Records Set On Obama's Watch

I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.

That's what W did. Allow Corps to screw workers and pollute, allow lack of rules and enforcement to allow private banks to run wild in lending and cause a depression, AGAIN. The boom and BUST typical of Pubs forever, the rich get richer and the poor have babies. Feg the greedy rich and their silly dupes. PASS A GD JOBS BILL NOW, or prepare to be taken OUT!! tyvm

Um, the house already passed one. The Senate shit on it.
the title of the video says ''he will bankrupt them'', and noooo, he never said he would do it, he was explaining how the regulation would, if they were building a new power plant, the old way, without using more eco friendly equipment meeting the standards....blah blah blah.... so, the tape title is misleading....imo.

otherwise, O didn't seem to have a problem with the regs that would do that....

Even if in eight years your household and each of your kids' households are paying an average of $6,000+ more in taxes just to keep your lights on and the a/c and furnace running? Coal is our most plentiful and cheapest energy source and can make sure we can run our computers and stay cool in summer and warm in winter for many many generations to come while we develop different energy delivery systems.

I will strongly support a national leader with the vision to recognize this and who, instead of promoting policy and regulations that will destroy a major critical U.S. industry, would promote tax credits or other rewards for the genius who can develop an affordable process to make coal cleaner and more eco friendly.
didn't obama BACK OFF of ALL of that jazz foxfyre?

so you object to cleaner electric?

read what tampa electric did.....

Tampa Electric - Tampa Electric reaches agreement with EPA, Department of Justice on environmental issues

these regulations that they broke, were LONG before obama.

Contrary to what the left sometimes says of us, we Conservatives really don't want to harm old folks or anybody else or let kids go hungry and we don't approve of corruption in corporations or anything else. And we don't want dirty air, dirty water, dirty soil or to dismantle necessary protections in the interest of public health.

I don't think you can find anything in my post that suggests that I don't want 'clean' electricity.

Where conservatives differ from leftists on this stuff is HOW to accomplish the goals without throwing the baby out with the bath water or creating unintended negative consequences that are worse than the original problem. Conservatives usually don't support something just because of a headline or because it sounds so good and noble and compassionate or resonsible or whatever. Conservatives support what they believe will be the most practical and effective in achieving long range goals.

Dismantling the coal industry and creating huge taxes on the public to me is short sighted, cruel and wrong in a world where people are already having a tough time becoming prosperous. Better to find ways to use coal in the most eco friendly way possible than giving the government authority to crush any group or industry it doesn't like.
I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.

That's what W did. Allow Corps to screw workers and pollute, allow lack of rules and enforcement to allow private banks to run wild in lending and cause a depression, AGAIN. The boom and BUST typical of Pubs forever, the rich get richer and the poor have babies. Feg the greedy rich and their silly dupes. PASS A GD JOBS BILL NOW, or prepare to be taken OUT!! tyvm

Um, the house already passed one. The Senate shit on it.

And what ideological BS, electioneering, never had a chance Tea Party POS was that?

$6,000 plus per household my AZZ, and that bill is long dead ANYWAY. More BS propaganda fear mongering RW CRAPPE.

Pass a REAL JOBS bill or prepare to be TAKEN OUT...
I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.

That's what W did. Allow Corps to screw workers and pollute, allow lack of rules and enforcement to allow private banks to run wild in lending and cause a depression, AGAIN. The boom and BUST typical of Pubs forever, the rich get richer and the poor have babies. Feg the greedy rich and their silly dupes. PASS A GD JOBS BILL NOW, or prepare to be taken OUT!! tyvm

Oh Thank GAWD we have Obama to save us from BOOOOOSSSSHHHH!!!!!

I strongly support a leader who understands that the best policy is for the government to leave people alone to live their own lives.

That's what W did. Allow Corps to screw workers and pollute, allow lack of rules and enforcement to allow private banks to run wild in lending and cause a depression, AGAIN. The boom and BUST typical of Pubs forever, the rich get richer and the poor have babies. Feg the greedy rich and their silly dupes. PASS A GD JOBS BILL NOW, or prepare to be taken OUT!! tyvm

It would be nice if you would post on facts, which your drivel doesn't support instead of emotion, which is what your drivel supports. just sayin....
Oh. I get it franco is 12 years old.



And these are what we got for all those $Trillions of Hopey Change.

