Sweden did not have a lockdown. Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1. The actual number was 2,769.

Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.

How is it "fanning out" unless people from these urban areas are visiting people from rural areas? Every small province in Canada has hardly been hit, and they won't get hit even as some are starting to slowly open. Ontario and Quebec are by far the biggest hit places.

I can't see suburban America get hit with this virus unless it is introduced somehow. Unless 1000 infected people from New York for instance, all decide to bus up to Kansas, I think most areas are safe.
The weather is getting better. Already summer like in a lot of places. People don't travel to Kansas for vacation, no, but they do drive to Maine. Big time.
It is going to kill our economy, but unless they own a summer cottage or home here, they won't find anywhere to stay. All hotels, campgrounds, B&B's etc. are closed and even in July will only be open to Mainers. The snow birds are already returning. The governor has Ordered a 14 day quarantine for anyone coming or returning to Maine, but it is on the "honor system." I predict we will be hit much harder than we have been so far, and it will happen when the out of staters come. It is inevitable.

And what makes you say that ?

And why do you worry ?

I agree with you and so Does Bill Maher.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse. What you actually said is "if we only look at the countries that are doing better, then the countries that implemented a shutdown are doing better than Sweden." That's typical leftwing logic.

I would argue it is to early to tell.

Infection rates were probably already on a vector by the time we started locking down.

What happens going foward is what matters.

And Sweden is on level or going down.

And it certainly is not going to reach 40,000.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.

That's the lynchpin of the argument....."similar". What is that and what metrics would you use to determine it.

Sweden, from what I can tell, has more people living in cities than the other two (population adjusted).

Does that mean anything ? :dunno:
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.

Have you offered up any insights as to the point raised by the OP ?
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.

Have you offered up any insights as to the point raised by the OP ?

yes I have.

OP does not account that Sweeden's death rate is higher compared to it's directly neighboring countries.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
You said "like Sweden." That means other countries that have socialist boondoggle healthcare. They are like Sweden. Is that too complicated for you to understand?

Netherlands is very similar to Sweden, and it has a higher mortality rate.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
You said "like Sweden." That means other countries that have socialist boondoggle healthcare.

No it doesn't. I specifically explained it as population density, culture, and travel to the country.

For example, London is densely populated, has a huge public transportation system and is a major destination for tourism as well as business travel - you would expect higher infection spread there than in any city in Sweeden.
  • Thanks
Reactions: xyz
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
You said "like Sweden." That means other countries that have socialist boondoggle healthcare.

No it doesn't. I specifically explained it as population density, culture, and travel to the country.

For example, London is densely populated, has a huge public transportation system and is a major destination for tourism as well as business travel - you would expect higher infection spread there than in any city in Sweeden.
Who said you get to define it?
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
You said "like Sweden." That means other countries that have socialist boondoggle healthcare.

No it doesn't. I specifically explained it as population density, culture, and travel to the country.

For example, London is densely populated, has a huge public transportation system and is a major destination for tourism as well as business travel - you would expect higher infection spread there than in any city in Sweeden.
Who said you get to define it?

Certainly not your empty head.
  • Thanks
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what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

Tuesday, 04 September 2018
Sweden’s Universal Healthcare System Goes the Way of All Others
Written by Michael Tennant
According to a report from Agence France-Presse, however, one of the crown jewels of the welfare state, Sweden, spends extravagantly on healthcare yet finds its prized universal healthcare system succumbing to the same forces that have doomed all other such programs, with waiting lists growing ever longer and doctors, nurses, and hospitals becoming ever scarcer.

Swedes, on average, pay over half their income in taxes, and their government’s healthcare spending is the third highest in the European Union.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.
There are no countries in Europe with a socialist healthcare system that are doing worse than Sweden? I listed 7 of them.

what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

You go ahead and pick one country that you think is very similar to Sweeden but has a worse death rate.
You said "like Sweden." That means other countries that have socialist boondoggle healthcare.

No it doesn't. I specifically explained it as population density, culture, and travel to the country.

For example, London is densely populated, has a huge public transportation system and is a major destination for tourism as well as business travel - you would expect higher infection spread there than in any city in Sweeden.
Who said you get to define it?

Certainly not your empty head.
Awwwww! Are you angry because I didn't fall for your little trick?
Last edited:
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.

Have you offered up any insights as to the point raised by the OP ?

yes I have.

OP does not account that Sweeden's death rate is higher compared to it's directly neighboring countries.
That's because the OP doesn't care about your imbecile criteria.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?


You do realize that 280 deaths per million is .28% of the population. That is just about 1/4 of a percent and these are countries in the top 10 in the world. The overwhelming majority of countries are lower than this. The world-wide deaths from COVID is 0.03%(255,000 out of 8,000,000,000).

And what is your point.

Sweden openly admits they made some big mistakes early on. 1 in 3 deaths are from nursing homes.

But they are are on the downward....

View attachment 332689



Not really.

If you think it makes a point, you are full of shit.

Comparing similar, directly neighboring countries makes a point to anyone not-stupid.
It's a weasel that allows you to ignore the rest of the data that you find inconvenient.

I'm not ignoring it - you look at Sweeden's direct neighbors and they are all doing better. That's as true of a comparison as you can have to adjust for cultural and travel differences.
You're ignoring all the countries that are doing worse.

There are no countries similar to Sweden that are doing worse.

That's the lynchpin of the argument....."similar". What is that and what metrics would you use to determine it.

Sweden, from what I can tell, has more people living in cities than the other two (population adjusted).

Does that mean anything ? :dunno:
Sure it does. So does being a tourist Mecca.
what the fuck does single payer vs private have to do with anything? Sweeden has an excellent level of care.

Tuesday, 04 September 2018
Sweden’s Universal Healthcare System Goes the Way of All Others
Written by Michael Tennant
According to a report from Agence France-Presse, however, one of the crown jewels of the welfare state, Sweden, spends extravagantly on healthcare yet finds its prized universal healthcare system succumbing to the same forces that have doomed all other such programs, with waiting lists growing ever longer and doctors, nurses, and hospitals becoming ever scarcer.

Swedes, on average, pay over half their income in taxes, and their government’s healthcare spending is the third highest in the European Union.

Waiting lists have nothing to do with the quality of emergency care for covid-19 patients.

Sweeden's hospitals provide high quality care and there are no shortages of beds.
Waiting lists have nothing to do with the quality of emergency care for covid-19 patients.

Sweeden's hospitals provide high quality care and there are no shortages of beds.

Antontoo said, and I quote, "Sweeden has an excellent level of care."

That's a lie, and you know it, Sweden knows it.
Waiting times are usually about elective surgery. In Australia you can top up with private insurance, which is less expensive than American insurance plans because they have to compete with the universal insurance coverage. This will cut your elective wait times.

But waiting times alone for elective surgery do not tell the macro story of effectiveness of an entire medical system, morality rates and macro health outcomes do and the US is down the list on most of those.

Also not doing so well with waiting times.

"On each of these metrics, the United States performed worse than several nations with universal coverage, though no individual nation outperforms the United States on every metric. For example, only 51 percent of U.S. patients reported being able to see a provider within a day, compared with 53 percent, 56 percent, and 67 percent of patients in Germany, France, and Australia, respectively.14 Similarly, nearly 30 percent of U.S. doctors reported that their patients have difficulty getting a specialized test, compared with only 11 percent and 15 percent of doctors in Australia and Sweden, respectively.15 "


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