Red Cross volunteers will no longer respond on-site in 10 Milwaukee ZIP codes


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"MILWAUKEE -- A change in the American Red Cross policy has some city officials saying it looks like racism. Under this change, volunteers in Milwaukee will no longer provide on-site response to disasters but only in ten ZIP codes. That's getting the attention of some city leaders.At the scene of a disaster, the same groups respond: police, fire, and paramedics. In Milwaukee, the Red Cross might still be there too -- it just depends on where that scene is in the city. "We're still coming into these ZIP codes. Our volunteers are simply changing where we're meeting with the people," said Red Cross Regional CEO, Patty Flowers". - Source

Milwaukee is my second home. I don't live here anymore but I come here at least once a week. I grew up here. I don't like their public school system which is one of the main reasons I originally moved up north. I've seen it listed nationally as being prejudicial and racist. I don't see it, never had. However, this announcement by the Red Cross is dredging that up locally.

While the Red Cross will not publicly state this, the high amount of theft, robbery and assaults done by people living in the predominantly black section of the city is so high, no one wants to volunteer or white. Are the volunteers prejudice? No, but they now fear for their safety which is a completely rational response to the crimes that have been committed against them, while volunteering.

This comes on the heels of a recent incident where street repair contract crews were openly carrying guns, which is allowed in the city and the state. The crews stated that in the past, there were too many incidences of area people attempting to rob them of their tools and vehicles. The city politicians stepping in, bemoaning the need for guns, yet do absolutely nothing to stop those crimes the workers are trying to prevent.

Damned if you do. damned if you don't.
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They simply don't want to be killed, assaulted or robbed while trying to help people. When they can't do that in certain zip codes, then don't go there. If a specific race dominates the crime infested no-go zip codes, then that is fact - not prejudice. Blame the people in the zones, it's their fault and their problem.

I hate seeing it but when Fire and First responders are also finding themselves being assaulted doing their job, there is a MAJOR problem here that someone is trying to cover up.
No one (of any ethnicity) wants to enter a dangerous area.

Everyone has the right to protect his/her life and welfare.

And you do that by trying your best to keep away from "rough" areas.

For example, sometimes letter carriers refuse to service an area where many residents have dangerous dogs running around loose. (Those letter carriers are of every ethnicity!) Chances are, too, that such irresponsible owners have not had their dogs inoculated against rabies. Should letter carriers still service that area just in order to prove that they are not "racists"? I think not.
TheParser, are you saying dogs are more dangerous than low IQ, hateful, savage, racist beasts who hate whitey?
TheParser, are you saying dogs are more dangerous than ...?

Good morning, Snouter.

I was trying to make the point that everyone has the right (and duty to themselves and their families) to keep away from any kind of dangerous area.

Have a nice day!
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
"MILWAUKEE -- A change in the American Red Cross policy has some city officials saying it looks like racism. Under this change, volunteers in Milwaukee will no longer provide on-site response to disasters but only in ten ZIP codes. That's getting the attention of some city leaders.At the scene of a disaster, the same groups respond: police, fire, and paramedics. In Milwaukee, the Red Cross might still be there too -- it just depends on where that scene is in the city. "We're still coming into these ZIP codes. Our volunteers are simply changing where we're meeting with the people," said Red Cross Regional CEO, Patty Flowers". - Source

Milwaukee is my second home. I don't live here anymore but I come here at least once a week. I grew up here. I don't like their public school system which is one of the main reasons I originally moved up north. I've seen it listed nationally as being prejudicial and racist. I don't see it, never had. However, this announcement by the Red Cross is dredging that up locally.

While the Red Cross will not publicly state this, the high amount of theft, robbery and assaults done by people living in the predominantly black section of the city is so high, no one wants to volunteer or white. Are the volunteers prejudice? No, but they now fear for their safety which is a completely rational response to the crimes that have been committed against them, while volunteering.

This comes on the heels of a recent incident where street repair contract crews were openly carrying guns, which is allowed in the city and the state. The crews stated that in the past, there were too many incidences of area people attempting to rob them of their tools and vehicles. The city politicians stepping in, bemoaning the need for guns, yet do absolutely nothing to stop those crimes the workers are trying to prevent.

Damned if you do. damned if you don't.
This is just one example among many of the terrible dysfunction in the black community. It has been going on for decades. I grew up in Detroit in the 60s and 70s, and this kind of shit existed then.

