“Redistribute the wealth”

If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The only difference between a high paid manufacturing job and flipping burgers is unions. If it wasn't for unions, manufacturing would make flipping burger wages. Heck, many would say fast food is the harder job.

Utter bull. Companies (particularly fast food) can't find workers for minimum wage. Most places offer more than minimum, so minimum wage is stupid to begin with. So you're not going to find many manufacturing jobs offering minimum wage because nobody would accept the offer.
Ok, what qualifications does a manufacturing job have that burger flippers don't have? The jobs are pretty much the same, but unions increased the wages of manufacturing. Other than that they are low education manual jobs.
Isn't trump trying to redistribute wealth with all this make America great again business and bringing back good jobs? You Repubs do realize we had much less inequality when we've had stronger economies?

How much stronger of an economy do you want? 4. something growth the last two months, record low unemployment. Record high consumer confidence, record high corporate confidence, more people going back into the workforce, more jobs than people to fill them. So what else do you want????

Much stronger really. One quarter over 4 is great for you? It's still under 4 for the year. Labor force participation is still low. Wages are stagnant. There is a lot of room for much improvement, don't kid yourself. And look at the deficit, repubs are spending us deeper into debt for this economy. We should be paying down debt now, but this economy is paid for with tax cuts we can't afford. This growth is not sustainable.

They're spending a lot less than when DumBama was in office. Remember that Trump has been there two years already, and he could't push his agenda through unless he gave Democrats what they wanted.
Spending is up, are you doing crack? Deficits are way up. Repubs control the government, was increasing debt their agenda?
/---/ So where is my handout from Trump? Let me check my mailbox....... nope nothing there.
Redistribution isn't about handouts. Inequality was less in the past and we had plenty of people working. So when are we going back to with this make America great thing? It has to be a time with less inequality? So trump doesn't really want to bring back good paying jobs?
llblock didn’t get a handout because he’s not rich enough. Ask any rich person and they’ll tell you they got a big fucking handout. Ask big corporations if they got a handout. And 70% of it went int stock buybacks and ceo bonuses

Thus further widening the gap between rich and poor. Republicans policies are designed to widen that gap. Then blame obama
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?
Redistribution isn't about handouts. Inequality was less in the past and we had plenty of people working. So when are we going back to with this make America great thing? It has to be a time with less inequality? So trump doesn't really want to bring back good paying jobs?
llblock didn’t get a handout because he’s not rich enough. Ask any rich person and they’ll tell you they got a big fucking handout. Ask big corporations if they got a handout. And 70% of it went int stock buybacks and ceo bonuses

Thus further widening the gap between rich and poor. Republicans policies are designed to widen that gap. Then blame obama
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.
Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.
got 6 minutes?

It's true, poor people aren't very productive.
Unproductive people don't make very much money.
llblock didn’t get a handout because he’s not rich enough. Ask any rich person and they’ll tell you they got a big fucking handout. Ask big corporations if they got a handout. And 70% of it went int stock buybacks and ceo bonuses

Thus further widening the gap between rich and poor. Republicans policies are designed to widen that gap. Then blame obama
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
And in ten years these idiots are going to see their wages have basically stayed flat but the rich got richer.

So trump made America great again for the corporations who btw were doing fine before trump
Yes they have been doing quite well. It's the middle class that needs help. If corps and the rich doing well was key to a strong economy we'd be growing at over 5%. We need a strong middle class, that's what made us great.
I know. This is deja vu from the bush days. Corporations were doing great they said. If you don’t like what you make go back to school or start your own business they said. Meanwhile they were sending millions of jobs overseas. Allowing it. Purposely undermining the economy to send union jobs overseas. Actually giving those companies tax breaks. Don’t forget how anti union republicans were during the bush years
llblock didn’t get a handout because he’s not rich enough. Ask any rich person and they’ll tell you they got a big fucking handout. Ask big corporations if they got a handout. And 70% of it went int stock buybacks and ceo bonuses

Thus further widening the gap between rich and poor. Republicans policies are designed to widen that gap. Then blame obama
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
You want to compare the Clinton economy to what we have now? You think it's good to run up debt right now?
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

The tax code is rigged to favor the wealthy.

Money/wealth trickles upwards over decades. American's post-WWII prosperity has been slowly siphoned off and then moved off shore.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

The tax code is rigged to favor the wealthy.

Money/wealth trickles upwards over decades. American's post-WWII prosperity has been slowly siphoned off and then moved off shore.
Don’t tell us. Tell your stupid neighbors who don’t vote. You’re either preaching to the choir here or falling on deaf ears.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
He had a surplus. Bush even used it as justification for tax breaks to the rich remember?
Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
You want to compare the Clinton economy to what we have now? You think it's good to run up debt right now?

You want to compare the Clinton economy to what we have now?

Clinton didn't invent the internet. He had fuck all to do with the Internet Boom.
The only thing he did was give Newt a huge win and then he didn't try to screw things up while
Gingrich held the line on spending.

You think it's good to run up debt right now?

Nope. I'd cut spending by 30%.....to start.
Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
He had a surplus. Bush even used it as justification for tax breaks to the rich remember?

He had a surplus.

You think Clinton was frugal?
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?

Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing?

I remember unions suck. We need to outlaw government unions. What do they need protection from?
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?


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