Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Since the OP didn't provide a link: Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

There were some precincts which had too many ballots, compared to the log books, and there were some which had too few.

For the most part, they were only off by two or three ballots. Nowhere near enough to affect the outcome.

From the link:

Here is a breakdown of the irregularities in Detroit’s 662 precincts:

■236 precincts in balance — equal numbers of voters counted by workers and machines

■248 precincts with too many votes and no explanation (77 were 1 over; 62 were 2 over, 37 were 3 over, 20 were 4 over, 52 were 5 or more over).

■144 precincts with too few votes and no explanation (81 were 1 under, 29 were 2 under; 19 were 3 under; 7 were 4 under; 8 were 5 or more under)

■34 precincts out of balance but with an explanation
I believe that was stated back four weeks ago. it's why they didn't want to do the recounts.
No, it is why they couldn't do the recounts.
no, it's why they said they wouldn't do them cause it wouldn't change the outcome.
I love how you tards drink some piss that was never proved, and then begin to state it as a fact soon after.
Well, maybe.

But there are many ways to commit voter fraud, I know Chicago/ Cook County historically excels in that.

And one cannot help but wonder just how homogenized are black people in this country? Such as, in the 2012 election, in 59 precincts in Philadelphia Obama received 19,605 votes and Romney got 0.
Cannot assign much independent thinking in that group. In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes
It is not surprising so many black people decided not to vote for the party whose propaganda mills take great pains to convey just how much they hate negroes on a daily basis.

Romney was a "Hater"? Really?
No, but you are. And all of your fellow travelers.

It is YOU and your kind who have run off minority voters.


Truly pathetic.

Stop projecting

I said we should keep the hard-working, American-loving, family-oriented Christian Mexicans and send you Progressive motherfuckers packing
It's the left's cheat or be beat policy. Their party is so lost they can't win anyway.
I love how you tards drink some piss that was never proved, and then begin to state it as a fact soon after.
Well, maybe.

But there are many ways to commit voter fraud, I know Chicago/ Cook County historically excels in that.

And one cannot help but wonder just how homogenized are black people in this country? Such as, in the 2012 election, in 59 precincts in Philadelphia Obama received 19,605 votes and Romney got 0.
Cannot assign much independent thinking in that group. In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes
It is not surprising so many black people decided not to vote for the party whose propaganda mills take great pains to convey just how much they hate negroes on a daily basis.

Romney was a "Hater"? Really?
No, but you are. And all of your fellow travelers.

It is YOU and your kind who have run off minority voters.
yeah cause we didn't agree to keep in inner cities for their entire lives.
The Democratic Party harms Americans in an entirely different way. They make Americans dependent on the government.

Where you idiot pseudocons expose your racism is in thinking this is a BLACK thing.
Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday.
I am guessing these excess votes were Democrat.
I've pointed out many times on this forum that poll workers are poorly trained and incompetent. This will turn out to be another example of easily preventable human error.

But the meme is already started that this was some kind of fraud, and the rubes bleev it because they want to bleev it.
naw, the one that was the fraud was the Al Franken election in Minnesota. now that is how it gets done right? how to actually change the vote. find hidden ballots, you know ones that are all one candidate. That's how. you all are cheaters, we know it. stop trying to claw out of the gutter you belong there.
I've pointed out many times on this forum that poll workers are poorly trained and incompetent. This will turn out to be another example of easily preventable human error.

But the meme is already started that this was some kind of fraud, and the rubes bleev it because they want to bleev it.

Right , just coincidentally preventing a recount where Dem voter fraud efforts were off the charts
Well, maybe.

But there are many ways to commit voter fraud, I know Chicago/ Cook County historically excels in that.

And one cannot help but wonder just how homogenized are black people in this country? Such as, in the 2012 election, in 59 precincts in Philadelphia Obama received 19,605 votes and Romney got 0.
Cannot assign much independent thinking in that group. In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes
It is not surprising so many black people decided not to vote for the party whose propaganda mills take great pains to convey just how much they hate negroes on a daily basis.

Romney was a "Hater"? Really?
No, but you are. And all of your fellow travelers.

It is YOU and your kind who have run off minority voters.
yeah cause we didn't agree to keep in inner cities for their entire lives.
The Democratic Party harms Americans in an entirely different way. They make Americans dependent on the government.

