Red Hen UPdate...

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. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific.

And afterwards, after he got canned, the libs just threw this weak minded doofus under the bus.

There was no bus to throw him under, literally nobody cared about the guy.

The libs were the cause of Smith acting stupid, he thought he'd be celebrated.

Your post is on repeat.

Thrown under the bus, just like Buy-a-lick (the blonde who lied about the Pizza God Father, Herman Cain) and Levi Johnston ( the baby's daddy that turned on the Palins).

How far do you think you can throw that kitchen sink anyway? Is this where I come back with right wing assholes who have been fired from their jobs and then we can go back and forth on that edging further off topic? Douche.
heh this being mr "do you really need a link" in same thread. :)

I'm actually surprised you didn't know about this.

Remembering when a baker turned away Joe Biden and received praise from conservatives - NY Daily News

Right. Never refused to serve Biden as an individual. Just refused to let them use his business for a political event.
Distraction from the sanders. More evidence Wilkerson followed
. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific.

And afterwards, after he got canned, the libs just threw this weak minded doofus under the bus.

There was no bus to throw him under, literally nobody cared about the guy.

The libs were the cause of Smith acting stupid, he thought he'd be celebrated.

Your post is on repeat.

Thrown under the bus, just like Buy-a-lick (the blonde who lied about the Pizza God Father, Herman Cain) and Levi Johnston ( the baby's daddy that turned on the Palins).

How far do you think you can throw that kitchen sink anyway? Is this where I come back with right wing assholes who have been fired from their jobs and then we can go back and forth on that edging further off topic? Douche.
heh this being mr "do you really need a link" in same thread. :)

I'm actually surprised you didn't know about this.

Remembering when a baker turned away Joe Biden and received praise from conservatives - NY Daily News
Funny, I don’t recall liberals threatening to vandalize that restaurant
Just its guests

I know all about it. The baker didn't want to be part of a Biden Campaign stunt. That in itself doesn't say anything about him, lots of people don't, even libs.

Yeah, ya' see, I don't care if the guy wanted Biden in his shop or not, same with Sanders, why are you idiots frothing at the mouth about her being told to leave?
That isn’t the story though. I see how you ignore facts thanks
The Democrats have opened up a nasty can of worms with all their incitement shite. We laugh at this, but i feel their incitement's gonna result in much future violence. Lots of nutters out there will act on Maxine Water's incitement rhetoric. And then others will retaliate. It's gonna get very ugly.
so you would be FOR the baker refusing to make cakes then?

Who isn't? Pretty terrible being forced by lawsuit to be enslaved to make a pervert sex cake.

What's worse is how the left gets away with pick-and-choose-your-customers ALLLLL the time. Homosexual coffeeshop owners throw out Christians; leftwing coffeeshop owners throw out someone wearing a MAGA hat. Darn. They get to do it, why don't we get to?

If everyone gets to throw out customers for any reason at all or no reason, that's okay with me. I think people shouldn't have to rent to undesirables, to sell their homes to Section 8 types, to let in black mobs to riot on Black Fridays, to let in flash mobs, to let in gangs of young blacks playing the knock-out game to the state fair. AAANNNNND if a restaurant is so lucky as to get a large party including a prominent member of the presidential administration, you would think they'd be glad; but if not, as long as we can reject anyone we please, they can, too.

But this double standard stuff has to stop: that's incredibly wrong.
Boycott whoever you want, the left and right do it all the time, I have no issue with it, however I don't think it is effective.

Except when they are.

Successful Consumer Boycotts: Ethical Consumer

Like I stated boycott who you want, I will spend my dollars where I want. To me the Red Hen is totally justified to not serve and people have a right to respond however they want. If that means criticizing, protesting the restaurant or boycotting it altogether, that is their right. What no one has a right to do is incite violence.

Or throw bird shit at a business.

What I don't get is why the angry vitriol over this restaurant. Who cares?

I agree they can protest but shouldn't throw bird shit on it or take a dump on police cars or riot because your gal didn't win the presidency or other like things. I understand the getting upset, I understand the not servicing someone. I see a lot of frustration by both the extreme left and the extreme right and I see the media, the politicians, including Congressmen and the President fanning the flames.

Ah, look at you talking about riots because Clinton didn't win, that's cute.
There were. So?
Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific.

And afterwards, after he got canned, the libs just threw this weak minded doofus under the bus.

There was no bus to throw him under, literally nobody cared about the guy.

