Red Hen UPdate...

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The greasy spoon is still closed, it's website hacked to read it specializes in erectile dysfunction, and was recently covered in chicken feces by an irate observer. The awnings and windows are still filthy and Stephanie was kicked out of the neighborhood merchant's association and has gone into hiding. MAGA!

You were.offended when .one person was asked to leave but you are ok with this?

That makes you a huge hypocrite.
Sucks when your own tactics are used against you doesn’t it.
Only if you like calling yerself a lowlife piece of shit. Gawd some people are stupid as fuck...
so you're saying that the lowlife leftwing nut job conservative hater is ok with what is happening to her?
Who knows?
Ooh! I do! She’s not so happy with it now. She was all about harassing the shit out of Sanders or any conservative when she did it. At that point she was doing the work of liberal saints and was enjoying the hell out of being a prick. Now that the tables have evened up I can guarantee she’s not happy about that at all. She expected a Pulitzer and a steady wave of accolades and liberal customers coming to her place willing to pay 100 bucks for a chicken dinner because she stood up to the evil Sanders. Well, that didn’t work out. Like I said. Sucks when your tactics are used against you. I bet she wishes she had just done her best to serve the greatest chicken dinner ever and STFU.
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.

The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Boycott whoever you want, the left and right do it all the time, I have no issue with it, however I don't think it is effective.

Except when they are.

Successful Consumer Boycotts: Ethical Consumer

Like I stated boycott who you want, I will spend my dollars where I want. To me the Red Hen is totally justified to not serve and people have a right to respond however they want. If that means criticizing, protesting the restaurant or boycotting it altogether, that is their right. What no one has a right to do is incite violence.

Or throw bird shit at a business.

What I don't get is why the angry vitriol over this restaurant. Who cares?

I agree they can protest but shouldn't throw bird shit on it or take a dump on police cars or riot because your gal didn't win the presidency or other like things. I understand the getting upset, I understand the not servicing someone. I see a lot of frustration by both the extreme left and the extreme right and I see the media, the politicians, including Congressmen and the President fanning the flames.

I agree that all have the right to protest, I would not over this but I understand why others would.
Hope those idiot staff who asked the manager to kick her out are enjoying their unpaid leave.

Some of the back story I've read said it all started with two gay staff people who objected. That got the ball rolling. Goodness knows what they would have done to Sarah's food had she not been asked to leave. (I worked in a kitchen in college so actually I have a very good idea).

I'd like to see the two instigators interviewed by a fair and impartial reporter and get their side. Are they working now? Do they still feel they did the right thing? Working in the service industry, is it a good idea to alienate half your paying customers? I think it would be an interesting interview. Wonder why it hasn't happened. Go figure.
Hope those idiot staff who asked the manager to kick her out are enjoying their unpaid leave.

Some of the back story I've read said it all started with two gay staff people who objected. That got the ball rolling. Goodness knows what they would have done to Sarah's food had she not been asked to leave. (I worked in a kitchen in college so actually I have a very good idea).

I'd like to see the two instigators interviewed by a fair and impartial reporter and get their side. Are they working now? Do they still feel they did the right thing? Working in the service industry, is it a good idea to alienate half your paying customers? I think it would be an interesting interview. Wonder why it hasn't happened. Go figure.

I doubt those instigators care much about the Red Hen business, they had a chance to push their own political agenda and went with it. Not what you want on your resume, so they'll keep quiet about it. These people will be looking for another job very shortly unless the Red Hen owners have some very deep pockets.
Hope those idiot staff who asked the manager to kick her out are enjoying their unpaid leave.

Some of the back story I've read said it all started with two gay staff people who objected. That got the ball rolling. Goodness knows what they would have done to Sarah's food had she not been asked to leave. (I worked in a kitchen in college so actually I have a very good idea).

I'd like to see the two instigators interviewed by a fair and impartial reporter and get their side. Are they working now? Do they still feel they did the right thing? Working in the service industry, is it a good idea to alienate half your paying customers? I think it would be an interesting interview. Wonder why it hasn't happened. Go figure.

Faggots are some of the filthiest disease-ridden people on the planet. They should't be working round food, period. These two need to be tested right off the bat, especially when they're making threats of tampering with people's food. Democrats let these filthy mentally ill loons lead them around by the nose.
Which is why we rarely eat out...
Hope those idiot staff who asked the manager to kick her out are enjoying their unpaid leave.

Some of the back story I've read said it all started with two gay staff people who objected. That got the ball rolling. Goodness knows what they would have done to Sarah's food had she not been asked to leave. (I worked in a kitchen in college so actually I have a very good idea).

I'd like to see the two instigators interviewed by a fair and impartial reporter and get their side. Are they working now? Do they still feel they did the right thing? Working in the service industry, is it a good idea to alienate half your paying customers? I think it would be an interesting interview. Wonder why it hasn't happened. Go figure.

Faggots are some of the filthiest disease-ridden people on the planet. They should't be working round food, period. These two need to be tested right off the bat, especially when they're making threats of tampering with people's food. Democrats let these filthy mentally ill loons lead them around by the nose.
Which is why we rarely eat out...

Same here. We go to a local joint where the kitchen is fairly open to the public and it's family run from kitchen to wait staff. That's about it for us these days. Too many nasty untested wetbacks, 'millenials', etc., to make it worth the serious health risks any more.
. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific.