Where you idiot pseudocons expose your racism is in thinking this is a BLACK thing.
naw, it's the lies with the give aways to the blacks that make it racist.
I've pointed out many times on this forum that poll workers are poorly trained and incompetent. This will turn out to be another example of easily preventable human error.

But the meme is already started that this was some kind of fraud, and the rubes bleev it because they want to bleev it.

Right , just coincidentally preventing a recount where Dem voter fraud efforts were off the charts
Another demonstration!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Those tricky fraudsters. Stealing one or two votes from precincts all over the city. And adding one or two votes in other precincts all over the city.

And nobody caught them!

Boy, they sure are geniuses!

My god, you tards just don't have two fucking brain cells to rub together.
So I wonder who benefits from an entire society being programmed/indoctrinated into discounting/hating their own society, economic system, political system, media, and each other.
what's it like, please elaborate your experience for us.
Those tricky fraudsters. Stealing one or two votes from precincts all over the city. And adding one or two votes in other precincts all over the city.

And nobody caught them!

Boy, they sure are geniuses!

My god, you tards just don't have two fucking brain cells to rub together.
just cheats, like I said, it's what they are best at, cheating. Ask Al Franken.
Since the OP didn't provide a link: Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

There were some precincts which had too many ballots, compared to the log books, and there were some which had too few.

For the most part, they were only off by two or three ballots. Nowhere near enough to affect the outcome.

From the link:

Here is a breakdown of the irregularities in Detroit’s 662 precincts:

■236 precincts in balance — equal numbers of voters counted by workers and machines

■248 precincts with too many votes and no explanation (77 were 1 over; 62 were 2 over, 37 were 3 over, 20 were 4 over, 52 were 5 or more over).

■144 precincts with too few votes and no explanation (81 were 1 under, 29 were 2 under; 19 were 3 under; 7 were 4 under; 8 were 5 or more under)

■34 precincts out of balance but with an explanation
Looks like we need to throw out all the votes in Michigan

Can't be too safe
As long as we can throw out all the votes in California due to the illegals voting, I can agree with that.
I love how you tards drink some piss that was never proved, and then begin to state it as a fact soon after.
Drinking proven piss? Is that a Russian thing?
2 or 3 × 248. Let's use 3 since 52 of the precincts had 5 or more. So, in just one city at least 744 votes. That is enough to change any result for a city, whether local or otherwise, yet you claim no big deal. Now multiply that by all the total number of precincts in the nation. We have a problem.
Since the OP didn't provide a link: Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

There were some precincts which had too many ballots, compared to the log books, and there were some which had too few.

For the most part, they were only off by two or three ballots. Nowhere near enough to affect the outcome.

From the link:

Here is a breakdown of the irregularities in Detroit’s 662 precincts:

■236 precincts in balance — equal numbers of voters counted by workers and machines

■248 precincts with too many votes and no explanation (77 were 1 over; 62 were 2 over, 37 were 3 over, 20 were 4 over, 52 were 5 or more over).

■144 precincts with too few votes and no explanation (81 were 1 under, 29 were 2 under; 19 were 3 under; 7 were 4 under; 8 were 5 or more under)

■34 precincts out of balance but with an explanation
Show me a single Detroit candidate who won by less than 800 votes.

And you can't extrapolate out to the entire country. Detroit made the news precisely because they are the EXCEPTION.

You are demonstrating innumeracy.

ETA: Here are the Detroit election results. You will find the candidates for every office won by many thousands, if not tens of thousands: Latest election results from Metro Detroit and Michigan
and in detroit, they'd all be republican votes that were too many right? cause that is such an upstanding area of the populace.
"Overall, state records show 10.6 percent of the precincts in the 22 counties that began the retabulation process couldn’t be recounted because of state law that bars recounts for unbalanced precincts or ones with broken seals.

The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes."

Dems wanted to prevent recounts where their Voter Fraud efforts were the most robust
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!" :lol:
I provided the link which shows the imbalance was only a handful of votes.

I also provided the link which shows the election results for Detroit.

With these hard facts, it become immediately evident these errors had absolutely no impact on the outcome. Not. Even. Close.

But, as usual, that does not stop the tards from forming completely made up bullshit.

And from this point forward they will be stating their bullshit as fact.

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