“Redistribute the wealth”

Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.

I don't understand your comment about how being anti-union had anything to do with jobs moving overseas. Businesses have always had that option. It had noting to do with what Republicans were for or against. Republicans didn't do a thing to make that happen.

I can't tell you how many customers we lost over the years because unions forced the company either out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about it with the workers or management; a few cases, the owner of the company.

The owners hated to leave. They were true-blue Americans mostly who lived here their entire lives. But they told me foreign competition would not allow them to stay in business and pay those union wages. As one owner told me "It's either move out of the country or join my workers in the unemployment line." No choice.

Talking with the union workers who were in the process of closing shop, they had this belief that the company was holding out on them, and they are just faking the leave. When I asked what if they really are leaving, what then? They said "the union will find us another union job, I'm not worried at all."

They refused to even negotiate with the owners of these companies. It was their way or let the Fn company move wherever they wanted to.

That's what happened.
Don't they realize there was less inequality at this magical time where they want to go back to and be great again?

Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
And in ten years these idiots are going to see their wages have basically stayed flat but the rich got richer.

So trump made America great again for the corporations who btw were doing fine before trump
Yes they have been doing quite well. It's the middle class that needs help. If corps and the rich doing well was key to a strong economy we'd be growing at over 5%. We need a strong middle class, that's what made us great.
I know. This is deja vu from the bush days. Corporations were doing great they said. If you don’t like what you make go back to school or start your own business they said. Meanwhile they were sending millions of jobs overseas. Allowing it. Purposely undermining the economy to send union jobs overseas. Actually giving those companies tax breaks. Don’t forget how anti union republicans were during the bush years

First off, let's set this lie straight: The Republicans never gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. If you want the FactCheck.org link, just ask, I have it right here.

Secondly, Not all businesses are owned or operated by Republicans. In fact, it's pretty evenly divided. Apple has much assembly in China. Same with Microsoft. We both know who owns those companies, don't we?

The left owns all the social media internet sites, they own all of Hollywood with the stations and movie makers. They own all the news media outside of Fox.
If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Looking at our economy today, it seems like they were wrong, huh.
Look at the economy in the Clinton years. Again, our economy isn't that strong and it's fueled by debt. Not sustainable. Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

Look at the economy in the Clinton years.

Internet bubbles are cool.

Clinton had a much stronger economy and balanced the budget.

You think Clinton was frugal?
You want to compare the Clinton economy to what we have now? You think it's good to run up debt right now?

You want to compare the Clinton economy to what we have now?

Clinton didn't invent the internet. He had fuck all to do with the Internet Boom.
The only thing he did was give Newt a huge win and then he didn't try to screw things up while
Gingrich held the line on spending.

You think it's good to run up debt right now?

Nope. I'd cut spending by 30%.....to start.
So yes, Clinton had a much stronger economy. Thanks.
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?

Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing?

I remember unions suck. We need to outlaw government unions. What do they need protection from?
Stagnant wages.
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?

View attachment 214160
Remember what Trump said about the real unemployment rate, participation still real low.

2.9%? And what has inflation been?
If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation
No, you give me examples why you think I’m wrong.

I never said you were wrong. I just need an example to understand what you mean by corporations taking over? I don't understand. I need an example please.

I agree. Should be banned. They are banned in Europe.
The corporations rule Europe too. They only don’t rule China and the Middle East. We’re trying to take over the Middle East for the corporations.

There’s an old movie called Network. Ned Beatty says there is no USA, russia, Europe only ibm, Pepsi, shell oil.

Corporations also employ millions of people and innovate so you have to take the good with the bad. Middle East is a disaster. China has Corporations. Ali Baba is one.
No, you give me examples why you think I’m wrong.

I never said you were wrong. I just need an example to understand what you mean by corporations taking over? I don't understand. I need an example please.

I agree. Should be banned. They are banned in Europe.
The corporations rule Europe too. They only don’t rule China and the Middle East. We’re trying to take over the Middle East for the corporations.

There’s an old movie called Network. Ned Beatty says there is no USA, russia, Europe only ibm, Pepsi, shell oil.