The libs were the cause of Smith acting stupid, he thought he'd be celebrated.

Your post is on repeat.

Thrown under the bus, just like Buy-a-lick (the blonde who lied about the Pizza God Father, Herman Cain) and Levi Johnston ( the baby's daddy that turned on the Palins).

How far do you think you can throw that kitchen sink anyway? Is this where I come back with right wing assholes who have been fired from their jobs and then we can go back and forth on that edging further off topic? Douche.
heh this being mr "do you really need a link" in same thread. :)

I'm actually surprised you didn't know about this.

Remembering when a baker turned away Joe Biden and received praise from conservatives - NY Daily News
Funny, I don’t recall liberals threatening to vandalize that restaurant

Yeah, I don't remember liberals telling everyone that person needs to learn a lesson either. Strange.
Like I stated boycott who you want, I will spend my dollars where I want. To me the Red Hen is totally justified to not serve and people have a right to respond however they want. If that means criticizing, protesting the restaurant or boycotting it altogether, that is their right. What no one has a right to do is incite violence.

Or throw bird shit at a business.

What I don't get is why the angry vitriol over this restaurant. Who cares?

I agree they can protest but shouldn't throw bird shit on it or take a dump on police cars or riot because your gal didn't win the presidency or other like things. I understand the getting upset, I understand the not servicing someone. I see a lot of frustration by both the extreme left and the extreme right and I see the media, the politicians, including Congressmen and the President fanning the flames.

Ah, look at you talking about riots because Clinton didn't win, that's cute.

Yep, because I thought that was just as pointless and dumb, didn’t you?

I'm not really sure what riots you are talking about. If you're talking about the anti-Trump protests or the women's' march then I wouldn't call them riots and I do think they serve a purpose, just not for you. On the flip side the Tea Party had quite a few protests in their hey day, they weren't pointless.
They blocked traffic, riots!
The greasy spoon is still closed, it's website hacked to read it specializes in erectile dysfunction, and was recently covered in chicken feces by an irate observer. The awnings and windows are still filthy and Stephanie was kicked out of the neighborhood merchant's association and has gone into hiding. MAGA!


I disagree with the vandalism, the hacking, and the other criminal actions taken against this womans restaurant. If she wishes to be a bigot, that is her Right. It is completely OK to broadcast that fact to the world, but this other illegal BS is just that. Bullshit. They need to stop.
Catch someone doing it, punish them. Can’t do any more.
Who can save red hen from the consequences of its bad behavior?
No one can, needs to or should
Libbies your out of control emotional venom is back firing on you big time
Holy Shit are liberals going to lie and say the Red Hen didnt close down? Unbelievable! We have discussed this. The owner shut it down until, according to her, at least July 5. I doubt it will re open but who knows.

I hope it won't reopen --- that would be valuable for the cause of civility in America.
Holy Shit are liberals going to lie and say the Red Hen didnt close down? Unbelievable! We have discussed this. The owner shut it down until, according to her, at least July 5. I doubt it will re open but who knows.

I hope it won't reopen --- that would be valuable for the cause of civility in America.
Civility is white man stuff. Quit trying to force your racist oppression on others
Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Migod, of course it's a national threat!! That's what we're worrying about. Maxine Waters is now telling everyone who spots any administration official anywhere to yell at them and harass them, exactly on the Red Hen model. This is exactly how civil wars start. A la lanternes! as they used to yell in Paris 1789 before they hanged people from the street lamps.
Civility is white man stuff. Quit trying to force your racist oppression on others

Can't be......I'm not a white man and I'm for civility. If there are races who don't believe in civility, they are just uncivilized: tell me something I don't already know.
You mean kinda like what ABC did to comedian Roseanne Barr for making a joke about a politician?

That was no joke: that was an obscene attack. You know how you tell if it's a joke? It has to be funny.

These so-called comedians today ONLY make obscene attacks. They are never funny.
If a Trump-supporting restaurant had kicked out Obama's press secretary, they would have closed the restaurant, boycotted it, protested it, vandalized it, gotten the owner driven out of the business, egged her home, harassed her on the street, stalked her, and gone after her children and family on national media.

Sounds good to me: let's do it. Thanks for the list, toobfreak.
In a war where one side plays fair and leads by example all the time while the other side fights to win at any and all costs, guess which side wins?

Yeah, not us. It is a problem. Whites and conservatives are getting "done to" too often by the left. We'll lose if we don't start to fight back. Sometimes I think Trump is the only one fighting!
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