Reducing Unescorted Childen Flow! Abortion Clinics In Guatemala!(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Secretary Earl Butz, Nixon's famous Agriculture Secretary, did once ask, "What do (some people), really want?" Like all Republicans, starting with Lincoln, Nixon would go on to become even more famous than the other two, "Liberators."

Now we are faced with great plague of other non-whites upon our borders: Unescorted children arriving, under the Bush Doctrine, 2008, expecting to be treated different from the Mexicans. There seems to be widespread consensus in U. S. Immigration policy, that Mexicans we all get rid of, right away! That is good for U. S. foreign policy, according to GOP! There seems to have been widespread happiness with the doctrine.

Anticipating anything Bush had done, Guatemala has recently, itself, begun to expand its own efforts in Planned Parenthood, possibly now able to expand the doctrine of, "Legal Abortions," like GOP Conservatives seem to have in mind for Central America(?). There is conflagration, even at the border, even in Murrietta, CA. Bush again, comes home to America!

Abortion in Guatemala | Abortion in Bangalore India Alternative

Surely the Holy Father can get on board with this new Central American, policy agenda. The one Holy Father had tried, "Liberation Theology." That was a doctrine of Catholic interpersonal violence, justification, ". . .After due deliberation," and on and on. The usual Protestant cocept, widely admired even in all of Israel, had been, "Ready, Aim, Fire, " for decades and generations. The Third German Republic had been especially on board. The new Holy Father seems to have noticed the outcome of the Pedophile Saint kind of doctrine. Two percent of priests are recently alleged to be still among the pedophile, sanctified(?).

The mythology of the deity of Israel prohibits usury among the Israelites. Foreigners can be charged usury, however. That is in Duteronomy, somewhere in the 20's. The basis concept of Code Of Moses remains intact! "Be Fruitfull, Multiply, Fill all the Earth! And Screw 'Em!" It is in the Torah, from which the little males are allowed to read!

And so, like in all of history, then Guatemala too: Has created the civilized response!

"Crow,James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And learn they did, this strange man's code, applied on Lands of Many Nations!)
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One option that would help. What I believe would be better is creating a free and safe nation to raise those children in. If you want freedom, why not fight for it?
The concept of creating a nation-state, wherein the adults kill everyone not free like they are, might not work well for Murrietta, CA--or wherever such nation is intended(?).

Even Secretary Butz was more into heated restrooms. The later on Republican, toe-tapping Senator, may simply have needed to stretch out the toenails a bit. The Republicans knew a thing or two about loose shoes, even under Nixon.

What they would have known under Lincoln is less clear. Firstly, someone hurrying back from a restroom (?), so as not to miss the play, or something, shot him. Added to the attempted genocide of white North Americans, was still the one more, the cause of all the rest. Secondly, Lincoln the Liberianist, (American Colonization Society)--that never gets much mentioned--had a sense of fiscal responsibility. Shipping 'em off to Costa Rica, is often noted the more likely outcome of What, at least, Lincoln wanted. Libera was simply too far away, and so considered, way too expensive.

So that woud tend to put the Bush Doctrine into perspective. On the one hand, "Get Rid of the Mexicans First," likely reverberates among the GOP. Easily Lincoln would have early signed on. Keeping any Costa Ricans around--had Lincoln's likely plan come about--would more likely, currently, however have sparked an NRA membership drive like never known before! Suggesting that suddenly the freed, from Costa Ric, had there in Murrietta: The need to learn to fight for their freedom: Would likely have turned out violently, riotous. Even in Costa Rica, learning to fight for freedom, usually leads to other armed conquests. Afghanistan, Iraq, drones in Pakistan, and in Palestine--all come to mind.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes now on Lands of Many Nations--Even cause Great Spirit to try to freeze them away, wash them away, or dry them out and blow them all away! Great Spirit knows their concept of "Freedom Fighters!")
The Republicans famously have their own views, past and present, of a Freed Afghanistan, and a Freed Iraq. The Republicans at one time--actually in just about the same kind of manner--had also their concept of a "Freed Costa Rica." See toward the bottom of the link.

American Colonization Society

This was also called the Liberian Movement, not so long ago.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Heirs of Thirteen Colonists kept faith with the concept of colonization, of Lands of Many Nations, even going forward, even then.)
a country with strict Catholic values and abortion clinics..

yes, the two go hand in hand ... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

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