Yeah that is all true and all set in motion by the ???conservative?? majority that preceded him. You all handed a very diffficult situation and TARP to him on accepting office. Do you think it escapes us? Hardly, you are dealing with a more mature population than years past. We know what happened 4 years ago and we know what is happening with markets and wall street and banking interests now. We know hedge funds are gouging consumers on energy. We know that corporations are hoarding cash. We know that wall street has been manipulating the market in favor of 3rd world countries in order to maximixe profits and oppress the US. Now I have voted Conservative since Reagan, but you all have subverted Reagan in your greed. You have lost the sense of community, the sense of fair play. The sense of Patriotism except when it suits you selfish interests. You know what? I could care less at this point if another Al Queda arose and blew the hell out of Wall Street again. I could see that you all deserve it.
You look at the facts sometime- you brainwashed chumps need a brain enema, you have so much crappe in there. You HAVE no real facts,just pubcrappe propaganda. The debt is nothing compared to WWII or the Great Depression. Your boys fear mongered the debt, and promised jobs, jobs, jobs, and have only obstructed. Your time is up. Read a gd newspaper, and not Murdoch's or Rev. Moon's!!



And these are what we got for all those $Trillions of Hopey Change.

Yeah that is all true and all set in motion by the ???conservative?? majority that preceded him. You all handed a very diffficult situation and TARP to him on accepting office. Do you think it escapes us? Hardly, you are dealing with a more mature population than years past. We know what happened 4 years ago and we know what is happening with markets and wall street and banking interests now. We know hedge funds are gouging consumers on energy. We know that corporations are hoarding cash. We know that wall street has been manipulating the market in favor of 3rd world countries in order to maximixe profits and oppress the US. Now I have voted Conservative since Reagan, but you all have subverted Reagan in your greed. You have lost the sense of community, the sense of fair play. The sense of Patriotism except when it suits you selfish interests. You know what? I could care less at this point if another Al Queda arose and blew the hell out of Wall Street again. I could see that you all deserve it.

Coming from a true patriot? :cuckoo:

Thanks for the tidal wave of Fox/Heritage/Moon horse shytte- QED.



And these are what we got for all those $Trillions of Hopey Change.

Yeah that is all true and all set in motion by the ???conservative?? majority that preceded him. You all handed a very diffficult situation and TARP to him on accepting office. Do you think it escapes us? Hardly, you are dealing with a more mature population than years past. We know what happened 4 years ago and we know what is happening with markets and wall street and banking interests now. We know hedge funds are gouging consumers on energy. We know that corporations are hoarding cash. We know that wall street has been manipulating the market in favor of 3rd world countries in order to maximixe profits and oppress the US. Now I have voted Conservative since Reagan, but you all have subverted Reagan in your greed. You have lost the sense of community, the sense of fair play. The sense of Patriotism except when it suits you selfish interests. You know what? I could care less at this point if another Al Queda arose and blew the hell out of Wall Street again. I could see that you all deserve it.

Coming from a true patriot? :cuckoo:

No, this is the more civil discourse his Fearless Leader asked for. :)
Who is the innocent?
Were there any innocent people killed on 9-11??????????? You suggested that we need another Al Queda strike. WTF, patriot. Fuckin asshole!

Maybe, maybe not. God knows. If I was manipulating trades for just the profit of 'my NY family' maybe I am not so innocent. If I was a janitor in the building perhaps I was. Why was the life of a trader compensated so much more than the life of that janitor? Why wasn't the lives lost in Katrina compensated similarly? Think we have a stacked system?
Yeah that is all true and all set in motion by the ???conservative?? majority that preceded him. You all handed a very diffficult situation and TARP to him on accepting office. Do you think it escapes us? Hardly, you are dealing with a more mature population than years past. We know what happened 4 years ago and we know what is happening with markets and wall street and banking interests now. We know hedge funds are gouging consumers on energy. We know that corporations are hoarding cash. We know that wall street has been manipulating the market in favor of 3rd world countries in order to maximixe profits and oppress the US. Now I have voted Conservative since Reagan, but you all have subverted Reagan in your greed. You have lost the sense of community, the sense of fair play. The sense of Patriotism except when it suits you selfish interests. You know what? I could care less at this point if another Al Queda arose and blew the hell out of Wall Street again. I could see that you all deserve it.

Coming from a true patriot? :cuckoo:

No, this is the more civil discourse his Fearless Leader asked for. :)

That has to be it....but this twit is no patriot and any shape or form.

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