Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Are you having a hard time reading? Thats not what I asked about. How did you miss that?

if you have a reading comprehension disorder it is NOT my problem.

I answered you question directly.

Or is it that you don't LIKE the answer and can't spin it otherwise? :lol:

deal with it - she can't be trusted a position where it can affect the lives of the public - because she is a monetary liability and a potential criminal liability.

I thought that was what I just said? You even quoted it.

If you asked - do you think she is a liability and I answer - it is important that HR thinks she is - and then you respond as if you don't understand the answer - what do you expect?
I answered you - PERSONALLY I think people make mistakes and can learn from them, which, in other words would be - PERSONALLY I don't think a 19 year old making a mistake should be judged by it for the rest of her life.

But it is irrelevant what I THINK,
It is relevant what HR thinks.
And for them - she will be a liability for the rest of her life for a mistake made at 19.
If she does not change the appearance, name and shuts down her account.
Another example of the truth that multiculties are economic snobs. The rich hate all other White people. Until Whites disempower them, including the phony Conservative rich, we deserve everything that has happened to us since the elitists passed the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Bill in 1964.

Oh, NOW I see! You hate ANYONE who happens to have been more successful than you.That's so UNFAIR, I mean, they couldn't POSSIBLY have worked harder than you, or be smarter than you, or even have been luckier than you! No, "They" had to have cheated, somehow, they just...HAD TO, and now, they want to give those awful misfit minorities the piece of the pie you SHOULD have had, too! Yep, just GIVE it to them, after insisting YOU earn it (like they didn't of course)! That's quite a grievance you have, there! It's OK...really. Now, tell us what else in your life is an unfortunate result of your, ah, "victimhood"? That IS what you're claiming, right? That every negative thing that ever happened to you is all someone else's fault Why you've been...discriminated against! Yeah, that's what it is! :eusa_boohoo: I'm sorry, I really am; but there's just one thing-that complaint of yours...well it's the same one you get so outraged about when minorities say it.....

The slur "jealous" fits a bootlicker like you. The J gathers saliva, the L licks the boot of the plutocrat you sacrificed your youth in order to impress with your slavish worship of greed, and the S hisses at those who had too much self-respect to humiliate themselves for a gang of spoiled dumb jock bully businessmen. The fact that you people don't have a problem with birth privileges proves you must have gotten your own money by cheating. Your dream is to be accepted at the Preppy Country Club and have one of those spoiled-rotten guillotine-fodder pat you on the head and say, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Elevating ambitious imbeciles like you is the real reason our nation is racing to the bottom. No one points that out, because those with effective public forums are all of the same ilk.

This dude is in full on meltdown mode! :lol: Gotta go drive some impressionable young white girls to a volleyball game but I will be back.
Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Well, at long as we're allowed to go there, I'll add something that would get me banned on most "freedom of speech" Internet shams. I saw a National Geographic show about baboons once and noticed that walking on all fours required big asses. So that's even more proof that the Negro is a slightly evolved ape.

Sometimes the truth sounds like trolling. I'm just stating a fact that people don't want to deal with.

If you got some education beyond a few snippets you pick up on the idiot box and the interweb, you might know that current scientific thought in anthropology and genetics disagrees emphatically with that brilliant little theoretical insight, but thanks for sharing anyway....

Thanks for sharing the PC mumblings of academons afraid of losing their jobs if they don't toe the party line.
So far the most open minded person I have encountered on this message board.

The door is open, but the room is vacant.

Not really; it's just that there is not a lifetimes's worth of leftover garbage all over the floor, the furniture, and the closet, so it wouldn't look "lived in" to you.

Pretty nasty for someone who bloviates a lifelong thug's phrase, "Can't we just all get along."

If Blacks cops had beaten up some hippie White trash degenerate for resisting arrest, Whites would have praised them to the skies. But feral subhumans burn the city down.

Another analogy you don't dare listen to. The MLK Assassination riots were equivalent to
people having an orgy after the killing of a preacher who converted them to chastity.
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Now that I've said something to piss off blacks, whites, democrats, republicans, and both ends of the political spectrum, you may now resume your regularly scheduled hatefest...if you still want to.

