Red wave! Poll Shows Republicans Will Pick Up 10 Senate Seats

we can finally repeal Obamacare and build the wall!

RED WAVE? Poll Shows Republicans Could Pick Up 9 Senate Seats
Because millions of Republicans don't want healthcare. Don't worry, when October comes and the subsidies end, Republicans will finally find out how many Trump voters will no longer have healthcare. Then they can "celebrate"!

Interesting. But, considering how different things look right now compared to even last week, it looks like we won't be able to tell much of what'll happen 6 months from now.

Agreed. With the roller coaster that our politics seems to be on, well, I wouldn't start looking at polls until around 3 months before the election.

Normally, I would say start paying attention at around 6 months, but the way our political system has been whipping back and forth, it would be hard to do at 6.

true, but the media is already lying to you, saying the dems will take congress---------------------------the media lies, dems lie, repubs lie, pollsters lie. Only the voters don't lie. We shall see what November brings.

Actually voters lie too...they lie to the pollsters! :21::21:

yep, some surely do. the ones that said they would vote for crooked Hillary and actually voted for Trump
we can finally repeal Obamacare and build the wall!

RED WAVE? Poll Shows Republicans Could Pick Up 9 Senate Seats
Because millions of Republicans don't want healthcare. Don't worry, when October comes and the subsidies end, Republicans will finally find out how many Trump voters will no longer have healthcare. Then they can "celebrate"!


yes, if you are getting your healthcare free or heavily subsidized, you like, it but the people paying your bills through higher premiums and deductibles don't. Understand? Freeloaders like free stuff, those who take responsibility for their lives don't like paying your bills while you sit on your fat ass eating government cheese.
yes, if you are getting your healthcare free or heavily subsidized, you like, it but the people paying your bills through higher premiums and deductibles don't. Understand? Freeloaders like free stuff, those who take responsibility for their lives don't like paying your bills while you sit on your fat ass eating government cheese.

Sadly those of us working and being responsible always pay for the others whether it is via the Govt or not. If you have a car and keep your insurance up to date, you are paying extra for those who choose not to. Your medical cost are far higher than they should be to pay for those who cannot/will not pay their bills.
Well, i think that's a bit too optimistic. My guess is, the Democrats will make some gains. The opposition usually does well at this point in Presidencies. But hopefully Republicans can hang onto power. The last thing this country needs is for the Communists/Democrats to regain power.

The Democratic Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago. It's decided to put foreign interests ahead of Citizen interests. Democrats see millions of future loyal Democrat Voters in Illegal Immigration. They honestly don't give a damn what Citizens want. A vote for a Democrat = A vote against your own interests.
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yes, if you are getting your healthcare free or heavily subsidized, you like, it but the people paying your bills through higher premiums and deductibles don't. Understand? Freeloaders like free stuff, those who take responsibility for their lives don't like paying your bills while you sit on your fat ass eating government cheese.

Sadly those of us working and being responsible always pay for the others whether it is via the Govt or not. If you have a car and keep your insurance up to date, you are paying extra for those who choose not to. Your medical cost are far higher than they should be to pay for those who cannot/will not pay their bills.

of course, its always been that way and always will be. BUT, obozocare made it much worse and more expensive for those of us who actually pay our bills. anytime you turn a program over to the government it costs more and delivers less. The free market and competition are what we need in medicine, not a bunch of ignorant civil servants making our medical decisions for us.
I have a good feeling about the midterms. If polling shows the Dims have a chance of winning a majority in the Senate or gaining seats in the house - my gut tells me just the opposite will happen.

A lot of those GOP pols who are not going to run again will be replaced by a cadre of new, more sensible Republicans who will work hard to reform the damage that has been done to the government by The Establishment. I even expect to see a whole lot of procedural changes in Congress.


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