Corporations also employ millions of people and innovate so you have to take the good with the bad. Middle East is a disaster. China has Corporations. Ali Baba is one.
Corporations obviously have a good side, but they must be properly regulated. There is a lot of corporate welfare. Also they lobby for regulations that benefit them. Sometimes they also collude on wages.
I never said you were wrong. I just need an example to understand what you mean by corporations taking over? I don't understand. I need an example please.

I agree. Should be banned. They are banned in Europe.
The corporations rule Europe too. They only don’t rule China and the Middle East. We’re trying to take over the Middle East for the corporations.

There’s an old movie called Network. Ned Beatty says there is no USA, russia, Europe only ibm, Pepsi, shell oil.

Corporations also employ millions of people and innovate so you have to take the good with the bad. Middle East is a disaster. China has Corporations. Ali Baba is one.
Corporations obviously have a good side, but they must be properly regulated. There is a lot of corporate welfare. Also they lobby for regulations that benefit them. Sometimes they also collude on wages.

It's especially bad when corporations like Facebook and Google use their power for political reasons hurting the political process. They need to have their powers trimmed by the gov't.
If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation

There is no 'Labor Department' ... The article if from WAPO ... The article provides 0 stats and refers to a fictional Cabinet level department.

I agree. Should be banned. They are banned in Europe.
The corporations rule Europe too. They only don’t rule China and the Middle East. We’re trying to take over the Middle East for the corporations.

There’s an old movie called Network. Ned Beatty says there is no USA, russia, Europe only ibm, Pepsi, shell oil.

Corporations also employ millions of people and innovate so you have to take the good with the bad. Middle East is a disaster. China has Corporations. Ali Baba is one.
Corporations obviously have a good side, but they must be properly regulated. There is a lot of corporate welfare. Also they lobby for regulations that benefit them. Sometimes they also collude on wages.

It's especially bad when corporations like Facebook and Google use their power for political reasons hurting the political process. They need to have their powers trimmed by the gov't.
Google has practically a search monopoly at this point. I don't think that is good for us.
If we want to be great again we need a strong middle class, that means less inequality. Again, this seems to be what trump wants by bringing back good paying jobs? He seems to understand our current distribution of wealth is not good for the economy.

No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation

There is no 'Labor Department' ... The article if from WAPO ... The article provides 0 stats and refers to a fictional Cabinet level department.
There isn't?
Home | U.S. Department of Labor

These are stats:
Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.
Deficits are going up. Ask your buddy Trump, your economy hero. The wealthy are getting wealthier under Trump & the Middle Class is going backwards,. Typical Republicanism & typical stupidity from Republican voters like you.

Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that the wealthy were not getting wealthier under DumBama and the middle-class were not going backwards? You really live in your own little world, don't you?

And I see you once again deflected. So here's the question again: If we double the tax on the wealthy, how does that help you or me?

Obama worked on changing the tax code. Additional taxes were put into effect that targeted rich people.

You li ve in the world of ignorance. Put down then gun & try picking up a book

Maybe you should take your own advice about reading a book.

HTF do you think that taking more money from people helps them get richer? Explain those dynamics please. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lives. What made the rich people richer was the feds dumping trillions of dollars in phoney money into the stock market called Quantitive Easing.........look it up sometime.

The more of the tax burden is paid by the wealthy, the less is paid by the working class. This means the working class has more money to buy shit & that stimulates the economy.

Well now their taxes are lower and so are mine. There goes that theory.

When Obama did his temporary tax relief in the ACA, he target working Americans. He, like any smart person, knew that these people would spend the money. He did not hand billions to wealthy people like Trump did because they will not spend all of that money.

Thos is a fact that you are obviously too fucking stupid to get.

Middle class & poorer people tax cuts are far more effective at stimulating the economy.