Your sermons are syrup.

Intelligent people are now added to the list of people I fear.

With all your cliches mumbled and postures posed to make yourself look good in your own eyes, you consider yourself one of the "intelligent people"? I'm reminded of the pretensions of the Robert De Niro character in The King of Comedy.

Your idea of intelligence is blind agreement with a clique that you long ago handed over your mind to so they would become your intellectual nannies, saving yourself the trouble of ever having to think for yourself. Conformity is for robots. On this pre-owned Internet, most of the time I get only smug conceit that sounds like a computer printout from some professional opinionator promoted by the 1%.
I agree that racists are cowards. What does that make you when you doubt that I am Black because my writing doesn't have a black vibe? Would you prefer I use gangsta rap to convey my thoughts?

My fighting history is really a non issue unless you feel froggy. Thats not how I measure myself. I measure myself on my ability to be open minded and learn new things. I'm happy for you that you feel you have me pegged. Its amusing but hey whatever turns you on. Your thoughts on what happened after a racist put Dr King in the ground are based on shallow observations that dont begin to scratch the surface of the issue. Personally I dont really care what time you think it is. Until you show you are way more intelligent than how you sound i'm going to have to disregard what you say as uninformed prattle.

You want to talk to a retired MARINE about gettin "froggy" do ya? You best leave that right where it sits, sonny. Oh, and I grew up in Detroit, know 50 times what you do about urban blacks, and never heard a black man use the word "prattle".

You been BUSTED punk. :lol:

I'm sorry, but THAT is funny! What's the matter, Marine? You've never known an educated black man (or woman)? Well, I have, and a lot of them use words like that; why, some of them don't even talk in "ebonics" at all; imagine that! :lol: I think you really need to get out more, and broaden your horizons just a bit (like beyond the next block, for starters).

You get any farther up flower-boy's ass you'll need to pull out a gerbil so your ears will fit, fruitfly. I tried to explain your self-doubt away but it didn't take so go on ahead and be this faker's becomes you.

p.s. I been all over the world....I've served this Nation in 4 combat theatres...where the fuck you ever been.....on a city bus? In a protest march? You want worldliness? I speak 4 languages and have killed more communists and jihadists than I can count. Don't ever address me again without proper respect you turd.
The door is open, but the room is vacant.

Not really; it's just that there is not a lifetimes's worth of leftover garbage all over the floor, the furniture, and the closet, so it wouldn't look "lived in" to you.

More like the knowledge in the room exists in a dimension he has not evolved enough to be able to see yet. Therefore the room is empty. You know what they say "when the student is ready the teacher will appear".

"Evolved"? What irony that you should talk about evolution. Before PC strangled thought, scientific opinion considered your race to be the missing link between men and apes.
I would have thought you would get that writing a racial slur on the receipt for a black female waitress to see was cowardly and wrong.

No worse than writing "dumbass." Having a wider and longer-term social conscience, I am more concerned about the millennia of oppression suffered by dumbasses. Not being a dumbass myself, I have no selfish interest in my cause, unlike you with your crybaby attitude about your word. My halo is holier.

Your view on what is more offending or worse is subjective. It's clear most people don't think like you. Only the dregs of humanity think there is no difference. We ALL know if it was a guy he would not have dared to do it.

Whites have dared to before, they will again. Remember what happened after the last Reconstruction. It was the only way to prevent destruction. Integration is disintegration.
Why do you ******* have so much aids?

They have more anal sex, which is the only way for a heterosexual to get AIDS. The reason for hetero AIDS in Africa is not only their genetic proclivity towards anal, but because they can't afford any other method of birth control.

Would you please go back to school, and pay attention this time? You're making the rest of us look bad.
Thanks for sharing the PC mumblings of academons afraid of losing their jobs if they don't toe the party line.

Funny, here I was thinking the YOU are most assuredly a feral baboon. You scream great fury, with utter impotence. You fling feces at those wandering by.

Get thee to a baboonary.
You want to talk to a retired MARINE about gettin "froggy" do ya? You best leave that right where it sits, sonny. Oh, and I grew up in Detroit, know 50 times what you do about urban blacks, and never heard a black man use the word "prattle".

