Red Goblin (NASA): Ice-Gun Fellowship (Fake Science)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do strange theories in science such as cold fusion and A.I. inspire you to think about conspiracies?

When does science-fiction simply become fake science?

This yarn was inspired by the film Alien 3.



A demonic alien visitor NASA termed the Red Goblin was soaring around the moon on a jet-glider device and throwing small explosives towards the moon to make tiny craters. NASA sent a special team of armed space-explorers, some military-men, to intercept and kill this Red Goblin and if at all possible bring it back to Earth for NASA scientists to study. The Red Goblin seemed to spew a yellow corrosive acid from its mouth and tail and had dark-blood-red skin, almost leathery. It also exhibited a maniacal and eerie monster-like 'grin' which reminded NASA scientists of the fictional alien-predatory creature known as the 'Red Xenomorph' (from the iconic Alien sci-fi horror film-and-comics franchise).


As the NASA explorers and military-men prepared to reach the moon on their newly-designed advanced spacecraft, aptly named the Explorer, they anticipated a dramatic engagement with the Red Goblin. The officer in charge of the Explorer, Damien, assured his crew that they could kill the creature and/or safely bring it back to Earth for analysis. One female member of the crew, flight-engineer Daniels, expressed inhibitions regarding the 'wisdom' of trying to bring the Red Goblin back to Earth. One military-man on Explorer, Officer Hicks, revealed to the crew the arsenal of newly-developed liquid-nitrogen guns (LNGs), or 'ice-guns' which were meant to be used to simply destroy the Red Goblin.


As Hicks donned his moon-exploratory suit and displayed to the crew how the ice-guns worked, the other crew-members marvelled at how the weapon could instantly freeze an enemy/target and make it very easy to destroy or transport. Damien declared to his crew that he intended to freeze the Red Goblin with the ice-gun and then transport it safely back to Earth. Daniels, however, cooked up a scheme to 'accidentally kill' the Red Goblin so Damien could not bring the creature back to NASA for 'analysis.' Whatever the outcome would be, what was certain was that the ice-gun was the only weapon capable of disarming the Red Goblin and preventing it from spewing its devastating yellow corrosive acid as a fight-response.


NASA: What the hell happened out there, Daniels?
DANIELS: Can't you guess?
NASA: According to your testimony, you had no choice but to kill the Red Goblin...
DANIELS: ...and Commander Damien as well!
NASA: Why did you execute Damien?
DANIELS: Sir, he was trying to transport the Red Goblin before it was securely frozen.
NASA: Why was he so adamant about transporting it before it was frozen?
DANIELS: He flipped, sir; he was simply obsessed with studying the creature.
NASA: And in your estimation and that of the Explorer-crew, the creature was a predator.
DANIELS: Precisely; there was no safe way to transport it, though we considered it.
NASA: Because it was 'shaky' whether or not you could transport it, Damien flipped?
DANIELS: Yes, sir; he wanted to carry out the prime order to transport it, without thought.
NASA: You believe that you and the rest of the crew gave more 'diligent' thought?
DANIELS: We were focused on safety and security; I froze Red Goblin, and Hicks crushed it.
NASA: Damien interfered then with his 'inappropriate' passion and tried to harm the crew?
DANIELS: He tried to shoot some of us with the ice-gun so he could lure the Goblin himself.
NASA: In conclusion then, this lone Red Goblin creature found on the moon required killing.
DANIELS: It was a real Devil of the stars; we did our absolute best.



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