Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks...

thankyou !! Sounds like 'mex' excuses or 'mordida' to me . So the mex are cartel run . USA oughta militarize the USA Border and maybe the USA oughta militarily invade and take over 'mexico' at least a hundred miles south of the border Edgetho .

Then we'd have a "Mouse That Roared" scenario on our hands.

Mexico would love nothing better than for us to invade.

Most people don't realize this but Mexico is a socialist country. Has been since the early 1900's

I think there was one period when non-socialists were in power........ Vicente Fox, maybe. But that's about it.

Mexico’s revolution 1910–1920 | International Socialist Review

Just another failed socialist state.

dimocraps are scum
HOW ABOUT THAT? Mexico Cracks Down on Migrants, After Pressure From Trump to Act.

Mexico shaping up after getting jawboned, which was the plan all along.
/——/ Upchuck Schumer undermines our president by saying he’s bluffing on tariffs. Fu*king traitor.
“Can you imagine Cryin’ Chuck Schumer saying out loud, for all to hear, that I am bluffing with respect to putting Tariffs on Mexico. What a Creep. He would rather have our Country fail with drugs & Immigration than give Republicans a win. But he gave Mexico bad advice, no bluff!” Trump tweeted.- Fox
The Mexicans can ask the Chinese if Trump's all bluff!
This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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/——-/ Who was president in 2012? Got guts to admit you were wrong?
Tear Down This Wall -- the Chinese Tariff Wall

Yes, in 2012 we both had tariffs on each other. That is not new, the list of tariffs by the US on imports is 2000 pages long.

I said the tariff war, or the trade war if you like.

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/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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/——-/ Who was president in 2012? Got guts to admit you were wrong?
Tear Down This Wall -- the Chinese Tariff Wall

Yes, in 2012 we both had tariffs on each other. That is not new, the list of tariffs by the US on imports is 2000 pages long.

I said the tariff war, or the trade war if you like.

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/——/ It was always a war, but now we’re fighting back hard. You should be proud. Not embarrassed. Try supporting America for a change.
What on earth does socialism have to do with a desire to be invaded by the US?
Where is the check?
/----/ You're the only one looking for a check, Dummy.
I say we leave the 5% on for a while. A long while, even if they do bargain in good faith.

If they don't, hammer them with the 10-20-25% or whatever increments Trump laid out.

But leave the 5% on semi-permanently.

When are these assholes gonna figure out -- Trump is NOT a criminal, pussy-whipped dimocrap scumbag.

He means what he says

This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

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/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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I don’t recall him saying it would be easy to win, but the war was started long ago. Trump is just joining in and playing.

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This is just clueless...

To punish Mexico, Trump is taxing Americans.
So far the Tarrifs has produced only a farmer bailout....

Trump has renegaded on deal he signed 6 months ago. This isn't some small time contractor he can squeeze. US name no means nothing, can't be trusted, good luck finding allies with that attitude.

So the Mexicans want talks. Of course they do, Trump hasn't give any actual real demands... Where are the targets? Mexico is just showing up to show they are willing to talk.

We all know the outcome here... Mexico will say they will do something and get started right away because the US is helping financially. It will take time to see this go into operation but Trump can claim success today... Mexico will do f**k all but will take US cash... Trump won't call them on it as it will make him look stupid...

Everyone is a winner except the US taxpayer... Trumpets will proclaim it a win...
/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

Sent from my iPhone using
/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

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I don’t recall him saying it would be easy to win, but the war was started long ago. Trump is just joining in and playing.

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2 Mar 2018 he tweeted that “trade wars are good, an easy to win.”

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/——-/ But you stand and cheer when Mexico does the same exact thing: Mexico imposes tariffs on $3 billion worth of US exports

You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

Sent from my iPhone using
/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

Sent from my iPhone using

I don’t recall him saying it would be easy to win, but the war was started long ago. Trump is just joining in and playing.

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2 Mar 2018 he tweeted that “trade wars are good, an easy to win.”

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/——-/ They are easy to win- not fast, but easy.
You know, those were a reaction to tariffs Trump first put on them...right?

Sent from my iPhone using
/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

Sent from my iPhone using

I don’t recall him saying it would be easy to win, but the war was started long ago. Trump is just joining in and playing.

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2 Mar 2018 he tweeted that “trade wars are good, an easy to win.”

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/——-/ They are easy to win- not fast, but easy.
Q1 2018 Trade Deficit: -$220,589.8M
Q1 2019 Trade Deficit: -$214,219.1M

So $6.4B added to our GDP in just the first quarter, while collecting an additional $3B in tariff revenue to the US Treasury.

/—-/ Yes. And when Trump placed tariffs in reaction to China’s tariffs on US goods you said.....

Trump started the tariff war.... a war he said was easy to win

Sent from my iPhone using

I don’t recall him saying it would be easy to win, but the war was started long ago. Trump is just joining in and playing.

Sent from my iPad using

2 Mar 2018 he tweeted that “trade wars are good, an easy to win.”

Sent from my iPhone using
/——-/ They are easy to win- not fast, but easy.
Q1 2018 Trade Deficit: -$220,589.8M
Q1 2019 Trade Deficit: -$214,219.1M

So $6.4B added to our GDP in just the first quarter, while collecting an additional $3B in tariff revenue to the US Treasury.

/—-/ Well, no wonder democRATs want to impeach Trump.
Art of the Deal. How much yawhanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
And the damned GOP Senate tried to undercut Trump.

A message has to be sent to Mexico according to many Americans: Polling Data:

Just 25% believe they will be good for our country, but 50% support that tariff.​

The public understands that tariffs are the right step to get Mexico's attention. Many Americans are willing to pay a bit more for their Mexican avocados in exchange for less chaos on the border.

The tariff threat appears to be getting some results, as we see in news reports.

At the same time, do not underestimate Mexican public opinion. In other words, most Mexicans do not like the caravans walking through their country either.
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
yep, right after all the dems took the money from all of the cartel members. we know, it's why there isn't any new legislation on asylum.
If true, I would love to see indictments.

SMART DIPLOMACY: Trump: Agreement reached with Mexico over Central American migrants, tariffs ‘indefinitely suspended.’
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
yep, right after all the dems took the money from all of the cartel members. we know, it's why there isn't any new legislation on asylum.
If we would just give them the raise, they wouldn't have to take the Cartel money.

Mexican president selling his ‘luxurious presidential plane’ to pay for US immigration deal.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he plans to pay for the U.S.-Mexico immigration deal by selling his presidential plane.

“About how much this plan is going to cost, let me say, we have the budget,” López Obrador said at a Wednesday press conference with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. “It would come out of what we’re going to receive from the sale of the luxurious presidential plane.”

The Mexican president said he expects the plane to sell for at least $150 million and that the country would also sell off other aircraft to pay for the deal.
Art of the Deal. How much yawanna bet Mexico will make some concessions? Don't whine after it happens.

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks:

Reeling from tariff threat, Mexico begins immigration talks in Washington

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Fighting to stave off punitive tariffs announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior Mexican delegation was set to begin high level talks on Monday in Washington, where it will be pushed to do more to hold back Central American migrants.
/----/ You mean Trump created the 5% tariff as a bargaining chip to get Mexico to cooperate? Wowza - why didn't democRATs think of this?
Do you honestly think something like that would have occurred to Obama?
They didn't start breaking down the door while Obama was in--it was after Trump came in screaming for a WALL that in a panic everyone started trying to get in before it was too late.
The last ditch effort to gain access before the freebies end?

Legal immigration.

Have fun in the sun in Mehico until Asylum is granted.

Here's a tent and a blanket.

I'll kick in the MRE's.

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