Reducing partisan venom

Biden needs to remove Trump from his vocabulary. It is his job now. If he can't convince other countries he's got a handle on things and America's back then it is all on his shoulders.
I want Republicans to be absolutely stomped out of power.

So I disagree with ole Sleepy Joe here.

They are so hateful that his minion is futile.

Yeah, we know you only like those DemoKKKrats, because they're open about it:

All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
You people demand capitulation on all points. Fuck that.
Thereā€™s nothing to think about. As Sun Tzu said in his great work ā€œThe Art of Warā€ā€¦

You must always treat your enemies as your enemies. Never treat them as if they are your friends.
Americans shouldnā€™t be enemies.
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€

Well, starting with you has incredible opportunity to make a difference. But I'll believe it when I see it
All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€

thier is no high road to be had with useful idiots and mitt Romney lovers

mitt Romney....... formally known as Hitler while running for president
I want Republicans to be absolutely stomped out of power.

So I disagree with ole Sleepy Joe here.

They are so hateful that his mission is futile.
1. We'll see if legitimate elections can make a better decision on who is in power in 2022 and 2024.
2. You disagree with Sleepy Joe about what?
3. How are Republicans "hateful"?
Joe's mission is hateful, for example:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies is a disaster
Defund the police is a disaster
Russia First Energy policies is a disaster
The Green New Deal is a disaster
Support of criminal behavior, no arrests, no bail, no prosecution, etc. is a disaster
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory is a disaster
China First trade policies is a disaster
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate is a disaster
HR-1 grab for one-party rule would be a disaster
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever would be a disaster
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote would be a disaster
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state is the definition of a disaster
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists would be a disaster
First the left builds it.

Then they mischaracterize it.

That's all you need to know about Xiden's statement, which wasn't his statement at all. He's a parrot, just like all leftists, only in his case he's supposed to be a leader.

Fucking Democracks and their filthy PROGS, always wrong, always lying and forever intellectually dishonest.

BTW OP, you're tarded, just like anyone else who believes this BS. You're too numb in the head to recognize "Xiden's statement" was completely contradictive, and it's a confession.
1. We'll see if legitimate elections can make a better decision on who is in power in 2022 and 2024.
2. You disagree with Sleepy Joe about what?
3. How are Republicans "hateful"?
Joe's mission is hateful, for example:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies is a disaster
Defund the police is a disaster
Russia First Energy policies is a disaster
The Green New Deal is a disaster
Support of criminal behavior, no arrests, no bail, no prosecution, etc. is a disaster
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory is a disaster
China First trade policies is a disaster
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate is a disaster
HR-1 grab for one-party rule would be a disaster
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever would be a disaster
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote would be a disaster
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state is the definition of a disaster
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists would be a disaster
Trumpism has been a proven disaster.
You put up a few words with no proof.
Here are Trump's "promises kept" everyone a very good thing:
One of his accomplishments is trade deals. He negotiated almost the exact same deal. Tell me how the ā€œworst dealsā€ ever were vastly improved? Here is an easy comparison in detail.Some improvement in milk dairy and eggs plus massive rewrite of digital rights. Finally upped the percentage of car parts. Thatā€™s about it. Hardly revolutionary but more like incremental.

All I can do is start with myself. I am going to eliminate the partisan venom from my posts as suggested below by Biden. Feel free to call me on it if it ā€œleaksā€ out as the President says. I will still express my point of view and argue against yours but if all goes as intended I will remain respectful. Itā€™s an American thing to do. Wish me luck and let me know if you agree with Bidenā€™s point.

I know some of you will respond with comedy but thatā€™s ok. Just think about it.

He continued, ā€œNow you may not like me, and thatā€™s your right. Look, itā€™s a simple thing. You can walk out and say I tonight like the way that guy wears his tie. Iā€™m voting against him. You have a right to do that. You have a right to do that. But the kinds of things that are being said of late, I think youā€™re beginning to see some of theā€¦sort of a venom starting to leak out of a lot of it. Weā€™ve got to get beyond this. What do you say to your grandchildren or your children about whatā€™s happening? Do you ever remember a time like this before in the entire history, whether youā€™re a Democrat or a Republican? This is not who we are.ā€

Biden added, ā€œIā€™ve had a lot of experience internationally, and I mean not good or bad, just I have. I chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Iā€™ve been deeply involved. I did national security for our last administration with Barack but, folks, the rest of the world is wondering about us. Those of you who travel abroad, itā€™s not a joke. Not a joke. You know, when I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in, and I said, ā€˜Americaā€™s back.ā€™ Iā€™m serious, heads of state. I give you my word as a Biden. They said, ā€˜Are you really back? We believe you, Joe, but will the country ever get it together?ā€™ I talked to Xi Jinping in China, who I know well. We donā€™t agree on a lot of things. Heā€™s a bright and really tough guy. He truly believes that the 21st century will be determined by oligarchs. Democracies can not function in the 21st century. The argument goes because things are moving so rapidly, so, so rapidly that you canā€™t pull together a nation that is divided to get the consensus on acting quickly. So autocrats, autocracies ā€”I had a long meeting with Putin, I know him well ā€” these guys are betting, Iā€™m not joking, on autocracies. Democracy has to stand up to get something done.ā€
tell him to open back up the pipeline and become self dependent on oil and I'll consider it.
How can a website called ā€œwelovetrumpā€ be propaganda?
how can your sorry ass post on xiden while kissing his ass, it's called......................propaganda. See how it works?
However itā€™s a tough uphill climb heā€™s got between left center and right.
Seems like a purposefully shallow way of defining the electorate's views.

What precisely does left mean? What does right mean? What does center mean?

Respectfully speaking, it appears to me that these are just cookie-cutter labels people accept to avoid having to think things through or to demonstrate that they have even the slightest understanding of the critical issues, much less the aptitude to discuss them.

If you look at 90% of the postings out in the wild west of the web, places like this, it's all regurgitation. Same thing you hear on the idiot box, word for word.

So, again. What do these labels mean precisely?

Seems to me they don't serve much of any purpose unless one is an oligarch labeling his board game pieces.


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