Redford: Women, young people must save U.S. from GOP 'behaving stupidly'


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
While I love RR as an actor. He's a flamming liberal and always has been.

Guess you can take his observations for all they are worth. Nada. Unless your a lib that is.
I agree that women and young people must save the us from behaving stupidly. Unfortunately, they haven't done much. They've been supporting Obama.
He's right of course but, that's only as it has always been.

But, watching some of the really REALLY sharp young journalists does give me hope.

As I said elsewhere, its also very hopeful that President Obama was elected twice on very progressive issues, Booker was elected, two vile toxic idiots (Walsh and West) were not re-elected and that Cruz has been seen for the toxic nutter he is.

The backward, and repressive anti-American Rs are losing.
Remember when Rand Paul did that sniveling, whiny thing about how if they just kept telling the same lie over and over again, they would win.

He was wrong.

The other thing that came through loud and clear is that the Rs say they want fiscal responsibility and smaller govt, but all they actually DO is vote against women and blacks and gays and FOR more laws against women, blacks and gays.

They never ever actually DO anything that is either small or responsible.
While I love RR as an actor. He's a flamming liberal and always has been.

Guess you can take his observations for all they are worth. Nada. Unless your a lib that is.

What do you mean? He's a job creator. Ever been to Sundance? He's launched many careers in the film industry, funds the film festival every year in Park City and when his kids were young they had to work in the Sundance restaurant and earn their own money. No handouts. He hires kids from BYU to be in his live plays in Sundance, too. And has worked with the state of Utah for years to create a peaceable, non-intrusive existence in the Timpanogos Mountains which is primarily state land.

So why don't you state some FACTS about the man instead of just mouthing rightwing b.s.?
yeah whatever dude, go tear up a couple more mountains so you hollyweird buddies can go ski on them

He's been up in the high altitudes too long


I agree that women and young people must save the us from behaving stupidly. Unfortunately, they haven't done much. They've been supporting Obama.

The youngsters saw two wars without end in 2007 and said "Yes, we can!"

The women saw a man who picked an aging ex-beauty contestant who ushered her unwed pregnant daughter onto the stage for her own personal gain in 2008 and said, "What a media whore".

In 2012 the women didn't like being shoved into "whole binders" by a man with a silver spoon in his mouth.

And that's the facts, Bubba.
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Democrats would be wise to run moderately against the shitparty. Democrats can't scare off some people and give the tea party a win....

We can't afford to have these bastards win back the senate. They'll take us back to the gilded age.
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