You been BUSTED punk. :lol:

I'm sorry, but THAT is funny! What's the matter, Marine? You've never known an educated black man (or woman)? Well, I have, and a lot of them use words like that; why, some of them don't even talk in "ebonics" at all; imagine that! :lol: I think you really need to get out more, and broaden your horizons just a bit (like beyond the next block, for starters).

You get any farther up flower-boy's ass you'll need to pull out a gerbil so your ears will fit, fruitfly. I tried to explain your self-doubt away but it didn't take so go on ahead and be this faker's becomes you.

p.s. I been all over the world....I've served this Nation in 4 combat theatres...where the fuck you ever been.....on a city bus? In a protest march? You want worldliness? I speak 4 languages and have killed more communists and jihadists than I can count. Don't ever address me again without proper respect you turd.

I've been around a little myself, Marine, to include 13 months and 17 days in Vietnam. In the boonies, in I Corps. Army, MOS 1542. Google it, if you don't know what that is. You are out of line. Incidentally, that was one hell of a long career you had, because to have been "Killing Commies" you'd have to have started around 1970, and to be "killing jihadis", you'd have to have been still a trigger puller after 2001. Thank you for your service. Beyond that, drop the DI act; I am NOT your trainee, I am NOT in your chain of commend, and I probably outrank you. Now act like a Marine should; YOU show some respect, and don't ever address me again as "turd".
They have more anal sex, which is the only way for a heterosexual to get AIDS. The reason for hetero AIDS in Africa is not only their genetic proclivity towards anal, but because they can't afford any other method of birth control.

Would you please go back to school, and pay attention this time? You're making the rest of us look bad.

You mean the school you went to, where you got molested and liked it? Didn't you write a book called The Joy of a Boytoy?

Given that Sheila's a female, probably not!:lol:

And to think that I used to believe that debating Truthie was like clubbing a baby seal!
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I'm sorry, but THAT is funny! What's the matter, Marine? You've never known an educated black man (or woman)? Well, I have, and a lot of them use words like that; why, some of them don't even talk in "ebonics" at all; imagine that! :lol: I think you really need to get out more, and broaden your horizons just a bit (like beyond the next block, for starters).

You get any farther up flower-boy's ass you'll need to pull out a gerbil so your ears will fit, fruitfly. I tried to explain your self-doubt away but it didn't take so go on ahead and be this faker's becomes you.

p.s. I been all over the world....I've served this Nation in 4 combat theatres...where the fuck you ever been.....on a city bus? In a protest march? You want worldliness? I speak 4 languages and have killed more communists and jihadists than I can count. Don't ever address me again without proper respect you turd.

I've been around a little myself, Marine, to include 13 months and 17 days in Vietnam. In the boonies, in I Corps. Army, MOS 1542. Google it, if you don't know what that is. You are out of line. Incidentally, that was one hell of a long career you had, because to have been "Killing Commies" you'd have to have started around 1970, and to be "killing jihadis", you'd have to have been still a trigger puller after 2001. Thank you for your service. Beyond that, drop the DI act; I am NOT your trainee, I am NOT in your chain of commend, and I probably outrank you. Now act like a Marine should; YOU show some respect, and don't ever address me again as "turd".'re a joke climbing all over our O-REO flower-boi. 2001? Ever heard of Desert Storm, sweet cheeks? You're only off by 10 years, eh? WHERE in I-Corps...if you were at Hue you'd have mentioned about Khe San? Only Army worth a bucket of spit was AC/AM and you ain't them. Army tours were 12 months, not 13...and if you claim you were wounded shortly after your second tour began your monitor will explode in your lying face. RVN, Grenada, Panama, Kuwait you sorry little hump....and all the respect you got coming is stuck to the bottom of my boot.

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Ok, time to break out the micrometer and see who's is really bigger so you all can finally STFU.
Ok, time to break out the micrometer and see who's is really bigger so you all can finally STFU.

A few more Happy Meals and that mutt of yours is apt to float off into space.....maybe Goodyear will pay you a few bucks to paint their logo on it's ass. :laugh2:

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