Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks...

Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
Had dems not been so traitorous, the wall would have already been built. You guys fought it tooth and nail though, so you bought these illegals A LOT of time to come sneak in.
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
Nonsense. When Trump first took office, the number of illegals trying to get in dropped because they were afraid of what Trump might do to them, but when the Democrats blocked nearly all efforts to secure the border, illegals were again encouraged to try to get in. Every problem at the border today, from the numbers of illegals trying to get in to the long wait for amnesty hearings to the overcrowded conditions in detention facilities to the friction with Mexico is the result of Democrats irresponsibly using illegal immigration to try to embarrass the President.

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