What is even more heinous then all this dysfunction, is the fact that the political class in these cities has done NOTHING to limit or resolve it. It is crime for which those responsible within the political class, should be imprisoned.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Oregon, nothing good has ever came out of Oregon.
"MILWAUKEE -- A change in the American Red Cross policy has some city officials saying it looks like racism. Under this change, volunteers in Milwaukee will no longer provide on-site response to disasters but only in ten ZIP codes. That's getting the attention of some city leaders.At the scene of a disaster, the same groups respond: police, fire, and paramedics. In Milwaukee, the Red Cross might still be there too -- it just depends on where that scene is in the city. "We're still coming into these ZIP codes. Our volunteers are simply changing where we're meeting with the people," said Red Cross Regional CEO, Patty Flowers". - Source

Milwaukee is my second home. I don't live here anymore but I come here at least once a week. I grew up here. I don't like their public school system which is one of the main reasons I originally moved up north. I've seen it listed nationally as being prejudicial and racist. I don't see it, never had. However, this announcement by the Red Cross is dredging that up locally.

While the Red Cross will not publicly state this, the high amount of theft, robbery and assaults done by people living in the predominantly black section of the city is so high, no one wants to volunteer or white. Are the volunteers prejudice? No, but they now fear for their safety which is a completely rational response to the crimes that have been committed against them, while volunteering.

This comes on the heels of a recent incident where street repair contract crews were openly carrying guns, which is allowed in the city and the state. The crews stated that in the past, there were too many incidences of area people attempting to rob them of their tools and vehicles. The city politicians stepping in, bemoaning the need for guns, yet do absolutely nothing to stop those crimes the workers are trying to prevent.

Damned if you do. damned if you don't.
Is this the Red Cross who raised billions for Haiti but built six homes ?


This is the white supremacist (Suspected) Gail J. McGovern, CEO, President of American Red Cross.


When crisis situations happen that involve blacks. The Red Cross show up, hand you a bag with a travel size bar of soap and a mini toothpaste, then make you sign a form and that's it
  • In September 11th : The Red Cross raised $543 million for the family members. But they held back more than half of that money which led to the dismissal of their president.
  • In 2004 : The Red Cross raised $3.21 billion to aid the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami. But they're still holding onto $500 million of it.
  • In 2005 : The Red Cross raised $1.1 billion to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina. But they kept $200 million of it.
The Red Cross been racist and mismanaging funds since forever.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Oregon, nothing good has ever came out of Oregon.

You planning to move all the white people out of Oregon?

You know this was done to the Indians in the 1800's.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Not gonna happen.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Not gonna happen.
I guess you are right. Blacks and mexicans don't get along all that good.
trump should build his fucking wall around these shitholes.

Then throw lots of guns and ammunition over the top of the wall and let the savages go at each other in a serious way.

Call it a 'neighborhood improvement' initiative.
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Not gonna happen.
I guess you are right. Blacks and mexicans don't get along all that good.

White racists don't get along with them either. [emoji6]
I was thinking the same thing. Why can't we just give blacks an entire state all their own? No one gets to leave unless they can pass a "worthy to be around whites" test.
Which state did you have in mind?
Not gonna happen.
I guess you are right. Blacks and mexicans don't get along all that good.

White racists don't get along with them either. [emoji6]
Why would they? But it's well known that many black don't get along with illegals, mr. regressive.
"MILWAUKEE -- A change in the American Red Cross policy has some city officials saying it looks like racism. Under this change, volunteers in Milwaukee will no longer provide on-site response to disasters but only in ten ZIP codes. That's getting the attention of some city leaders.At the scene of a disaster, the same groups respond: police, fire, and paramedics. In Milwaukee, the Red Cross might still be there too -- it just depends on where that scene is in the city. "We're still coming into these ZIP codes. Our volunteers are simply changing where we're meeting with the people," said Red Cross Regional CEO, Patty Flowers". - Source

Milwaukee is my second home. I don't live here anymore but I come here at least once a week. I grew up here. I don't like their public school system which is one of the main reasons I originally moved up north. I've seen it listed nationally as being prejudicial and racist. I don't see it, never had. However, this announcement by the Red Cross is dredging that up locally.

While the Red Cross will not publicly state this, the high amount of theft, robbery and assaults done by people living in the predominantly black section of the city is so high, no one wants to volunteer or white. Are the volunteers prejudice? No, but they now fear for their safety which is a completely rational response to the crimes that have been committed against them, while volunteering.

This comes on the heels of a recent incident where street repair contract crews were openly carrying guns, which is allowed in the city and the state. The crews stated that in the past, there were too many incidences of area people attempting to rob them of their tools and vehicles. The city politicians stepping in, bemoaning the need for guns, yet do absolutely nothing to stop those crimes the workers are trying to prevent.

Damned if you do. damned if you don't.
So people want to help, but also want to live, so they are racists.

This is the leftist mental disorder and inability to face the reality that they created.

seriously, how vile a person or people are they to rob someone that is helping them for no pay?

and then they wonder why we want an end to welfare. pfft

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