Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Not in the one I watched 3 times.

Go watch the video in post 235 at about 40 seconds in someone yells something about a mail bomb.

Also, according to the police the anarchy sign was spray painted on his driveway...but I guess that is part of free speech in your fucked up world too.

Tucker Carlson targeted by left-wing activists who descended on his DC home - CNN

Hell, even Stephen Colbert knows this was wrong, and you should worry about your soul when Stephen Colbert takes a higher moral ground than you are taking.

I already said spray painting his driveway was wrong. Carlson didn't mention his driveway, and it didn't seem to be a major point in his claims, even though it is a valid claim. I did watch the video you referred to. One person did say something one time. I couldn't make out exactly what he said, but I will concede that it might be what you claim it is. Doubtful that someone not near the microphone would have even heard it. That one person didn't seem representative of the entire group's behavior, and the remark didn't seem to be repeated. That person should certainly be questioned about that. That still doesn't support his claim that a mob broke his door in, vandalized his cars, and was threatening his family with bombs. Looks like the group as a whole was making great effort to stay legal with their protest. They stayed off his property except the one person who put the note on his door and presumably his car. Anybody can legally put a note on anybody's door unless there is some sort of restraining order preventing that. I understand him being upset, but it doesn't seem to be near the mob attack he and the right is trying to portray it as.

I am done with you. I truly hope and pray one day you have a group of 20 people chanting outside of your house that they know where you sleep.
you are a pretty shitty human being.
i'd still tell 'em to cut it the fuck out.

If it were my wife and children there were terrorizing I would have done more than that.

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people get shot for that shit to be honest. you don't have a right to harass and threaten people. only so many words i'm going to let a liberal redefine to suit their needs.
Anti-Fa probably waited until it was just Mrs. Carlson and the kids at home before they made their move. God knows they don't want to take on an angry full grown man! Terrorize my family at my house and I'm going to hurt you and I don't care what the Police say.
They don't try that shit in Texas.
Low IQ leftists don't judge an action on any level beyond whether or not it was a fellow leftist doing it. If it is a leftist, they will defend it (as they are already doing in this thread). If not, they don't.

They are incapable of viewing the world at any level more complex than a game of cowboys and Indians.
A group of left wing thugs camp outside his home shouting threats and such. The mob is at it again.

Did he give them his goofy look?


You owe me a new keyboard....had to laugh at that one.

I'd owe ya a new keyboard....unfortunately ya wouldnt be able to use it with your brains scattered on the front lawn.

Sure thing Mary....
Proplr keep mentioning a pipe bomb, but It's not mentioned in the video I saw.

It is mentioned in the video in this very thread. Try watching it for a change

Not in the one I watched 3 times.

Go watch the video in post 235 at about 40 seconds in someone yells something about a mail bomb.

Also, according to the police the anarchy sign was spray painted on his driveway...but I guess that is part of free speech in your fucked up world too.

Tucker Carlson targeted by left-wing activists who descended on his DC home - CNN

Hell, even Stephen Colbert knows this was wrong, and you should worry about your soul when Stephen Colbert takes a higher moral ground than you are taking.

I already said spray painting his driveway was wrong. Carlson didn't mention his driveway, and it didn't seem to be a major point in his claims, even though it is a valid claim. I did watch the video you referred to. One person did say something one time. I couldn't make out exactly what he said, but I will concede that it might be what you claim it is. Doubtful that someone not near the microphone would have even heard it. That one person didn't seem representative of the entire group's behavior, and the remark didn't seem to be repeated. That person should certainly be questioned about that. That still doesn't support his claim that a mob broke his door in, vandalized his cars, and was threatening his family with bombs. Looks like the group as a whole was making great effort to stay legal with their protest. They stayed off his property except the one person who put the note on his door and presumably his car. Anybody can legally put a note on anybody's door unless there is some sort of restraining order preventing that. I understand him being upset, but it doesn't seem to be near the mob attack he and the right is trying to portray it as.

