as much connection as all these rants about Obamacare hurting business. People rant about it, but never show it.

Seriously? Take the coal industry....apply Obama policies using the EPA and this is something you might come up with:

Now think about it and ask yourself if this might have an impact on the coal industry? :cuckoo:

Does that include bankrupting China? They use an astronomical amount of coal. How will O handle the Chinese?
More "Costs" imposed on the economy by the feds:

In 2005 individuals, businesses and nonprofits will spend an estimated 6 billion hours complying with the federal income tax code, with an estimated compliance cost of over $265.1 billion. This amounts to imposing a 22-cent tax compliance surcharge for every dollar the income tax system collects. Projections show that by 2015 the compliance cost will grow to $482.7 billion.

interstitials | Business solutions from

If anything exemplifies the need to simplify the income tax, it's the additional 22 cents on every dollar the private sector pays just to comply and file. Insanity.
Didn't you read the OP?
I did. I also read the link that was provided. All told, they provide exactly zero policies of Obama's that caused what's in that list.

A huge lion's share of that is a direct result of Obama's policies to date. Obamacare. Freezing oil production in several places. Nixing consideration of nuclear power development. Constant....and I do mean CONSTANT.....threats of higher taxes on everybody via 'green energy jobs'--translate that cap and trade--threats of higher taxes on the rich (which will be just about anybody who hires people to work)--and the most irresponsible and dishonest pretense of spending ourselves rich that I have ever seen anywhere.

There are exactly zero plans to raise taxes via green jobs and zero plans to vote on cap and trade. Anyone scared of those "threats" is also probably scared of being hit by a meteor. Same chances.

Freezing oil production has had a negligible impact on the economy. The unrest in the Middle East and speculators have done far more damage.

As for Obamacare, you guys keep bringing this up and still have yet to show what parts of Obamacare have been put into place that have adversely affected the economy. I'd ask you to do it now, but I won't hold my breath.

If you really believe this stuff you just posted, you should asks the mods to change your screen name from "Don'tbeStupid" to "Clueless".

Just take cap & trade for instance. If Obama ever gets his way with that--and he is trying to implement it piecemeal after the Senate shot it down for now--beginning in 2020 the average American household will see their effective cost to support this legislation rise to something over $6,000. That's on top of taxes to support Obamacare and all the other taxes they pay. It would be devastating to the economy.

But Obama intends to do it. Why else would he have picked Jeffrey Inmelt as his Jobs Czar? Inmelt, as a G.E. exec is Obama's strongest supporter on Cap & Trade. As a GE Exec Inmelt has presided over shipping thousands of American jobs overseas, the latest being its entire X-ray division and a multi-billion dollar deal to build airliners in China which includes sharing sensitive American technology with the Chinese. Meanwhile, G.E. has taken 1.1 billion in stimulus money and paid no corporate taxes in the USA in 2009, 2010, and most likely won't again this year. But if Cap & Trade ever passes the Congress, Obama will sign it, and G.E. stands to make billions.

If that passes the smell test with you, you my friend are hopeless.

It is also an Administration threatening that kind of punishing big government rule plus the known and unknown aspects of Obamacare--most of the regulations for that haven't even been written yet--and threats of making the 'rich' pay more with NO spending cuts in place that has investment capital frozen and the economy stalled for now.

Haven't you ever questioned why the more onerous parts of Obamacare don't kick in until after the 2014 election? As he expects to be re-elected in 2012, that will give Obama and the Democrats clear sailing for the next six years and then the Democrats can blame the fallout on the next admiinistration.

But oh well. The Obama-ites will continue to grovel and pretend all is well with the Annointed One. And the rest of us are praying with all our hearts that the nation wakes up and regains its sanity for that next election.
The EPA suggested a proposal to reduce emissions from coal powered electric plants, but it was withdrawn.

Wrong. The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is still in effect.
Ok. Lets assume for a moment that this "end run around Congress" is EXACTLY the same as the cap and trade bill which didn't get passed. (Yes, I know they're different, but still, lets assume).

So, HOW is this "end run" adversely affecting business? You still haven't said.

You guys just refuse to discuss that ever, don't you? Your logic is "A happened. B happened. Therefore A caused B." That's the same as saying "Obamacare passed. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl. Therefore Obamacare caused the Steelers to lose the Super Bowl." Now, I'm sure you believe that, but it has as much connection as all these rants about Obamacare hurting business. People rant about it, but never show it.

Seriously? Take the coal industry....apply Obama policies using the EPA and this is something you might come up with:

Now think about it and ask yourself if this might have an impact on the coal industry? :cuckoo:

Does that include bankrupting China? They use an astronomical amount of coal. How will O handle the Chinese?

I think he will bow to them. :lol:
Ok. Lets assume for a moment that this "end run around Congress" is EXACTLY the same as the cap and trade bill which didn't get passed. (Yes, I know they're different, but still, lets assume).

So, HOW is this "end run" adversely affecting business? You still haven't said.

You guys just refuse to discuss that ever, don't you? Your logic is "A happened. B happened. Therefore A caused B." That's the same as saying "Obamacare passed. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl. Therefore Obamacare caused the Steelers to lose the Super Bowl." Now, I'm sure you believe that, but it has as much connection as all these rants about Obamacare hurting business. People rant about it, but never show it.

Seriously? Take the coal industry....apply Obama policies using the EPA and this is something you might come up with:

Now think about it and ask yourself if this might have an impact on the coal industry? :cuckoo:

Does that include bankrupting China? They use an astronomical amount of coal. How will O handle the Chinese?

I know I know!

the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....
the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....

