Recruiting...The Discussion

I have no idea. I'm going to have to go with life in general and a bad glass of orange juice.

Mebbe she had a bad pumpkin experience growing up.

you are one of the dud/s that run that board over there aren't ya?? yep,, that what you do.. and if everyone doesn't say exactly what you expect them to say then poof you are gone. so here's the scoop for the USMB folks. Since I'm accused of being a rat I'll damn sure be one.

So a new board was opened, people were recruited to go there, me included. What I found when I got there were people from this board talking smack about gunny and about dilloduck and Pixie.. I asked the question over there "do you think these cross board bitch sessions are a good idea" Evidently you did. I'm gone from there now. And you people need to grow the fuck up? I said it then and I'll say it again. If it's fair for you guys to pull bullshit off this board and carry it over there and talk about folks behind their back then it's damn sure fair to bring the bullshit from there over here. I told dilloduck he damn sure wasn't a "sleazoid" in my book and neither was glugsy.. And if you don't like that shit shove that pumpkin up your ass.


There is actually a message board out there talking smack about Gunny?

Fucking assholes!!!

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is gunny a conservative?

personally I don't understand why anyone other than a conservative would be so opposed to freedom of speech/thought or so punitive just because some other message board was spoken well of....

this is a pretty good message board (as message boards go...a few sane and rational people being bashed and insulted by morons...)

but there are other message boards out there that aren't bad either (though I personally do NOT go to any other message boards any more......)

I would encourage ALL people to access as much info as they can
anywhere they can

Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:
Mebbe she had a bad pumpkin experience growing up.

you are one of the dud/s that run that board over there aren't ya?? yep,, that what you do.. and if everyone doesn't say exactly what you expect them to say then poof you are gone. so here's the scoop for the USMB folks. Since I'm accused of being a rat I'll damn sure be one.

So a new board was opened, people were recruited to go there, me included. What I found when I got there were people from this board talking smack about gunny and about dilloduck and Pixie.. I asked the question over there "do you think these cross board bitch sessions are a good idea" Evidently you did. I'm gone from there now. And you people need to grow the fuck up? I said it then and I'll say it again. If it's fair for you guys to pull bullshit off this board and carry it over there and talk about folks behind their back then it's damn sure fair to bring the bullshit from there over here. I told dilloduck he damn sure wasn't a "sleazoid" in my book and neither was glugsy.. And if you don't like that shit shove that pumpkin up your ass.


There is actually a message board out there talking smack about Gunny?

Fucking assholes!!!


Yeah,, that's what I say. glad you agree. errrrrr...
is gunny a conservative?

personally I don't understand why anyone other than a conservative would be so opposed to freedom of speech/thought or so punitive just because some other message board was spoken well of....

this is a pretty good message board (as message boards go...a few sane and rational people being bashed and insulted by morons...)

but there are other message boards out there that aren't bad either (though I personally do NOT go to any other message boards any more......)

I would encourage ALL people to access as much info as they can
anywhere they can

Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

You don't think the owner of McDonalds would object to some of his staff or even his customers taking customers aside and telling them to go over to Burger King because it was better for whatever reason? Doing that from your own living room or at the gym or whatever, is one thing. Doing that right under the nose of the boss is something else again. If I had somebody on my premises trying to sabotage my business, I think I would insist that person leave.
is gunny a conservative?

personally I don't understand why anyone other than a conservative would be so opposed to freedom of speech/thought or so punitive just because some other message board was spoken well of....

this is a pretty good message board (as message boards go...a few sane and rational people being bashed and insulted by morons...)

but there are other message boards out there that aren't bad either (though I personally do NOT go to any other message boards any more......)

I would encourage ALL people to access as much info as they can
anywhere they can

Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

Great post Hugs! I agree with you 100%. :clap2:
Eh.. people come.. people go.. what's the big deal?