I am done with you. I truly hope and pray one day you have a group of 20 people chanting outside of your house that they know where you sleep.
you are a pretty shitty human being.

You were done a while back. You just didn't figure it out then.
An Antifa mob is currently outside the DC-area home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to media reports.
Red Alert: Tucker Carlson’s Home Under Siege by Antifa Mob

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Smash Racism DC on Twitter

Oh such a conspiracy that there would be violence after the midterms if these leftist pricks didn't win it all.

Let the fun begin, I hope the cops don't stand down and bet the fk out of these assholes.

Surely, the Progressive Marxist Socialists are claiming that they are not threatening Carlson and his family. Obama and his administration minions first created #OWS, then came #BLM, suddenly we now have #AntiFa. All this was just a change of names not people or goal(s). For all we know, the same people are still paid through 'Democracy Partners' founded and led by Robert Creamer's and funded by good ole Georgie Soros.
Their 'Mob' actions of 'Hate' prodded on by Mad Maxine Waters is coming to a head.
Political violence has been rising in the U.S. since 2012, according to the 'Global Terrorism Database'. Increasingly aggressive activists have pushed political confrontation to the limit since 2016, accosting Republican lawmakers and administration officials in restaurants and in the halls of Congress. And now they’re going after conservative journalists at their homes.
DC Capital Police have designated the attack on Tucker Carlson's family and home by AntiFa a hate crime.
To the guys doing it...knock it off. I hope you're arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
To Tucky Cwalsun; thoughts and prayers.
While I don't own a gun, any Antifa member trying to break into my house still has a 100% chance of dying because they get a sweet, friendly little appointment with Mr. Baseball Bat I keep under my bed. It's the absolute of my house; anyone breaking into my home will depart it in a body bag. It's just that simple.
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Hey, they're only doing what Mommas Nancy and Mad Maxie told them was their duty........[/QUOTE .

It’s a sad day when Americans revert to violence in order to be heard. The Antifa May think they are liberal Democrats but they are the furthest thing from it. They are a group of misguided childlike activist with anti-American ideals and methods. This is meant for all violent groups. You are using the wrong methods and doing harm to the democratic cause.

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A group of left wing thugs camp outside his home shouting threats and such. The mob is at it again.

Soon Left-wing freaks will start pulling people out of their homes to drag them into the streets and tear them apart. Tucker's wife was home inside. She thought it was a home invasion. Were I him, I'd visit them to the last. This is my America, your America, our America. This is not mob violence slaying the shit out of people is okay Revolution Era France.
I'd take out my shotgun and blast anyone who stepped beyond my property line. Of course, this is DC where only thugs are armed.
If candycorn was cornholed by an illegal alien should we tell the rapist to "knock it off?" It is amazing how sick democrats are nowadays.

I took a look at the video of it. Anyone could have put that together in front of any house anywhere in the world and you can call it anything you want. Could it be that they are protesting Snickers Bars and know think they know where it sleeps at night? Or how about LuLu the Cow. If Antifa were to be doing this, they would be arrested and hauled off in paddy wagons. I can think of a number of local law that they would be in violation of. So I find this a bit hard to believe.
A group of left wing thugs camp outside his home shouting threats and such. The mob is at it again.

CNN is offended it is called a mob, they say, "just some people unhappy with the direction that the country is going in". Then go out and vote ya Snowflakes. What in the hell does Tucker Carlson have to do with Trumps policies?

Weak wristed, blue participation ribbon bullies. If they do to my home, Im walking out with a video camera and getting them on video in great detail. Not saying a word, just getting information and I will do my own research, or provide to the police what they need. One suggested a fire bomb or something, on top of cracking his door. Wtf.

I'm sure Tucker is a man of great means with fans within powerful agencies. If people are peacefully protesting in a public space, that's one thing, but to "dox" their information publicly and harass his family outside his home, crack his door, use threatening language? If I'm Tucker it's on now.

What's he gonna do, talk bad about Democrats? Sorry, but that's all he does already. He's been at full throttle for a long time. It's not like he can step it up.

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