Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

ok - i thought you meant at all.

The act would be despicable if it really happened. I just find it odd that no arrests were made, and I haven't seen any evidence that anyone was near the door.
they should not have been there at all.

as for nowhere near the door:

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

then who put the sign on the door?

A sign is not kicking in a door, and you can legally walk up to a door and leave a note. Where is proof of a break in?
you asked for evidence that anyone was ever near the door.

i gave that.

That you did, and I admit I was wrong about someone being near the door. Thank you for the correction. I never argue something I know to be untrue, so I thank you for that. Now, to the bigger picture; Is Carlson whining because someone left a note on his door, or is he claiming a mob broke his door down, threatened his family, and vandalized his cars?

but the question is - if i don't like your politics, is it ok for me to come to your house and scream out veiled threats at you and your family? for the record, i would be against them doing this to you, maxine, pelosi, carlson, trump - anyone. *we as a society* simply should not be going there. so if a group of people were outside your house threatening you, i'd support your right to defend yourself, not ask if you were lying about it or exaggerating. if you want to get upset *if* he is, ok. have at it.

but in the same breathe i'd love to hear you say that this group should never have been there. unless you feel this is a valid action for people to take when they don't like you. if that is your stance, great. just don't complain if this happens to you, much less exaggerate. :)
Public sidewalks.

Yeah, but they're on the property. And in that video, there was at least one person at the door walking back to the lawn. I think it was the person who put the sign there. You can see the sign in this picture.

So where are pics of the cracked door? Remember, this was not an accusation of someone knocking on the door....this was a very clear accusation that they were trying to break down the door and cracked it.
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
So you support their actions.

Or you're willing to enable their actions by deflecting from them.

So are you supporting them or enabling them?
Sounds to me like he is one of them!
This is when Tucker's wife need an AR-15 and several high capacity magazines. To protect herself and her children from a vicious Left Wing hate mob.
Yeah bro she could have littered the front yard with corpses and rivers of blood. Whew my nipples just got so hard.

Had They had busted through the door killing the assholes would have been the right thing to do. That is always the right thing to do with a vicious Left Wing hate mob.

However, living in DC she can't get government permission to have a weapon for self defense.

The filthy Democrats that run the city don't want a White woman to have the ability to protect herself and her children from the vicious Left Wing Hate Mob because those Left Wing assholes are the ones that elect the Democrats.
She can buy a gun in DC. Glad she didn’t add a 2nd gun slaughter to yesterday’s total.
Liberal MOB attacks a man's wife home alone, half breaks down her door while she hides inside fearing what may happen next. Keep it classy you puke libs.
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?
No more inciteful than that spewed by Lou Dobbs, Rachel Maddow, Jim Acosta, Don Lemon, etc

Why aren't people attacking THEIR doors?
Great question. What is Tucker doing differently? Hmm.

He is kissing the ass of the right instead of the left.

For all their issues, the right does not do shit like this.

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This “mob” of 6 people should have maybe assembled a militia and aimed rifles at police or taken a bird sanctuary instead. That would be so cool.
The act would be despicable if it really happened. I just find it odd that no arrests were made, and I haven't seen any evidence that anyone was near the door.
they should not have been there at all.

as for nowhere near the door:

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

then who put the sign on the door?

A sign is not kicking in a door, and you can legally walk up to a door and leave a note. Where is proof of a break in?
you asked for evidence that anyone was ever near the door.

i gave that.

That you did, and I admit I was wrong about someone being near the door. Thank you for the correction. I never argue something I know to be untrue, so I thank you for that. Now, to the bigger picture; Is Carlson whining because someone left a note on his door, or is he claiming a mob broke his door down, threatened his family, and vandalized his cars?

but the question is - if i don't like your politics, is it ok for me to come to your house and scream out veiled threats at you and your family? for the record, i would be against them doing this to you, maxine, pelosi, carlson, trump - anyone. *we as a society* simply should not be going there. so if a group of people were outside your house threatening you, i'd support your right to defend yourself, not ask if you were lying about it or exaggerating. if you want to get upset *if* he is, ok. have at it.

but in the same breathe i'd love to hear you say that this group should never have been there. unless you feel this is a valid action for people to take when they don't like you. if that is your stance, great. just don't complain if this happens to you, much less exaggerate. :)
THreats are illegal...trespass is illegal...trying to break down a door is illegal. The cops were called. Why was no one arrested?