Oh Puh-leeze.

His own words:

Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.

I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.

The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

It’s just that it will bankrupt them.

Rigging the system with regulations to BANKRUPT companies is Corrupt. There really is no other word for it.

And to make it even worse, they would be looted to funnel money into Obama's Green cronies, such as Solyndra.
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More "Costs" imposed on the economy by the feds:

In 2005 individuals, businesses and nonprofits will spend an estimated 6 billion hours complying with the federal income tax code, with an estimated compliance cost of over $265.1 billion. This amounts to imposing a 22-cent tax compliance surcharge for every dollar the income tax system collects. Projections show that by 2015 the compliance cost will grow to $482.7 billion.

interstitials | Business solutions from

If anything exemplifies the need to simplify the income tax, it's the additional 22 cents on every dollar the private sector pays just to comply and file. Insanity.
for me, turbo tax works just fine....i used to pay an accountant, but no more!

good argument for a flat income tax, exempting the first 10k for everyone.

Then of course we would probably have millions of accountants added to unemployment and paying out even more government money for that.....if it is changed! :eek:
I will give you $1,000,000 if you produce a video of Obama promising this so we can all hear it.

You can PM me so we can discuss arrangements for a wire transfer. I'm providing proof - although not a video. Obama supported the Romer analysis in a weekly radio and internet address.

The claim appears in "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan" by Christina Romer, who in January 2009 was Obama's Council of Economic Advisors Chair designate. This report was the justification for the Stimulus package.

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

And don't bother claiming that Obama never said it. He "owned" the report:

One day after the nation’s unemployment rate was reported to be at a 16-year high, President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday again raised the estimate of how many jobs would result from his economic recovery plan, saying it would create or save three million to four million, nearly 90 percent of them in the private sector.

In his weekly radio and Internet address, Mr. Obama sought to inject a positive note into the economic outlook by releasing a report from his advisers that estimated the number of jobs that could be created with his plan by the end of 2010.

The report noted, however, that at least five million jobs, and probably many more, will have been lost during the downturn. So even if the most optimistic projections bear out, unemployment in December 2010 will still be higher than it was in December 2007.

Mr. Obama’s address was his latest effort to sell a $775 billion proposal to Congress, whose leaders have pledged to adopt a bill by mid-February, and to Americans stung by the recession.

“The jobs we create will be in businesses large and small across a wide range of industries,” Mr. Obama said. “And they’ll be the kind of jobs that don’t just put people to work in the short term, but position our economy to lead the world in the long term.”

Without an economic recovery plan, the report warned, the unemployment rate could hit 9 percent, up from 7.2 percent now. If the plan is adopted, unemployment is still expected to rise but then fall late this year.

The report, and Mr. Obama’s speech, also seemed intended to counter criticism, particularly from some Republicans, that his plan would create bureaucracies rather than put people to work.

The 14-page report, prepared by Christina D. Romer, who is Mr. Obama’s selection to lead his Council of Economic Advisers, and Jared Bernstein, an economic adviser to Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., provides specific examples for the first time of the types of jobs that could be created, including a detailed industry-by-industry breakdown.

Mr. Obama said his plan could create about 500,000 jobs by making new investments in clean energy, doubling the production of alternative energy over three years and improving the energy efficiency of government buildings and homes. ...

Obama Again Raises Estimate of Jobs His Stimulus Plan Will Create or Save -

And here's further proof right on the White House website.

I want a cut of the million. :)

President Obama delivers Your Weekly Address | The White House

We went from a promise of 3 to 4 million jobs created or saved to a net loss so far I believe of something over 8 million jobs?

But it's okay everybody. This aren't allowed to call it as 'stimulus package'--really will work this time if Congress just passes it right away. :)
the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....

You sound so silly telling us we misheard Obama
the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....

Even if in eight years your household and each of your kids' households are paying an average of $6,000+ more in taxes just to keep your lights on and the a/c and furnace running? Coal is our most plentiful and cheapest energy source and can make sure we can run our computers and stay cool in summer and warm in winter for many many generations to come while we develop different energy delivery systems.

I will strongly support a national leader with the vision to recognize this and who, instead of promoting policy and regulations that will destroy a major critical U.S. industry, would promote tax credits or other rewards for the genius who can develop an affordable process to make coal cleaner and more eco friendly.
I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.
the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....

Even if in eight years your household and each of your kids' households are paying an average of $6,000+ more in taxes just to keep your lights on and the a/c and furnace running? Coal is our most plentiful and cheapest energy source and can make sure we can run our computers and stay cool in summer and warm in winter for many many generations to come while we develop different energy delivery systems.

I will strongly support a national leader with the vision to recognize this and who, instead of promoting policy and regulations that will destroy a major critical U.S. industry, would promote tax credits or other rewards for the genius who can develop an affordable process to make coal cleaner and more eco friendly.
didn't obama BACK OFF of ALL of that jazz foxfyre?

so you object to cleaner electric?

read what tampa electric did.....

Tampa Electric - Tampa Electric reaches agreement with EPA, Department of Justice on environmental issues

these regulations that they broke, were LONG before obama.
He hasn't backed off of all of it. He made a token gesture while leaving the imperial EPA running pretty much the way it wants.
I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.

That's what W did. Allow Corps to screw workers and pollute, allow lack of rules and enforcement to allow private banks to run wild in lending and cause a depression, AGAIN. The boom and BUST typical of Pubs forever, the rich get richer and the poor have babies. Feg the greedy rich and their silly dupes. PASS A GD JOBS BILL NOW, or prepare to be taken OUT!! tyvm

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