And afterwards, after he got canned, the libs just threw this weak minded doofus under the bus.

There was no bus to throw him under, literally nobody cared about the guy.

The libs were the cause of Smith acting stupid, he thought he'd be celebrated.

Your post is on repeat.

Thrown under the bus, just like Buy-a-lick (the blonde who lied about the Pizza God Father, Herman Cain) and Levi Johnston ( the baby's daddy that turned on the Palins).

How far do you think you can throw that kitchen sink anyway? Is this where I come back with right wing assholes who have been fired from their jobs and then we can go back and forth on that edging further off topic? Douche.
heh this being mr "do you really need a link" in same thread. :)

I'm actually surprised you didn't know about this.

Remembering when a baker turned away Joe Biden and received praise from conservatives - NY Daily News
Funny, I don’t recall liberals threatening to vandalize that restaurant
You were.offended when .one person was asked to leave but you are ok with this?

That makes you a huge hypocrite.

There were 9 people in the Sander's party...and the owner chased them across the street screaming when they went to another restaurant.....there, now you're all caught up, moron.

That's not what Sander's said. She reported they owner as being polite and non-threatening.

Lying on the internet when it's so easy to check facts is pretty stupid.
You were.offended when .one person was asked to leave but you are ok with this?

That makes you a huge hypocrite.

There were 9 people in the Sander's party...and the owner chased them across the street screaming when they went to another restaurant.....there, now you're all caught up, moron.

That's not what Sander's said. She reported they owner as being polite and non-threatening.

Lying on the internet when it's so easy to check facts is pretty stupid.
Sanders did liar, but the rest of her party went elsewhere and that where the dems scum you supports followed them to.
The greasy spoon is still closed, it's website hacked to read it specializes in erectile dysfunction, and was recently covered in chicken feces by an irate observer. The awnings and windows are still filthy and Stephanie was kicked out of the neighborhood merchant's association and has gone into hiding. MAGA!


The man who threw the chicken dung was arrested.

Protestors came from out of town and went online to attack other restaurants.

The far-right is wa-aaay more unhinged than the far-left.

Facts --->>> In Red Hen aftermath, a community wades through nation's vitriol
The greasy spoon is still closed, it's website hacked to read it specializes in erectile dysfunction, and was recently covered in chicken feces by an irate observer. The awnings and windows are still filthy and Stephanie was kicked out of the neighborhood merchant's association and has gone into hiding. MAGA!

You were.offended when .one person was asked to leave but you are ok with this?

That makes you a huge hypocrite.
so you would be FOR the baker refusing to make cakes then?
Got nothing to do with what I asked you. Stop dodging.
The greasy spoon is still closed, it's website hacked to read it specializes in erectile dysfunction, and was recently covered in chicken feces by an irate observer. The awnings and windows are still filthy and Stephanie was kicked out of the neighborhood merchant's association and has gone into hiding. MAGA!


The man who threw the chicken dung was arrested.

Protestors came from out of town and went online to attack other restaurants.

The far-right is wa-aaay more unhinged than the far-left.

Facts --->>> In Red Hen aftermath, a community wades through nation's vitriol
Right, leftwit trolls start the shit and when we refuse lay down, it's suddenly our fault. Keep it up liar.
Funny, I don’t recall liberals threatening to vandalize that restaurant

That's because it was such a non-event and wasn't on anyone's radar. People refuse to participate in campaigns sometimes even if they agree with them.

There have been many cases of liberal vandalism over the years. Last year the big thing was vandalizing southern war heroes monuments.
And you're blaming the white-nationalists for running over protesters I assume.

Not at all, I blame CNN as well as the City of Charlottesville for that.

Mr. Fields was just a weak mind in his mum's Ohio basement, and got baited out by CNN's coverage of the event.

He wasn't a member of any "white nationalist" or any other group. Charlottesville's failure to keep the warring parties apart was the cause of the violence. Barricades keeping the 2 groups of combatants at least 150 yards apart would have saved grief and allowed everyone to go home in one piece.

The lengths some will go to, to defend white nationalists.
Who is a white nationalist? Anyone that is for veterans, low unemployment, healthcare for american citizen children?

I was obviously referring to the white nationalists in Charlottesville who referred to themselves as white nationalists.

Bye now.

I know all about it. The baker didn't want to be part of a Biden Campaign stunt. That in itself doesn't say anything about him, lots of people don't, even libs.

Yeah, ya' see, I don't care if the guy wanted Biden in his shop or not, same with Sanders, why are you idiots frothing at the mouth about her being told to leave?
The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Boycott whoever you want, the left and right do it all the time, I have no issue with it, however I don't think it is effective.

Except when they are.

Successful Consumer Boycotts: Ethical Consumer

Like I stated boycott who you want, I will spend my dollars where I want. To me the Red Hen is totally justified to not serve and people have a right to respond however they want. If that means criticizing, protesting the restaurant or boycotting it altogether, that is their right. What no one has a right to do is incite violence.

Or throw bird shit at a business.

What I don't get is why the angry vitriol over this restaurant. Who cares?

I agree they can protest but shouldn't throw bird shit on it or take a dump on police cars or riot because your gal didn't win the presidency or other like things. I understand the getting upset, I understand the not servicing someone. I see a lot of frustration by both the extreme left and the extreme right and I see the media, the politicians, including Congressmen and the President fanning the flames.

Ah, look at you talking about riots because Clinton didn't win, that's cute.
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