Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Antifa are easily defeated... they are all a bunch of pussy whipped bitches

Hoe are you gonna do that from behind that keyboard?
Proud boys kicked their asses
Lol that little girls club? :lmao:
Antifa got knocked the fuck out....

Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.

Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements
Hoe are you gonna do that from behind that keyboard?
Proud boys kicked their asses
Lol that little girls club? :lmao:
Antifa got knocked the fuck out....

Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.

Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements

Funny you say that, because one of the founder's of your movement are actually reduced to living in their parent's basement.

The organizer of the Charlottesville rally just got humiliated by his own father
Proud boys kicked their asses
Lol that little girls club? :lmao:
Antifa got knocked the fuck out....

Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.

Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements

Funny you say that, because one of the founder's of your movement are actually reduced to living in their parent's basement.

The organizer of the Charlottesville rally just got humiliated by his own father

The reason why antifa cover up their faces so their mothers don’t see them on the news...
They might get grounded
Lol that little girls club? :lmao:
Antifa got knocked the fuck out....

Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.

Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements

Funny you say that, because one of the founder's of your movement are actually reduced to living in their parent's basement.

The organizer of the Charlottesville rally just got humiliated by his own father

The reason why antifa cover up their faces so their mothers don’t see them on the news...
They might get grounded

Who cares why. They won.
Antifa got knocked the fuck out....

Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.

Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements

Funny you say that, because one of the founder's of your movement are actually reduced to living in their parent's basement.

The organizer of the Charlottesville rally just got humiliated by his own father

The reason why antifa cover up their faces so their mothers don’t see them on the news...
They might get grounded

Who cares why. They won.

They got knocked the fuck out....
Dude, you got like 10 people to this year's unite the right rally, and Steve Bannon can't give away tickets to see him speak. Your movement is dead. Gone.
Na, Antifa spends too much time in their mothers basements
Funny you say that, because one of the founder's of your movement are actually reduced to living in their parent's basement.

The organizer of the Charlottesville rally just got humiliated by his own father
The reason why antifa cover up their faces so their mothers don’t see them on the news...
They might get grounded
Who cares why. They won.
They got knocked the fuck out....
A couple times, while killing your movement.
It is very troubling the cops do not arrest those savages for trespassing and threatening charges. You can hear Tucker's cocker spaniel I think.

Anti-Fa probably waited until it was just Mrs. Carlson and the kids at home before they made their move. God knows they don't want to take on an angry full grown man! Terrorize my family at my house and I'm going to hurt you and I don't care what the Police say.
An Antifa mob is currently outside the DC-area home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to media reports.
Red Alert: Tucker Carlson’s Home Under Siege by Antifa Mob

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Smash Racism DC on Twitter

Oh such a conspiracy that there would be violence after the midterms if these leftist pricks didn't win it all.

Let the fun begin, I hope the cops don't stand down and bet the fk out of these assholes.

he should blow a few of them away

they will scatter like the rats they are
It is very troubling the cops do not arrest those savages for trespassing and threatening charges. You can hear Tucker's cocker spaniel I think.


LMDAO!!! I just about lost it on this.

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