'Red mirage': the 'insidious' scenario if Trump declares an early victory

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Yes - Trump is THAT crazy and probably more so. If he is ahead on election night (likely) he will declare victory and he and his personal attorney Mr Barr will demand that the counting is stopped. They have umpteen lawsuits all ready to go and if they fail at a state or federal circuit level, they'll throw it to Trump judges in Donald's stacked SCOTUS.

Of course if he is behind, then of course he will demand that all the mail-in votes be counted. This election will remind normal Americans of something you'd see in a Banana Republic like Russia, Turkey or Hungary.

That's because Trump is a Banana Republican who models himself after Putin, Erdogan and Orban.

It's going to be a shit show to be sure. I pray Florida has their shit together this time.
It’s not just Florida.

It’s PA more likely to screw things up:

“Pennsylvania's elections chief pleaded with county leaders Friday to make sure they start counting mail-in ballots the morning of Election Day, rather than waiting until the next day to begin the crucial tally.”

At least Florida has already started counting mail in ballots.
It's going to be a shit show to be sure. I pray Florida has their shit together this time.
It’s not just Florida.

It’s PA more likely to screw things up:

“Pennsylvania's elections chief pleaded with county leaders Friday to make sure they start counting mail-in ballots the morning of Election Day, rather than waiting until the next day to begin the crucial tally.”

At least Florida has already started counting mail in ballots.

We need a consistent set of election laws nationally covering at least the basic issues. In Wisconsin it is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were disenfranchised thanks to a last minute decision by SCOTUS overturning state law allowing an extra week for mail-in ballots to be counted as long as they are postmarked in time.

Idiot justice Bart O'Kavanaugh wrote that doing this could "flip" the election. You don't "flip" an election you moron. You count the fucking VOTES! It should be noted that in 2000, the Bush v Gore Scalia opinion stated that it should not be used as precedent. And that's exactly what Bart did in his opinion.

It's going to be a shit show to be sure. I pray Florida has their shit together this time.
It’s not just Florida.

It’s PA more likely to screw things up:

“Pennsylvania's elections chief pleaded with county leaders Friday to make sure they start counting mail-in ballots the morning of Election Day, rather than waiting until the next day to begin the crucial tally.”

At least Florida has already started counting mail in ballots.

We need a consistent set of election laws nationally covering at least the basic issues. In Wisconsin it is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were disenfranchised thanks to a last minute decision by SCOTUS overturning state law allowing an extra week for mail-in ballots to be counted as long as they are postmarked in time.

Idiot justice Bart O'Kavanaugh wrote that doing this could "flip" the election. You don't "flip" an election you moron. You count the fucking VOTES! It should be noted that in 2000, the Bush v Gore Scalia opinion stated that it should not be used as precedent. And that's exactly what Bart did in his opinion.

Its a bit of a shock that this is not the case. As a minimum those who have voted should have their votes counted. That is pretty basic stuff.
I am guessing that your constitution and processes were not designed to manage a crook like trump. he tests the boundaries of the acceptable in so many ways and his chimp posse supports him in his criminality.
I think the Dems are already starting their the election was stolen from them BS. They do it over and over and over again.
They see the writing on the wall...

...can't wait until the act of the "democrat excuses" play where the Russians take the stage...

...the musical accompaniment is wonderful...

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Yes - Trump is THAT crazy and probably more so. If he is ahead on election night (likely) he will declare victory and he and his personal attorney Mr Barr will demand that the counting is stopped. They have umpteen lawsuits all ready to go and if they fail at a state or federal circuit level, they'll throw it to Trump judges in Donald's stacked SCOTUS.

Of course if he is behind, then of course he will demand that all the mail-in votes be counted. This election will remind normal Americans of something you'd see in a Banana Republic like Russia, Turkey or Hungary.

That's because Trump is a Banana Republican who models himself after Putin, Erdogan and Orban.

/——-/ LiberalPropagandaville update
It's going to be a shit show to be sure. I pray Florida has their shit together this time.
It’s not just Florida.

It’s PA more likely to screw things up:

“Pennsylvania's elections chief pleaded with county leaders Friday to make sure they start counting mail-in ballots the morning of Election Day, rather than waiting until the next day to begin the crucial tally.”

At least Florida has already started counting mail in ballots.

We need a consistent set of election laws nationally covering at least the basic issues. In Wisconsin it is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were disenfranchised thanks to a last minute decision by SCOTUS overturning state law allowing an extra week for mail-in ballots to be counted as long as they are postmarked in time.