Trump's tax cut effects will fade when the borrowed money starts piling up the deficits.
Gee I wonder what could have happened after 2008 LOL! Well it was a world depression again and wages have not gone up at all so working people can get food stamps. Great job GOP!
You really need to study up. Let me help. Research Carter, Clinton and Barney Frank's role in laying the foundation for the real estate and banking collapse of 2007-2009. Then report back what you find.
Funny how nothing went wrong until it was Republicans as regulators of their Pals in the private mortgage industry and Fanny and Freddy's share of the Market went from 70% to 30%, dupe.
Fail. The collapse was at least 20 years in the making. "Nothing went wrong until Republicans blah blah blah....". I think you know what I'm referring to with Carter Clinton and Frank, you are just blowing smoke like Liberals always do when they want to point fingers at the GOP and hold the Democrats blameless.
I know what you are referring to, and it worked just fine until Bushies got a hold of Regulation of their Pals in the mortgage business and banking...
It worked just fine? Democratic policies that forced banks to give mortgages to people with rock bottom FICO scores and minimum wage jobs? And then your boy Barney Frank vehemently defending the collapsing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac government mortgage programs? Democrats poisoned the well and you blame Republicans for the bad water.
Bulshit... Stopped redlining so Worthy minorities could get mortgages. Under Bushies regulation anybody could get one d u h.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.

Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.

Hmmm, maybe that's what we should do here: don't accept anybody.
The only thing that will work is a national national SSID card that can't be faked like in every other developed country. The The wall is a joke. Seems like the GOP billionaires love cheap easily bullied labor
You dupes are clueless..
Actually, we could care less about it. We worry about what we have, not what other people have. There is little wealthy envy on our side. It's the left that always worries what other people have, what other people do, what other people eat, what other people drive, what other people weigh.
Well you should worry about it. It is proven to slow the economy which is bad for everybody.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
And in ten years these idiots are going to see their wages have basically stayed flat but the rich got richer.

So trump made America great again for the corporations who btw were doing fine before trump
Yes they have been doing quite well. It's the middle class that needs help. If corps and the rich doing well was key to a strong economy we'd be growing at over 5%. We need a strong middle class, that's what made us great.
I know. This is deja vu from the bush days. Corporations were doing great they said. If you don’t like what you make go back to school or start your own business they said. Meanwhile they were sending millions of jobs overseas. Allowing it. Purposely undermining the economy to send union jobs overseas. Actually giving those companies tax breaks. Don’t forget how anti union republicans were during the bush years

First off, let's set this lie straight: The Republicans never gave tax breaks to companies moving overseas. If you want the FactCheck.org link, just ask, I have it right here.

Secondly, Not all businesses are owned or operated by Republicans. In fact, it's pretty evenly divided. Apple has much assembly in China. Same with Microsoft. We both know who owns those companies, don't we?

The left owns all the social media internet sites, they own all of Hollywood with the stations and movie makers. They own all the news media outside of Fox.

The tax break was that US corporations do not have to pay taxes on foreign made profits until they bring those profits to the U.S. So they did not & avoided paying US taxes.

THAT is the tax break.
No, Trump is a businessman, he understands there is no "distribution" of wealth. We all make what we work for.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation

There is no 'Labor Department' ... The article if from WAPO ... The article provides 0 stats and refers to a fictional Cabinet level department.
There isn't?
Home | U.S. Department of Labor

These are stats:
Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

Nothing to back up those stated stats. There is no 'Labor Department.' Post a link to D.O.L. instead of WAPO (that can't seem to even get the name of the dept. correct) please.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation

There is no 'Labor Department' ... The article if from WAPO ... The article provides 0 stats and refers to a fictional Cabinet level department.
There isn't?
Home | U.S. Department of Labor

These are stats:
Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

Nothing to back up those stated stats. There is no 'Labor Department.' Post a link to D.O.L. instead of WAPO please.
I just posted a link obviously, how dumb are you? Here you go again:
Home | U.S. Department of Labor

Sorry the facts don't work for you.
Ok, so he doesn't want to bring back better paying jobs?

Sure he would and he is. In fact, after his tax break for businesses, thousands of workers got raises, bonuses or both.

U.S. workers' paychecks are worth less than they were a year ago, the Labor Department reported Friday, as modest wage gains have not kept pace with inflation.

Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

U.S. wage growth is getting wiped out by inflation

There is no 'Labor Department' ... The article if from WAPO ... The article provides 0 stats and refers to a fictional Cabinet level department.
There isn't?
Home | U.S. Department of Labor

These are stats:
Prices rose 2.9% from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor Department said, while average hourly pay increased 2.7% in the same period.

Nothing to back up those stated stats. There is no 'Labor Department.' Post a link to D.O.L. instead of WAPO (that can't seem to even get the name of the dept. correct) please.
So I guess if you close your eyes and cover your ears and ignore all the stats, wages are great!

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