I only listen to him as I'm passing thru the living room, and the wife is watching...

But I have yet to hear him 'spout hate and lies' like you describe.

How often do you watch him?

I've seen his show several times.

Can you lay out some of the hate that he spouts?

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Carlson regularly claims Democrats hate America.

If they approve of this kind of harassment then maybe he is correct, this is very un-American.

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Please point out any illegal behavior by the protesters. I haven't seen it yet. I'm easy to convince if you have anything to back up your claim other than you think it's rude for them to take advantage of their right to free speech.

Disturbing a residential neighborhood with screaming and tambourines is not part of your right to free speech.

Making threats is not part of your right to free speech.

Threatening to send a pipe bomb is not part of your right to free speech.

You are as fucked up as the people at his house.

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This is when Tucker's wife need an AR-15 and several high capacity magazines. To protect herself and her children from a vicious Left Wing hate mob.
Yeah bro she could have littered the front yard with corpses and rivers of blood. Whew my nipples just got so hard.

Had They had busted through the door killing the assholes would have been the right thing to do. That is always the right thing to do with a vicious Left Wing hate mob.

However, living in DC she can't get government permission to have a weapon for self defense.

The filthy Democrats that run the city don't want a White woman to have the ability to protect herself and her children from the vicious Left Wing Hate Mob because those Left Wing assholes are the ones that elect the Democrats.
She can buy a gun in DC. Glad she didn’t add a 2nd gun slaughter to yesterday’s total.

She would have been well within her rights had she. They made a verbal threat about a pipe bomb

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Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
So you support their actions.

Or you're willing to enable their actions by deflecting from them.

So are you supporting them or enabling them?

So you're supporting Carlson's actions?

Or you're willing to enable his actions by deflecting from them?

So are you supporting him or enabling him?
Tucker should take Joe Biden's advice and just shoot through the door ...

I don't hope it happens, but its going to take someone to shoot and kill one of these liberal thugs in self defense to get them to back off....and if it happens the blood will be on the hands of Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and other Democrats who called / calls for a lack of civility and an escalation of violent rhetoric and intolerance...
This is when Tucker's wife need an AR-15 and several high capacity magazines. To protect herself and her children from a vicious Left Wing hate mob.
Yeah bro she could have littered the front yard with corpses and rivers of blood. Whew my nipples just got so hard.

Had They had busted through the door killing the assholes would have been the right thing to do. That is always the right thing to do with a vicious Left Wing hate mob.

However, living in DC she can't get government permission to have a weapon for self defense.

The filthy Democrats that run the city don't want a White woman to have the ability to protect herself and her children from the vicious Left Wing Hate Mob because those Left Wing assholes are the ones that elect the Democrats.
She can buy a gun in DC. Glad she didn’t add a 2nd gun slaughter to yesterday’s total.

She would have been well within her rights had she. They made a verbal threat about a pipe bomb

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Situations like that I'd suggest rubber bullets..

so the idiots can feel the pain, without suffering death
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
Commie idiots still don't have the right to do what they did. Show up at my house, I need the target practice.
This is when Tucker's wife need an AR-15 and several high capacity magazines. To protect herself and her children from a vicious Left Wing hate mob.
Yeah bro she could have littered the front yard with corpses and rivers of blood. Whew my nipples just got so hard.

Had They had busted through the door killing the assholes would have been the right thing to do. That is always the right thing to do with a vicious Left Wing hate mob.