Idiot justice Bart O'Kavanaugh wrote that doing this could "flip" the election. You don't "flip" an election you moron. You count the fucking VOTES! It should be noted that in 2000, the Bush v Gore Scalia opinion stated that it should not be used as precedent. And that's exactly what Bart did in his opinion.

Its a bit of a shock that this is not the case. As a minimum those who have voted should have their votes counted. That is pretty basic stuff.
I am guessing that your constitution and processes were not designed to manage a crook like trump. he tests the boundaries of the acceptable in so many ways and his chimp posse supports him in his criminality.
/——/ How is the president a crook?
Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
Nice fractured fairy tale there Tommy. :spinner:
I think the Dems are already starting their the election was stolen from them BS. They do it over and over and over again.
They see the writing on the wall...

...can't wait until the act of the "democrat excuses" play where the Russians take the stage...

...the musical accompaniment is wonderful...

Then they can cry for the next 4 years and not commit to any type of policy changes or........discuss policy. It will be more of the same.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
Biker gangs are going to support a coup? What the fuck have you been smoking? :cuckoo:
You almost gotta laugh. Elitist Brits refused to acknowledge the Brexit vote in 2016 (still cant deal with it ) and they want to lecture the Colonies about an "insidious" rumor they heard about the U.S. election.
Do your royal superiors know you are fucking around on the internet instead of attending to their whims?

That Prince's cock is not going to suck itself.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
Er, I thought Biden was ahead by 22% nationally?

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Pretty weak as panic mongering goes.

One thing that might quell the panic would be for Republicans to affirm that they wouldn't support such a tactic.

cue the crickets....

Thus creating the illusion that it was a valid possibility in the minds of voters.

So, no fuck off and die libtard.

In other words, you might be all for it. You might get behind your troll-in-chief and create even more discord in the nation. You're the one validating the OP.

Your drooling retard. It would be addressing your "question" as though it is legitimate, that would create the illusion of credibility to your fucktard question.

That is what I will not get behind. YOU and your propaganda attack thinly veiled as a "question" can fuck off and die.

Trump was caught red handed trying to rig the election in Ukraine. Only an idiot would think he isn`t trying to do it again.
/——/ Wait, I thought it was Obozo who was caught rigging the election in Israel.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?

Seems The Guardian received the memo. There was a similar article on CNN yesterday and I posted it as I have the foresight to sift through the narrative early, which hardly seems coincidental at this point considering traditional medias bias with social medias full support.

Just as they set the tone early on MSNBC, "Dem voters make up almost 80% of mail out votes". They had that information a day or two after the initial unsolicited mail-out voting due to the Wuhan Virus (so the argument goes).

How could they possibly have that information that quickly? For all they knew, NO Dem voter would even return the ballot, yet, they were confident in stating nearly 80% were Biden supporters. This early prognostication was setting the stage for...what exactly?

What is at stake this election, is the future of Western Values, influence, relevance and our very existence. If it's replaced with manipulation, it's because some feel they are untouchable and unaccountable. Nobody will avoid the costs, I don't care your station in life.

Some Deep State lackeys created and distributed the narrative.
If you put yurself in trumps shoes it isnt difficut to imagine how his rat llike intellect works. The right is no respecter of the democratic process and they know this debacle has been coming for some time.

Trumps complete vision for the US seems to be "Hunter Biden is bad". People have a right to expect a bit more.
You mean like the best economy the US has ever seen before the Corona virus hit? Biden is the one who has no vision, dude! He's trotting out the same old liberal mantra...we'll only tax the rich and if you're poor we'll give you tons of free stuff! I think blue collar workers have wised up to what that means. Liberal policies cost blue collar workers their JOBS and no amount of tax increases on the wealthy will put food on the table if you're an out of work worker! Blacks and Hispanics are starting to grasp that as well.

Known as the “red mirage”, the scenario could develop if Trump appears to be leading in the presidential race late on election night and declares victory before all the votes are counted.

The red mirage “sounds like a super-villain, and it’s just as insidious”, the former Obama administration housing secretary Julían Castro says in a video recorded as a public service announcement to voters this week.

“On election night, there’s a real possibility that the data will show Republicans leading early, before all the votes are counted. Then they can pretend something sinister’s going on when the counts change in Democrats’ favor.”

In the scenario, Trump’s declaration of victory is echoed on the conservative TV network Fox News and by powerful Republicans across the US. By the time final returns show that in fact Joe Biden has won the presidency, perhaps days later, the true election result has been dragged into a maelstrom of disinformation and chaos.

At which point the various armed biker gangs take to the streets in order to support the attempted coup. Is Trump that crazy ?
This affects you how in your basement across the pond?

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