That's life...
is gunny a conservative?

personally I don't understand why anyone other than a conservative would be so opposed to freedom of speech/thought or so punitive just because some other message board was spoken well of....

this is a pretty good message board (as message boards go...a few sane and rational people being bashed and insulted by morons...)

but there are other message boards out there that aren't bad either (though I personally do NOT go to any other message boards any more......)

I would encourage ALL people to access as much info as they can
anywhere they can

Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come. The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

How much fairer could it be than "free" jay su.
And I'll say one more thing. Gunny was correct. He doesn't ban folks for speaking their minds.. you assholes evidently do.. I like Gunny better.

You were probably banned:
1) Because you're a dickhead
2) You have nothing nice to say
3) You're trailer trash..

Also, on another topic. If Gunny posts on another board and nobody knows about it, did it really happen? :eek:
Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come. The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

How much fairer could it be than "free" jay su.

"free" of threats and PM intrusion.
Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

You don't think the owner of McDonalds would object to some of his staff or even his customers taking customers aside and telling them to go over to Burger King because it was better for whatever reason? Doing that from your own living room or at the gym or whatever, is one thing. Doing that right under the nose of the boss is something else again. If I had somebody on my premises trying to sabotage my business, I think I would insist that person leave.

You don't know the restaurant biz. Trust me..the owner of the McDonalds sends one of his kids to the KFC or the fish place frequently to get his own lunch. You don't think he gets tired of his own burgers? :lol: :lol: :lol:
And I'll say one more thing. Gunny was correct. He doesn't ban folks for speaking their minds.. you assholes evidently do.. I like Gunny better.

You were probably banned:
1) Because you're a dickhead
2) You have nothing nice to say
3) You're trailer trash..

Also, on another topic. If Gunny posts on another board and nobody knows about it, did it really happen? :eek:

:eusa_whistle: I'm sure they expect it.
You don't think the owner of McDonalds would object to some of his staff or even his customers taking customers aside and telling them to go over to Burger King because it was better for whatever reason? Doing that from your own living room or at the gym or whatever, is one thing. Doing that right under the nose of the boss is something else again. If I had somebody on my premises trying to sabotage my business, I think I would insist that person leave.

But it's not MacDonald's it's a fucking messageboard. Almost everybody who has come here has been recruited from other boards. Just more hypocritical bullshit...
And I'll say one more thing. Gunny was correct. He doesn't ban folks for speaking their minds.. you assholes evidently do.. I like Gunny better.

You were probably banned:
1) Because you're a dickhead
2) You have nothing nice to say
3) You're trailer trash..

Also, on another topic. If Gunny posts on another board and nobody knows about it, did it really happen? :eek:

I don't give a shit why I was banned. And as for your second assinine statement, that's the whole point innit? pull shit from here take it over there talk smack then cry cause somebody brought your shit back here. What a whiney assed limp do do you are. And, why am I obligated to say something nice to a dicklet such as yourself. give me one good reason, and you live in a bog. go brush your teeth.
My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

You don't think the owner of McDonalds would object to some of his staff or even his customers taking customers aside and telling them to go over to Burger King because it was better for whatever reason? Doing that from your own living room or at the gym or whatever, is one thing. Doing that right under the nose of the boss is something else again. If I had somebody on my premises trying to sabotage my business, I think I would insist that person leave.

You don't know the restaurant biz. Trust me..the owner of the McDonalds sends one of his kids to the KFC or the fish place frequently to get his own lunch. You don't think he gets tired of his own burgers? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very cute Sweetheart. Okay funny. But that's not the same thing and you know it. :)
And I'll say one more thing. Gunny was correct. He doesn't ban folks for speaking their minds.. you assholes evidently do.. I like Gunny better.

You were probably banned:
1) Because you're a dickhead
2) You have nothing nice to say
3) You're trailer trash..