However, living in DC she can't get government permission to have a weapon for self defense.

The filthy Democrats that run the city don't want a White woman to have the ability to protect herself and her children from the vicious Left Wing Hate Mob because those Left Wing assholes are the ones that elect the Democrats.
She can buy a gun in DC. Glad she didn’t add a 2nd gun slaughter to yesterday’s total.

She would have been well within her rights had she. They made a verbal threat about a pipe bomb

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Yeah people have committed gun slaughters for much less
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
Commie idiots still don't have the right to do what they did. Show up at my house, I need the target practice.
Nobody’s going to drive out to the middle of nowhere to show up protesting at your house
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
So you support their actions.

Or you're willing to enable their actions by deflecting from them.

So are you supporting them or enabling them?

So you're supporting Carlson's actions?

Or you're willing to enable his actions by deflecting from them?

So are you supporting him or enabling him?
Go Tucker. Too bad he didn't get a few. Bang Bang.
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
Commie idiots still don't have the right to do what they did. Show up at my house, I need the target practice.
Nobody’s going to drive out to the middle of nowhere to show up protesting at your house
Be their last mistake.
Keep in mind that if you disagree with Trump, Carlson will most certainly not leave you alone and will fight and rail against everything you believe in and hold dear until it’s taken from you.
Commie idiots still don't have the right to do what they did. Show up at my house, I need the target practice.
Nobody’s going to drive out to the middle of nowhere to show up protesting at your house
Be their last mistake.
Cool fantasy bro

DEMOCRATS: You gained some ground in the election of 2018, but you're not off to a good start.

I don't agree with many of the things Mr. Tucker Carlson says, but going to Mr. Carlson's home, and screaming insults at him and his wife is just plain stupid. President Trump has called the media "the enemy of the people" This is a direct attack on the 1st amendment rights of all Americans, and by extension, our Constitution itself. Just because President Trump does something stupid, does not mean you have to go down the same rabbit hole. Leave Mr. Tucker Carlson and his wife alone. They have just as much right to speak their mind as you do!

‘They were threatening me and my family’: Tucker Carlson’s home targeted by protesters

Actually, I FULLY agree; let Tucker wallow in his own racism and bigotry (and an attempt to become a bit more "relevant" to the white nationalists).......,but his family and home should be OFF limits.
The act would be despicable if it really happened. I just find it odd that no arrests were made, and I haven't seen any evidence that anyone was near the door.
they should not have been there at all.

as for nowhere near the door:

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

then who put the sign on the door?

A sign is not kicking in a door, and you can legally walk up to a door and leave a note. Where is proof of a break in?
you asked for evidence that anyone was ever near the door.

i gave that.

That you did, and I admit I was wrong about someone being near the door. Thank you for the correction. I never argue something I know to be untrue, so I thank you for that. Now, to the bigger picture; Is Carlson whining because someone left a note on his door, or is he claiming a mob broke his door down, threatened his family, and vandalized his cars?

but the question is - if i don't like your politics, is it ok for me to come to your house and scream out veiled threats at you and your family? for the record, i would be against them doing this to you, maxine, pelosi, carlson, trump - anyone. *we as a society* simply should not be going there. so if a group of people were outside your house threatening you, i'd support your right to defend yourself, not ask if you were lying about it or exaggerating. if you want to get upset *if* he is, ok. have at it.

but in the same breathe i'd love to hear you say that this group should never have been there. unless you feel this is a valid action for people to take when they don't like you. if that is your stance, great. just don't complain if this happens to you, much less exaggerate. :)

Freedom of speech isn't always fun for everybody involved, but I think it's better to have it than to not have it. I personally would not have done what they did, but they had every legal right to do it, and I support that right. I'm sorry you would want to limit that right. Either way, Carlson's claims of a home invasion with threats to his family and his cars being vandalized is just more hyperbolic bullshit. His usual crap. The hair on fire rants of right wingers about it are just pathetic.

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