“Redistribute the wealth”

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.

Hmmm, maybe that's what we should do here: don't accept anybody.
The only thing that will work is a national national SSID card that can't be faked like in every other developed country. The The wall is a joke. Seems like the GOP billionaires love cheap easily bullied labor
You dupes are clueless..

Why don't you think for once in your life? If the wall will not work, the Democrats would welcome the Republicans building one. They could use it as a campaign slogan for many elections to come.

They're not afraid the wall won't work, they are afraid it will. That's why they threatened to shut down the government over it. The Democrats want as many illegals in this country as they can stuff in.
You might not believe this but Democrats want what is best for the country, not what is best for the party like the new b******* GOP.

Well that may be true, but they think what's best for the country is to flood us with illegals, they think what's best in the country is to tax our businesses out of business, they think what's best for the country is to create as many government dependents as they can.

But none of that is best for their party. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
/---/ Improving job skills to get a higher wages is a concept lost on Liberals. They prefer a one size fits all solution like $15 an hour regardless of your skills or where you live.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.

Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.
Our economy is definitely strong when we have a better distribution of wealth. Too much inequality slows he economy.
/---/ OK send me 1/2 your money so I can spend it to help the economy.
It’s hard to discuss with people who can’t have an intellectually honest conversation.

We had a tax system that worked. We had a government that worked. But then republicans got tax breaks and deregulation’s and next thing you know, the gap between the rich and poor grew and the middle class didn’t get a raise ever since Reagan and the corporate media has convinced you us liberals did it.

And jobs went overseas. Who did that? Republicans. Don’t tell me Clinton made nafta. He didn’t. He just signed it into law. But that law protected workers. Bush removed those protections and he caused a Great Recession.

This is the government and economy we deserve. Many of you don’t vote or vote against your own financial interests

Tough to have an “intellectually honest” discussion when you litter your facts with half truths and lies.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?
/---/ of course I would have supported him. It's what I want. Geeeeze what a stupid question. If Trump pushed single payer and open borders would you support him then?
Well they did call him the deporter in chief. Did you praise obama for being a big deporter? Let’s hear you repeat your praises to obama for that.

Also Clinton and obama raided a lot of illegal employers. Bush stopped those raids on his watch

You make it up as you go don’t you.

Here is the truth: Raids of Illegal Immigrants Bring Harsh Memories, and Strong Fears

From the Article: The 2007 raid was one of the hundreds of coordinated federal sweeps targeting illegal immigrant workers carried out during President George W. Bush’s second term. The headline-grabbing roundups of illegal workers slowed under the Obama administration...

Got any more BS?
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?
Needs more time. Republicans always say that after their first term.

First term is for the rich second terms for us
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?

No, if you do that, the jobs move back overseas like they did the last time unions had power.
The middle class was great when 35% of labor were in unions. It brought wages up. As union membership declined so did wages.

And remember how anti union the republicans were in the bush years? That made it easy to send those union jobs overseas. Divide and concur.

You are still anti union. So don’t expect those jobs to come back and pay someone like you more than $15 hr. That’s not making America great.

But, I’ll give you this. I work for a small non union company. There’s about 50 of us. We are mostly all highly skilled so most of us make a decent living. So yes I too would rather the company come back non union than not at all. Even if only 20 of us are highly paid, I’d rather that than nothing at all. It’s just now every man is for himself. Ok I agree some with you.
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?
Needs more time. Republicans always say that after their first term.

First term is for the rich second terms for us

Clinton and Obama also asked for more time, more of your dishonesty.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?
/---/ of course I would have supported him. It's what I want. Geeeeze what a stupid question. If Trump pushed single payer and open borders would you support him then?
Well they did call him the deporter in chief. Did you praise obama for being a big deporter? Let’s hear you repeat your praises to obama for that.

Also Clinton and obama raided a lot of illegal employers. Bush stopped those raids on his watch

You make it up as you go don’t you.

Here is the truth: Raids of Illegal Immigrants Bring Harsh Memories, and Strong Fears

From the Article: The 2007 raid was one of the hundreds of coordinated federal sweeps targeting illegal immigrant workers carried out during President George W. Bush’s second term. The headline-grabbing roundups of illegal workers slowed under the Obama administration...

Got any more BS?
On Tuesday I’ll show you Clinton did work raids and bush stopped.
Republicans don’t realize that as soon as the USA was founded corporations immediately tried to take it over. Our founders didn’t let them. But slowly but surely they’ve been taking it over ever since. They made great gains starting with Reagan.

All you republicans who complain America is fucked up. No it isn’t. Look at your masters. They’re doing great. Only labor has not benefitted. So don’t blame liberals. You republicans are to blame voting for trickle down and deregulation
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?
/---/ of course I would have supported him. It's what I want. Geeeeze what a stupid question. If Trump pushed single payer and open borders would you support him then?
Well they did call him the deporter in chief. Did you praise obama for being a big deporter? Let’s hear you repeat your praises to obama for that.

Also Clinton and obama raided a lot of illegal employers. Bush stopped those raids on his watch

You make it up as you go don’t you.

Here is the truth: Raids of Illegal Immigrants Bring Harsh Memories, and Strong Fears

From the Article: The 2007 raid was one of the hundreds of coordinated federal sweeps targeting illegal immigrant workers carried out during President George W. Bush’s second term. The headline-grabbing roundups of illegal workers slowed under the Obama administration...

Got any more BS?
My article may have been about Bush’s first term. I’ll find it Tuesday next week when I’m near a real computer.
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.

Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
And we should be going after illegal employers. We have sanctuary corporations harboring them. The recent illegal who murdered that girl worked for a republican farmer who claims he was given forged documents.

Well since we know so many give forged documents why don’t we have these corporations send in the social security numbers again for anyone with an accent. Let’s double check everyone. Bet we catch thousands
/----/ I didn't have a master. So why didn't obozo and the democRATS fix things for labor instead of driving businesses overseas?
Imagine if obama proposed tariffs or building a wall. Do you think you would have supported obama on these things?

I’m glad you guys have changed a little Now at least you want to bring jobs back home. They won’t pay nearly as good but to you guys a jobs a job even if it pays only $10hr right? If those workers want better they’d better organize. Oh wait! If they do you won’t support them, right?
/---/ of course I would have supported him. It's what I want. Geeeeze what a stupid question. If Trump pushed single payer and open borders would you support him then?
Well they did call him the deporter in chief. Did you praise obama for being a big deporter? Let’s hear you repeat your praises to obama for that.

Also Clinton and obama raided a lot of illegal employers. Bush stopped those raids on his watch

You make it up as you go don’t you.

Here is the truth: Raids of Illegal Immigrants Bring Harsh Memories, and Strong Fears

From the Article: The 2007 raid was one of the hundreds of coordinated federal sweeps targeting illegal immigrant workers carried out during President George W. Bush’s second term. The headline-grabbing roundups of illegal workers slowed under the Obama administration...

Got any more BS?
On Tuesday I’ll show you Clinton did work raids and bush stopped.

Read the damn article dumb ass that will tell you that Bush was notorious for raids.
Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
And we should be going after illegal employers. We have sanctuary corporations harboring them. The recent illegal who murdered that girl worked for a republican farmer who claims he was given forged documents.

Well since we know so many give forged documents why don’t we have these corporations send in the social security numbers again for anyone with an accent. Let’s double check everyone. Bet we catch thousands

I am all for finding them and sending them home and fining corporations that hire them. I am also for withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities.
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.
Calling socialism fits you for some reason. Try becoming worth more to your employer.
Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
And we should be going after illegal employers. We have sanctuary corporations harboring them. The recent illegal who murdered that girl worked for a republican farmer who claims he was given forged documents.

Well since we know so many give forged documents why don’t we have these corporations send in the social security numbers again for anyone with an accent. Let’s double check everyone. Bet we catch thousands

I think that's what we are doing now. In fact we had two raids near our area that nabbed hundreds of illegals. Do you think the companies got away with that?
Remember when Repubs told us getting rid of unions was going to be this great thing? Yet here we are with wages stagnant and unions in decline. What happened to the promised prosperity?

View attachment 214160
Remember what Trump said about the real unemployment rate, participation still real low.

2.9%? And what has inflation been?

Yes, labor participation rate is still low, but at least now (unlike DumBama) it's in the right direction.
Staying the same is in the right direction?

It's not staying the same, it's increasing.
Not big on facts are you?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2017, 62.9
July 2018, 62.9
The 2018 equivalent of the 1968 minimum wage is about$12. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. I see that about 40% of the country has trouble paying bills--I'm sure it's their fault.

Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
You mean like pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill that started with a SS ID card to end the problem forever? Of course the GOP says that would be communist every time... And their racist base wants to throw them all out, which will never happen. Great job!
Sorry we are not going back to 1968 no matter how much you wish for it.

Someday the Democrats will get a landslide and then we can catch back up 2 the rest of the developed world again.... This is pathetic.

I have a better idea: if this country is not "developed" enough for you, move to one of those other fantastic places you so frequently speak of. All this talk of how great other places are, but you stay here and complain we are not like them.
They have control of their immigration and they don't accept Americans d u h.
Interesting that is a country you want to live in sets limits on immigration. That is what the US should do, tighten the borders and quit allowing immigrants.
And we should be going after illegal employers. We have sanctuary corporations harboring them. The recent illegal who murdered that girl worked for a republican farmer who claims he was given forged documents.

Well since we know so many give forged documents why don’t we have these corporations send in the social security numbers again for anyone with an accent. Let’s double check everyone. Bet we catch thousands
All the illegals have forged social security cards d u h!!
Remember what Trump said about the real unemployment rate, participation still real low.

2.9%? And what has inflation been?

Yes, labor participation rate is still low, but at least now (unlike DumBama) it's in the right direction.
Staying the same is in the right direction?

It's not staying the same, it's increasing.
Not big on facts are you?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2017, 62.9
July 2018, 62.9

October 2017 62.7
July 2018 62.9
Remember what Trump said about the real unemployment rate, participation still real low.

2.9%? And what has inflation been?

Yes, labor participation rate is still low, but at least now (unlike DumBama) it's in the right direction.
Staying the same is in the right direction?

It's not staying the same, it's increasing.
Not big on facts are you?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2017, 62.9
July 2018, 62.9

October 2017 62.7
July 2018 62.9
Ah you want to play silly games:
Feb 2018, 63
July 2018, 62.9
It's decreasing.
Remember what Trump said about the real unemployment rate, participation still real low.

2.9%? And what has inflation been?

Yes, labor participation rate is still low, but at least now (unlike DumBama) it's in the right direction.
Staying the same is in the right direction?

It's not staying the same, it's increasing.
Not big on facts are you?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

January 2017, 62.9
July 2018, 62.9

October 2017 62.7
July 2018 62.9
And with such low participation rates Trump tells us the real unemployment rate is 13-15%

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