Also, on another topic. If Gunny posts on another board and nobody knows about it, did it really happen? :eek:

I don't give a shit why I was banned. And as for your second assinine statement, that's the whole point innit? pull shit from here take it over there talk smack then cry cause somebody brought your shit back here. What a whiney assed limp do do you are. And, why am I obligated to say something nice to a dicklet such as yourself. give me one good reason, and you live in a bog. go brush your teeth.

1) Yeah, you do. You're bitching about it now.
2) I have not posted on that other board.
3) I was told about it by a third party. I was 'sold' that it was going to be for those who actually want decent discussion without the rants/abuse/partisan vitriole.
4) I saw your name in the members column and chastised the person who told me about the site because seeing your name there meant it wasn't what it claimed it was going to be.
5) Show me one post of yours - just one - where you have been nice to somebody on the opposite side of the political spectrum when discussing controversial subjects. You can't because you are permanently angry/bitter/pissed off.
You were probably banned:
1) Because you're a dickhead
2) You have nothing nice to say
3) You're trailer trash..

Also, on another topic. If Gunny posts on another board and nobody knows about it, did it really happen? :eek:

I don't give a shit why I was banned. And as for your second assinine statement, that's the whole point innit? pull shit from here take it over there talk smack then cry cause somebody brought your shit back here. What a whiney assed limp do do you are. And, why am I obligated to say something nice to a dicklet such as yourself. give me one good reason, and you live in a bog. go brush your teeth.

1) Yeah, you do. You're bitching about it now.
2) I have not posted on that other board.
3) I was told about it by a third party. I was 'sold' that it was going to be for those who actually want decent discussion without the rants/abuse/partisan vitriole.
4) I saw your name in the members column and chastised the person who told me about the site because seeing your name there meant it wasn't what it claimed it was going to be.
5) Show me one post of yours - just one - where you have been nice to somebody on the opposite side of the political spectrum when discussing controversial subjects. You can't because you are permanently angry/bitter/pissed off.

Nope! not bitchin. Accused of rating. I'm gonna tell the rest of USMB what happened. Why was I banned? Don't fucking know. I got no explanation. and what I said over there was just as I described. So I have no other conclusion to reach other than you fucktards aren't nearly into free speech and fairness as is Gunny. So cry me a fucking river. If you don't wish to be on a board where my name resides on the members list why are you here. And I won't give you shit until you tell me one good reason to paly nice with you. I can't recall you ever doing it. Seems like your the angry bitter bog dweller donut?

I am out of my mind with shock that anyone, ANYONE, would talk smack about dillo!!!

Oh hell--I've been a hot topic of converstation for years, Ravi. It's a real pity I can't see what's being said behind my back without having to register but you know what they say about people who are afraid to say things to your face. I've been called every name in the book by some of the braver souls here and some braver ones were willing actually logically explain why they disagreed with what I posted.
I strongly encourage those that can't bring their A Game to post elsewhere. I enjoy the fact that most of the posts here now are about outside events and not USMB itself.
you are one of the dud/s that run that board over there aren't ya?? yep,, that what you do.. and if everyone doesn't say exactly what you expect them to say then poof you are gone. so here's the scoop for the USMB folks. Since I'm accused of being a rat I'll damn sure be one.

So a new board was opened, people were recruited to go there, me included. What I found when I got there were people from this board talking smack about gunny and about dilloduck and Pixie.. I asked the question over there "do you think these cross board bitch sessions are a good idea" Evidently you did. I'm gone from there now. And you people need to grow the fuck up? I said it then and I'll say it again. If it's fair for you guys to pull bullshit off this board and carry it over there and talk about folks behind their back then it's damn sure fair to bring the bullshit from there over here. I told dilloduck he damn sure wasn't a "sleazoid" in my book and neither was glugsy.. And if you don't like that shit shove that pumpkin up your ass.


There is actually a message board out there talking smack about Gunny?

Fucking assholes!!!


Yeah,, that's what I say. glad you agree. errrrrr...


You don't ever Dis Gunny!

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