Red State Voucher Schools: The Right To Be Ignorant

No they aren't. Public schools are worthless.
To improve our schools we need to look at what has been proven to work in the countries that are doing a better job of educating children. Doing away with public education is certainly not one of them.

Yes, it certainly is one of them.

Hey dude. With your lack of critical thinking skills, I am willing to bet you went to one of your beloved "Christian" schools. Have you been voucherized? Do you believe the earth is only about 10 thousand years old? Man walked with dinasours?
From Mother Jones. What are the odds that any of this is true?


They took a Christian pre-school book and applied it to ALL private school. Leftists are lying scum.

I noticed you didn't provide a link. Probably because you are mistaken. From the article:

For one, of the 119 (mostly Christian) participating schools, Zack Kopplin, a gutsy college sophomore who's taken to to stonewall the program, has identified at least 19 that teach or champion creationist nonscience and will rake in nearly $4 million in public funding from the initial round of voucher designations.

And here's one of the books being used (and it's not for pre-school children)

Life Science Student Text (3rd ed.)
give the tax dollars back and get government out of education

Where, anywhere in the world, does that work? Do the countries beating the crap out of us do that?

While their government isn't completely out of it, Denmark uses a voucher system and they blow us away academically.

I wasn't asking where vouchers worked, I was asking where the 100% privatization of education worked. I'm still waiting.
The answer of "don't live there" does nothing to help the kids that are taught this bullshit in the first place. Ignoring the fact that kids are being taught lies is not a virtue.

Nobody is forced to go to a "voucher" school, are they?

Nobody is forced to have an abortion, but we can't use tax dollars for that.
Considering that public schools have to take any and all....yes we are.

No they aren't. Public schools are worthless.
To improve our schools we need to look at what has been proven to work in the countries that are doing a better job of educating children. Doing away with public education is certainly not one of them.

why dont we just look at WHAT WE WERE DOING before this decline began?.....
No wonder the "Red States" are a bit slower than the "Blue States". Look at what they teach these kids in "Voucher Schools"........

1. Dinosaurs and humans probably hung out

2. Dragons were totally real

3. "God used the Trail of Tears to bring many Indians to Christ

4. Africa needs religion

5. Slave masters were nice guys

6. The KKK was A-OK

7. The Great Depression wasn't as bad as the liberals made it sound

8. SCOTUS enslaved fetuses

9. The Red Scare isn't over yet

10. Mark Twain and Emily Dickinson were a couple of hacks

11. Abstract algebra is too dang complicated

12. Gay people "have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists

13. "Global environmentalists have said and written enough to leave no doubt that their goal is to destroy the prosperous economies of the world's richest nations

14. Globalization is a precursor to rapture

14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools | Mother Jones

Don't send your kids to one. Problem solved.

Hey I got a better idea. You want to send your kids to a school that teaches the bull shit that the fundy schools want to teach, do not ask for vouchers to send your kids to be made ignorant.

I am tired of wasting my tax money on this kind of supposed "education."

Pay for it yourself. Not with vouchers. Problem solved.

hey Zeke why should a parent have to send their kid to a school that sucks when a few miles away in another district there is a school that is ten times better?.....are their kids not being made ignorant by not being able to send them to the good school?.....lots of people are tired of wasting tax money on this kind of supposed "education" too.......
No they aren't. Public schools are worthless.
To improve our schools we need to look at what has been proven to work in the countries that are doing a better job of educating children. Doing away with public education is certainly not one of them.

why dont we just look at WHAT WE WERE DOING before this decline began?.....

the decline began exactly when

1. all students were expected to stay in school until age 18 regardless of their academic ability. motivation or behavior and

2. influx of illiterate meso-americans by the millions
yeah we are killing it in public schools

This kind of education will help wont it? Tax dollars so well spent. :lol:

how is our State turning out with all those well spent tax dollars they get here? 5>>>to near the bottom.....

California, thanks to it's initiative system, is unique among the 50 states. The Economist lays out many of the reasons for this:

A lesson in mediocrity - California’s schools show how direct democracy can destroy accountability
To improve our schools we need to look at what has been proven to work in the countries that are doing a better job of educating children. Doing away with public education is certainly not one of them.

Yes, it certainly is one of them.

Hey dude. With your lack of critical thinking skills, I am willing to bet you went to one of your beloved "Christian" schools. Have you been voucherized? Do you believe the earth is only about 10 thousand years old? Man walked with dinasours?

I'm an atheist, moron. Private schools are better than government schools. Official government statistics prove it. Government fucks up everything it touches.
No, only 6% of scientists are Republican. But I suspect MORE than 90% of Republicans are white. Especially after that last election.

So, white people are Republicans, Republicans aren't scientists, but still, there are white scientists?

Well, I suppose it makes about as much sense as most of the shit you post.

Of course you base your claims on a hate site, so there was no truth in it to begin with.
"Only 6% of scientists are Republicans."

Is that actually true? Well, of course not.

"Only 6% of CLIMATE scientists are Republicans." That makes some sense, since climatology, like Astrology, isn't based on fact or experimentation and is basically a welfare program for academics.

However, in hard science, particularly engineering and medicine, the scientists tend to be conservative, since logic and fact are the foundation of the science involved. Naturally, spiritualist, quantum physicists, theoretical xenobiologists, and psychologists will lean left, dealing with less than verifiable subjects.

Edit: Oops
Don't send your kids to one. Problem solved.
Hey I got a better idea. You want to send your kids to a school that teaches the bull shit that the fundy schools want to teach, do not ask for vouchers to send your kids to be made ignorant.

I am tired of wasting my tax money on this kind of supposed "education."

Pay for it yourself. Not with vouchers. Problem solved.

Some of that tax money is his money, dipstick. Why is it that only morons like you get to determine how tax dollars are spent?
Sholdn't the title of that article be "14 Wacky Claims About what Schools Teach if we don't let Unions Have Complete Control?" Are you aware that some of the best high schools in the country at preparing students for college are private religious schools?

None of the leftists will answer which set does better on standardized tests?

Leftists claim it isn't a fair comparison because of all the stupid rules that public schools have. You gotta wonder why the light bulb never goes off in their heads.
Where, anywhere in the world, does that work? Do the countries beating the crap out of us do that?
Nowhere. The countries that have little or no government support for education have the worst public educational systems in the world, Somalia, Haiti, Eritrea, and Ethiopia.

Take a look at the countries with best educational systems in the world, Finland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. All these countries have strong governmental support for public education and a ministry of education which oversees both public and private schools.

Just suggesting the elimination of government support for educational is ridiculous.

The countries that have no public support for education have bad public education? Who'd a thunk?

Do you have any idea how stupid what you just said is?
Sorry, I meant to write, worst educational systems in the world. Yes, that did sound pretty stupid.
I was unaware of that.

They even run a special store for education.

Apple Store for Education - Apple Store (U.S.)

{Apple's efforts in the education space have long been fairly overt, and not just in hardware sales. Apple's Distinguished Educator program was an early example of tech companies identifying, training, and "branding" teacher-evangelists. Steve Jobs would often talk about the company operating at "the intersection of technology and the liberal arts." Apple even acquired the information system PowerSchool in 2001, the same year Steve Jobs keynoted the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC, now ISTE) }

Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Failure of Education Technology

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